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color on standard Tab override?
I tried to override the color of account tab but I couldnt success.
Any help would be appreciated.
<apex:page standardController="Account" showHeader="true" tabStyle="account" > <style> .activeTab {background-color: #236FBD; color:white; background-image:none} .inactiveTab { background-color: lightgrey; color:black; background-image:none} </style> </apex:page>
- SunnyShiny
- August 14, 2013
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Eclipse error while installing salesforce plugin
This is my error when i try to install plugin salesforce in eclipse >
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.update.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Using Eclipse IDE for Java EE .
(I follow this link >
because Ive got the same error, password and token cleared)
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- August 08, 2013
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pageBlockTable > three tables in relation (can i access the third one ?)
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
<apex:pageBlock title="LineOrder">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{! Opportunity.Order__r.LineOrder__r}" var="item">
<apex:column value="{! item.name}"/>
Is it possible to show LineOrders this way?
- SunnyShiny
- August 08, 2013
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Start project as integrator - how manies environments needed?
I need advice to start to implement salesforce for a client.
What are the licences suggested and how many environments should the client purchased?
I saw on technical docs two fullsanboxes, what is the advantage to have two full sandboxes and how much will cost an additional one ?
- SunnyShiny
- May 21, 2013
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Caclulate a field everyday
How can I do to calculate a field everyday with a calcul based on the today date?
- SunnyShiny
- April 23, 2013
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workbench Export all the list ?
I try to export the list from a query using https://workbench.developerforce.com/query.php#qr
When I select "Bulk CSV" I've got a message error > InvalidJob: Unable to find object: Products__r
My query contain a sub query like this >
select id, name, (select id, name from Products__r) from contact
When I run the the view as List it's working fine. Any idea why ?
- SunnyShiny
- April 18, 2013
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Workbench display datas soql > Repor
I would like to know if its possible to create a report which will display datas like in workbench when i query >
Select id, name, (select id , name from Contacts) from account.
With list of contacts inside the cell of account.
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- April 18, 2013
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DataLoader > APIversion
I try to follow this > http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Using_Data_Loader_from_the_command_line
But I dont have APIversion directory installed on my windows. Any idea ?
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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Report > formula column
How can I make a formul (in a report) a division between two fields in differents objects ?
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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Report > Dashboard with start date and end date
I need to have a dashboard allowing parameters as start and end date
once these parameters are populated I need this parameter to go down and update reports parameters which are in this dashboard. Is it possible ?
Or do I have to update all the reports present in the dashboard one by one?
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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Report > field used in a report if I need to use again same field
When I create a report and I'm using if a field, how should I do to reuse this field for another column ..?
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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Update profile license from "Salesforce Platform" to "Salesforce"
How can I change a profile license from salesforce platform to salesforce.
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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Variable does not exist
I try to run a batch throught the developer console but Ive got variable val does not exist>
String val = 'Sales';
String soqlQuery = 'Select id from Contact Where RecordType.Name =:val limit 1';
Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new BATCH_UpdateObject('Select id from Contact Where RecordType.Name in:val limit 1','Contact','',''), 10);
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- March 28, 2013
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SOQL Apex code > string
I dont know the right way to write down this
String val = 'Saler';
I tried >
String soqlQuery = 'Select id from Contact Where RecordType.Name = ' + 'Saler' + ' limit 1';
String soqlQuery = 'Select id from Contact Where RecordType.Name = ' + val + ' limit 1';
But quotes disapears, how can I do ?
- SunnyShiny
- March 28, 2013
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What would be the query to export owner of contact linked to an event
first of all thanks for your help .. im new on soql and lost after sql server.
If there is any table showing difference between sql and soql Im interested
So I ve got a list of users and I need a list of event with the id of the contact assigned to and the owner of this contact.
I've got not clue how to do that in soql and I need to export this through data loader.
SELECT Subject, OwnerId, Owner.Name, whoID, who.ownerID
FROM Event
WHERE ownerID in ('00Ua002500LIKza','00Ua002500jDKza','00Ua002500AaKzc')
Thanks a lot for your help
- SunnyShiny
- March 13, 2013
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SOQL difference event between whoID and OwnerID
I would like to understand the difference for an event object between whoID field and OwnerID field?
OwnerID is the assigned to field, what is the whoID field
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- March 13, 2013
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SOQL how to query even owner name
I tried
SELECT e.Subject, e.OwnerId, (select Name from User where id=e.OwnerId) FROM Event e where subject = 'TEST'
but it doesn't work
If I run this query below >
SELECT Subject, OwnerId, Owner.Name FROM Event where subject = 'TEST'
The Name column will show Name value as vlookup and by clicking on it I can see the name.
What if I want to see directly in my query the value, the name of the user.
- SunnyShiny
- March 13, 2013
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Report Matrice - Closed Date/Time Vs Requested Delivery Date
I need to create a Ticket matrice report with line "assigned to"
and for column difference of days between "requested delivery date" and "Closed date"
I've no idea how to make this column. I tried to have a look to "add formula"
but I can't see thus fields, do I need to first add them as column in the report?
- SunnyShiny
- February 21, 2013
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report on tickets
I need to create a report based on tickets .... initial due date and delivery date.
- SunnyShiny
- February 21, 2013
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Send a mail 20 days after an event is completed
I need to send a mail if an event is not completed and end date < Today-14days.
I dont know how to do that.
I guess I need to create an Email alert than maybe a workflow rule but how can I reach this enddate.
Is it the same as activitydate?
- SunnyShiny
- February 21, 2013
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Eclipse error while installing salesforce plugin
This is my error when i try to install plugin salesforce in eclipse >
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group
Missing requirement: Force.com IDE (com.salesforce.ide.feature.feature.group requires 'org.eclipse.update.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Using Eclipse IDE for Java EE .
(I follow this link >
because Ive got the same error, password and token cleared)
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- August 08, 2013
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pageBlockTable > three tables in relation (can i access the third one ?)
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
<apex:pageBlock title="LineOrder">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{! Opportunity.Order__r.LineOrder__r}" var="item">
<apex:column value="{! item.name}"/>
Is it possible to show LineOrders this way?
- SunnyShiny
- August 08, 2013
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Caclulate a field everyday
How can I do to calculate a field everyday with a calcul based on the today date?
- SunnyShiny
- April 23, 2013
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Update profile license from "Salesforce Platform" to "Salesforce"
How can I change a profile license from salesforce platform to salesforce.
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- April 11, 2013
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What would be the query to export owner of contact linked to an event
first of all thanks for your help .. im new on soql and lost after sql server.
If there is any table showing difference between sql and soql Im interested
So I ve got a list of users and I need a list of event with the id of the contact assigned to and the owner of this contact.
I've got not clue how to do that in soql and I need to export this through data loader.
SELECT Subject, OwnerId, Owner.Name, whoID, who.ownerID
FROM Event
WHERE ownerID in ('00Ua002500LIKza','00Ua002500jDKza','00Ua002500AaKzc')
Thanks a lot for your help
- SunnyShiny
- March 13, 2013
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SOQL how to query even owner name
I tried
SELECT e.Subject, e.OwnerId, (select Name from User where id=e.OwnerId) FROM Event e where subject = 'TEST'
but it doesn't work
If I run this query below >
SELECT Subject, OwnerId, Owner.Name FROM Event where subject = 'TEST'
The Name column will show Name value as vlookup and by clicking on it I can see the name.
What if I want to see directly in my query the value, the name of the user.
- SunnyShiny
- March 13, 2013
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Report Matrice - Closed Date/Time Vs Requested Delivery Date
I need to create a Ticket matrice report with line "assigned to"
and for column difference of days between "requested delivery date" and "Closed date"
I've no idea how to make this column. I tried to have a look to "add formula"
but I can't see thus fields, do I need to first add them as column in the report?
- SunnyShiny
- February 21, 2013
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Send a mail 20 days after an event is completed
I need to send a mail if an event is not completed and end date < Today-14days.
I dont know how to do that.
I guess I need to create an Email alert than maybe a workflow rule but how can I reach this enddate.
Is it the same as activitydate?
- SunnyShiny
- February 21, 2013
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Deactivated user what happen to other records owned by him
What happen to records like event, contacts owned by an user which is deactivated?
- SunnyShiny
- February 15, 2013
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List.add = initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Object__c>
I try to add values in a list already populated... is it possible ?
List<Object__c> p = [Select id,RecordTypeId
from Object__c
where PrincipalClient__c IN :ClientIds];
p.add = [Select id,RecordTypeId
From Object__c p
where id in (select Object__c from RelatedClient__c where Related_ClientField__c IN :ClientIds)
BUTI've got an error > Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject
Thing is my PrincipalClient__c field is a lookup in ma Object table.
And Related_clientField__c field is a Master-Detail(Object) in the RelatedClient__c table.
I tried to do just one query like below but I've got an error because >>
List<PatientProfile__c> p = [Select id,RecordTypeId
from Object__c
where (PrincipalClient__c IN :ClientIds)
OR (id in (select Object__c from RelatedClient__c where Related_ClientField__c IN :ClientIds) )];
Semi join sub-selects are not allowed with the 'OR' operator
Thanks for your help.
- SunnyShiny
- January 21, 2013
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trigger List select where IN Trigger.newMap.KetSet() not a key a different field
I'm creating a trigger.
I need to male a list with a where condition pointing on a field of the object not the id.
Let s image
Object patient and objectB
objectB (id, name, patientid)
So >>
Trigger myTrigger on objectB (,,,,,)
List <Patient> p = [select id, name from patient
Where in IN :Trigger.newMap.KetSet()]; // but here i need ObjectB.patientid set
Thanks for your help
- SunnyShiny
- January 15, 2013
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How to write Apex Batch classes.
Hi all,
I am newbie to apex Batch classes. I need to understand how Apex batches execute(the process).
I know how to write apex classes and trigeers. but totally confused in following Apex batch code. Kindly give me some tips/knowledge/information on how easily I can write apex batches.
- global class Beautification's implements Database.Batchable<sObject>{
- global final String Query;
- global final String Entity;
- global final String Field;
- global final String Value;
- global UpdateAccountFields(String q, String e, String f, String v){
- Query=q; Entity=e; Field=f;Value=v;
- }
- global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
- return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
- }
- global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,
- List<sObject> scope){
- for(Sobject s : scope){s.put(Field,Value);
- } update scope;
- }
- global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
- }
- }
The following code can be used to call the above class:
1. Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new UpdateInvoiceFields(q,e,f,v), 5);
I am little confused of the following lines:
1. ""query","entity","field","value"" declared as variable and at 7th line why it is assigned to q,e,f,v.
2. return Database.getQueryLocator(query)...?
3. [List<sObject> scope) { for(Sobject s : scope){s.put(Field,Value);]..in line 13,14.
Can't we use directly Account,lead,contact or any custom object. Like this:[ List<account>scope { for(account a:scope...].
4. Id batchInstanceId = Database.executeBatch(new UpdateInvoiceFields(q,e,f,v), 5);
can please explain line by line.
thank you in advance.
any kind of explanation/suggestions/information is highly appriciated.
- sales4s.com
- April 20, 2012
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