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Hi, I have recently started using Apex triggers with little knowledge of Java before hand and brief history of using visual basic to a moderate level.


I am trying to create an Apex trigger to fire when a contract is coming up to expire (I have created a workflow that sets a custom checkbox on contracts to flag it as expiring and am planning to fire it from this). So far I have come up with this, any help would be most appreciated:



trigger CreateNewOpp on Contract (after update, after insert) {

If (Contract.Contract_Renewal__c = true) {
List <Opportunity> OpportunityToInsert = new List <opportunity> ;
If (Contract.Contract_Renewal__c = true) {
For (Contract C : Trigger.new) {
Opportunity O = new Opportunity () ;
o.accountID = c.accountID ;
o.name = c.name && ' - Renewal' ;
o.ownerid = c.ownerid ;
o.stagename = 'Prospecting' ;
o.closedate = c.Expiration_Of_Contract__c + '365' ;
OpportunityToInstert.add (o) ;

try {
insert OpportunityToInseret;
} catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
system.debug (e);

  • April 25, 2013
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Who has experience with this app? I am using it to sychronize opportunity product custom fields with quote item custom fields. It works fine however I as soon as the custom fields work with default values, validation rules, workflows I get error messages...  Can anybody help? - Thanks in advance. Reto