• SeanO
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We have 2 fields populating from a third party system

tour_date__c and tour_time__c

at the moment the tour_time__c field is a picklist for reporting purposes but it doesnt have to beit can be text if need be.  

I want to combine the tour_date__c and tour_time__c field into one "tour_date_time__c" field either with a formula field or with a field update.  Field Update would be better but either would work.

tour_time__c = 10:00 PM
tour_date__c = 7/4/2015

Formual or Field Update 
tour_date_time__c = 7/4/2015 10:100 PM.

I also am in PST (GMT - 7) which i think matters

Let me know if you have any questions and thank in advance for any help


I am trying to write a simple wokrflow formual 

I have a text field called subject and I want the formual to evalate to true if the text field has any of these three text values.
Presentation/Demo Given
Conversation Started
Set Appointment for Presentation

Then I am doing a field update to a date field.

The issue I am having is when the field reads "Presentation/Demo Given" and then changes to "Conversation Started" or any combination it is updateding the date field with todays date.  

I want it only to update that filed if "created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria" so, if the value if that field swiches beteween any of those three values I want the field up date to do nothing which I have selcted.  Here is what I have so far

OR( Subject__c ="Conversation Started",Subject__c="Presentation/Demo Given",Subject__c="Set Appointment for Presentation")

Thanks in advance for your help


I am trying write a formual that uses if and AND statments.  the logic I am trying to write is

IF(RFP_Flight_Date__c > today (), ( Days_Remaining_in_RFP_Flight_This_Month__c * Estimated_Daily_Revenue__c ),IF(RFP_Flight_Date__c <= Today AND (Days_Remaining_in_the_Month__c  >  Days_Remaining_in_RFP_Flight__c),THEN (Estimated_Daily_Revenue__c * Days_Remaining_in_RFP_Flight__c),IF(RFP_Flight_Date__c <= Today AND (Days_Remaining_in_the_Month__c  < Days_Remaining_in_RFP_Flight__c),THEN(Estimated_Daily_Revenue__c * Days_Remaining_in_the_Month__c ),Otherwise 0

That is the logic I am trying to solve.  I just dont know how to write it so the AND statment is inside the IF statement.

Let me know if you have any questions

Thanks in advance



We run advertising campagins and sometimes they get paused.  I am trying create a field that tells me how many days a campagin has been Paused

So I created 2 fields

"Pause Date" and "Un-Pause Date"

I created Workflows that when the Stage changes to Paused it puts todays date in the "Paused" Field and when its Unpaused it puts today's Date in the "Unpaused" Field.  

I then Created a Formula Field "Days Paused" which subtracts the Unpaused Date from the Paused Date.  This all works perfectly.


My Problem is what happens if it gets paused more then once.  How do I keep adding to the "Days Paused" field because the pause date and unpause date fields will be changeing as things get paused and unpaused