• psilwal
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I am trying to create a visualforce page for the multi-line layout for OpportunityLineItems when the user creates a new opportunity and wants to add products. When the "add products" button is clicked on opportunity creation, I want to keep the product selection page, however when the Select button is created I want to have a new visual force page where I can put custom logic and many fields that are not permitted by the restriction on multi-line layouts.


Problem is, if I over ride the "Edit all" button of opportunity product, I can bring this custom VF page up. However, I want to show this VF page when the opportunity is being created, not only when being edited.


Any input would be greatly appreciated

Is there a way to override the 'select' button the product selection page? I want to write some javascript to carry over some fields from the products records in the list that is displayed and display them in the 'Add product page' we are taken to after clicking select. 

  • October 11, 2011
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