• Aruna@developerforce
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i have created 3 tabs and i have previous and next  links on bottom of the page .  so when next link is clicked next tab should be opened in the same way previous link is clicked previous tab has to be opened . 

Hello all,


Is it at all possible to create a VF page to display the Dashboards Tab?  The reason I ask that some of our users want to display all of their dashboards on their home page - so I thought I'd create a VF page to be displayed as their home page and populate it with the data from their dashboard tab.


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!




Jon Moore



I have been following the Apex Workbook (which is awesome btw) and I have been developing some very basic visualforce pages (as given in the book).


But to access my visualforce page everytime I have to type in




Is there a way by which I can call this page from a custom button may be ?



  • April 12, 2013
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I'm using Talend OpenStudio for Data Integration to integrate Salesforce and trying to insert a new record in Contacts (just one column to start with, i.e; Name) and getting following Error Message:


Unable to create/update fields: CreatedById, CreatedDate, IsDeleted. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.


Please let me know what is going wrong???



I know this is pretty basic but I am really confused. What exactly is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous test executions? Do test classes run in parallel in both? Why is that the test executions are asynchronous when run from UI but synchronous when deploying to production?





when we accessing webswervises in service request organization we need sessionid?

so can any body give idea of why we are accessing sessionid?
what is the use?
even to accesses other salesforce organization data we need session id?

when it will expired?
when it will change the sessionid exactly?