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Engineer an Integration solution
Hi and thanks for any help in advance.
Current situation.
Integration is done manually. The process takes me about 1.5 hours each night and we want to automate. The external system is in the process of writing us a Rest API. I need help to engineer a solution. I don’t have much of a budget.
Step 1: Export csv files ( 3 different files. 2 files are around 1k. 3rd files are about 50k records)
Step 2: Clean up the files
Step 3: Import into SF
Step 4: Update Dashboards
What we would like:
Automate this as much as possible. I would like to push a button and have the web service do the work. I can have them clean up the data on their end, so that will remove a step.
IS that possible?
Is it through a Apex, through a web service?
Any ideas will be helpful.
Current situation.
Integration is done manually. The process takes me about 1.5 hours each night and we want to automate. The external system is in the process of writing us a Rest API. I need help to engineer a solution. I don’t have much of a budget.
Step 1: Export csv files ( 3 different files. 2 files are around 1k. 3rd files are about 50k records)
Step 2: Clean up the files
Step 3: Import into SF
Step 4: Update Dashboards
What we would like:
Automate this as much as possible. I would like to push a button and have the web service do the work. I can have them clean up the data on their end, so that will remove a step.
IS that possible?
Is it through a Apex, through a web service?
Any ideas will be helpful.
- Eric Blaxton
- December 11, 2017
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Process builder and Trigger firing out of sequence
Hi and thanks for your help in advance.
I am having what appears to be an Order of Sequence violation.
I am having what appears to be an Order of Sequence violation.
- This error happens intermittently and never happens when testing. Based on the Order of Execution it shouldn’t be happening.
- User enters a Registration Request
- Enters in required fields
- Hits save
- Before insert trigger which checks for duplicate records
- If duplicate found there should be an error message thrown. (happens frequently)
- Process builder which: (here is where I sometimes get the “Field Custom Validation Exception”)
- Looks for logged in user
- Looks for Account Team member of logged in user
- Assigns team member to variable x
- Writes x to Registration Request Record
- Saves original record
- Creates another record
- Eric Blaxton
- September 26, 2017
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Integrate VBS 7.0 and Salesforce
Hi and thanks in advance.
We use VBS 7.0, for our Financial data. I have to run manual exports from this system, clean it up with VBA code and then import into SF.
Does anyone have ideas to get all this data via API calls?
I've been unsuccessful so far.
We use VBS 7.0, for our Financial data. I have to run manual exports from this system, clean it up with VBA code and then import into SF.
Does anyone have ideas to get all this data via API calls?
I've been unsuccessful so far.
- Eric Blaxton
- June 28, 2017
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Populate a picklist on Quote object from Custom Address object
Hi and thanks in advance.
I created a Custom Address object and made it a Child to the Account object. The idea is to allow for multiple Account addresses.
I then created a custom picklist field on the Quote object, which shows the Addresses. The problem is I cannot limit the addresses to show only the Quote -> Account addresses. It lists all Addresses.
1. Is there a way to filter all other addresses and show only the Quote Account address
2. Is there a way to programmatically populate the Quote -> Address picklist with Addreses from the Adress object, specific to that account?
I created a Custom Address object and made it a Child to the Account object. The idea is to allow for multiple Account addresses.
I then created a custom picklist field on the Quote object, which shows the Addresses. The problem is I cannot limit the addresses to show only the Quote -> Account addresses. It lists all Addresses.
1. Is there a way to filter all other addresses and show only the Quote Account address
2. Is there a way to programmatically populate the Quote -> Address picklist with Addreses from the Adress object, specific to that account?
- Eric Blaxton
- June 28, 2017
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Reporting on GeoLocation
Hello and thanks in advance.
I want to report on Accounts within certain miles of a big city. Let's say Accounts within 50 miles of Dallas. What i did was set up geolocation fields, then i was able to run SOQL queries on Workbench. The problem now is being able to export to Excel or some other format.
Any ideas or suggestions?
I want to report on Accounts within certain miles of a big city. Let's say Accounts within 50 miles of Dallas. What i did was set up geolocation fields, then i was able to run SOQL queries on Workbench. The problem now is being able to export to Excel or some other format.
Any ideas or suggestions?
- Eric Blaxton
- June 05, 2017
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help to improve code coverage
I have several trigger and a several tests written. The code coverage is good, 77% and higher per test, but I want to get them higher. The tests don't cover my .addError code. the 2 lines not covered are in bold.
My trigger:
trigger stopDuplicateRegRequest on Registration_Requests__c (before insert) {
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c>();
// Notes: I don't need this to check before update. If they update an existing Trigger then it doesn't create a new Reg Req and Reg so no reason for it.
for (Registration_Requests__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration Request pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist
//fields are Account, Product and Status != 'Closed'
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c, Registration_Status__c, Duplicate_Registration__c FROM Registration__c])
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Registration_Status__c != 'Closed' && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists for this Account. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
}// end If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
}// end for (Registration__c reg
} // end for (Registration_Requests__c
} // end trigger
My Test:
private class TestStopDupsonRR {
static testMethod void testPreventDuplicateRegistration() {
// Try to insert duplicate Registration Request
Registration_Requests__c regReq = new Registration_Requests__c(Account__c='001U000000hWgX5',
Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c='005U0000000Tusv', Manufacturer_Name__c = '00NU00000038wXh', Product__c = '01tU0000001JToC', Status__c = 'In Progress', Location__c = 'Test');
insert regReq;
// Seed the database with some Regisrations and make sure they can be bulk inserted successfully.
Registration__c reg = new Registration__c(Account__c='001U000000hWgX5', Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c='005U0000000Tusv',
Product__c = '01tU0000001Jo10', Manufacturer_Name__c = '00NU00000038wXh', Location__c = 'Test', Registration_Status__c = 'Closed');
//Registration__c[] regs = new Registration__c[] {r1};
Try {
insert reg;
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Registration_Status__c != 'Closed' && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists for this Account. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
// break;
}// end If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
} //end try
catch (ListException e){
}// end catch
My trigger:
trigger stopDuplicateRegRequest on Registration_Requests__c (before insert) {
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c>();
// Notes: I don't need this to check before update. If they update an existing Trigger then it doesn't create a new Reg Req and Reg so no reason for it.
for (Registration_Requests__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration Request pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist
//fields are Account, Product and Status != 'Closed'
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c, Registration_Status__c, Duplicate_Registration__c FROM Registration__c])
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Registration_Status__c != 'Closed' && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists for this Account. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
}// end If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
}// end for (Registration__c reg
} // end for (Registration_Requests__c
} // end trigger
My Test:
private class TestStopDupsonRR {
static testMethod void testPreventDuplicateRegistration() {
// Try to insert duplicate Registration Request
Registration_Requests__c regReq = new Registration_Requests__c(Account__c='001U000000hWgX5',
Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c='005U0000000Tusv', Manufacturer_Name__c = '00NU00000038wXh', Product__c = '01tU0000001JToC', Status__c = 'In Progress', Location__c = 'Test');
insert regReq;
// Seed the database with some Regisrations and make sure they can be bulk inserted successfully.
Registration__c reg = new Registration__c(Account__c='001U000000hWgX5', Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c='005U0000000Tusv',
Product__c = '01tU0000001Jo10', Manufacturer_Name__c = '00NU00000038wXh', Location__c = 'Test', Registration_Status__c = 'Closed');
//Registration__c[] regs = new Registration__c[] {r1};
Try {
insert reg;
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Registration_Status__c != 'Closed' && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists for this Account. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
// break;
}// end If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
} //end try
catch (ListException e){
}// end catch
- Eric Blaxton
- June 01, 2017
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Help to increase test coverage
Hi and thanks in advance.
I have several trigger and a several tests written. The code coverage is good, 77% and higher per test, but I want to get them higher. The tests don't cover my .addError code. the 2 lines not covered are in bold.
My trigger:
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
//Create list to store data in
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
for(Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new)
{ // store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where id In : AccountidLst]);
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (accountMap.get(opp.AccountId).Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
My test:
public class testCheckAccountCreditStatusisRejected{
static testMethod void checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected () {
// create mock user
User mockUser = new User(alias = 'newUser', email='newuser@pbsnow.com',
emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='Testing',
languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = UserInfo.getProfileId(),
timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles', CommunityNickname='test1', username='testAddDefaultTeam@pbsnow.com');
insert mockUser;
//Define list
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
//create Account and Opportunity to add default team member
Account acc = new Account ( Name = 'testAccount', BillingStreet = '123 Main Street', BillingCity = 'Dallas' ,
BILLINGCOUNTRYCODE='US', BillingStateCode = 'TX', Industry = 'Healthcare', Company__c = 'Pinnacle Business Systems', BillingPostalCode = '75749' );
insert acc;
// store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where Name = 'testAccount']);
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name = 'testOpportunity', Account = acc,/* ToBeSync__c = false,*/ StageName ='Prospecting', Is_this_a_Maintenance_Renewal_Op__c = 'No',Description = 'Test', CloseDate = Date.today(),
OwnerId = mockUser.id);
insert opp;
if (accountMap.get('001J000001DYN5I').Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end try
catch (ListException e) {
}// end public class
I have several trigger and a several tests written. The code coverage is good, 77% and higher per test, but I want to get them higher. The tests don't cover my .addError code. the 2 lines not covered are in bold.
My trigger:
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
//Create list to store data in
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
for(Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new)
{ // store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where id In : AccountidLst]);
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (accountMap.get(opp.AccountId).Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
My test:
public class testCheckAccountCreditStatusisRejected{
static testMethod void checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected () {
// create mock user
User mockUser = new User(alias = 'newUser', email='newuser@pbsnow.com',
emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='Testing',
languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = UserInfo.getProfileId(),
timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles', CommunityNickname='test1', username='testAddDefaultTeam@pbsnow.com');
insert mockUser;
//Define list
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
//create Account and Opportunity to add default team member
Account acc = new Account ( Name = 'testAccount', BillingStreet = '123 Main Street', BillingCity = 'Dallas' ,
BILLINGCOUNTRYCODE='US', BillingStateCode = 'TX', Industry = 'Healthcare', Company__c = 'Pinnacle Business Systems', BillingPostalCode = '75749' );
insert acc;
// store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where Name = 'testAccount']);
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name = 'testOpportunity', Account = acc,/* ToBeSync__c = false,*/ StageName ='Prospecting', Is_this_a_Maintenance_Renewal_Op__c = 'No',Description = 'Test', CloseDate = Date.today(),
OwnerId = mockUser.id);
insert opp;
if (accountMap.get('001J000001DYN5I').Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end try
catch (ListException e) {
}// end public class
- Eric Blaxton
- June 01, 2017
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How do I update a related field using Process and Flow...My flow doesn't work...Flow is included here.
Thanks for your help in Advance.
We have the following Custom objects:
1. VBS Sales Order
2. Invoice
For instance: 13478-1, 13478-2, and they are related to S0# 1
I import the Sales Orders and Invoices nightly. I currently link the Invoice and Sales Orders together based on code I wrote for the batch file.
My boss wants to see the Invoice totals (Revenue, Margin) on the Opportunity. In this instance, we would show the totals for all invoices based on the related Sales Oder #. For example, 13478-1, 13478-2, etc
How can I get the Invoice totals onto the opportunity based on the Related Sales Order #.
All suggestions are welcomed. This is an inherited system.
I have 2 Custom objects (Invoice and VBS_Sales Order) related through Lookup field. I want to be able to lookup all Invoices tied to a Sales Order.
Process – I pass in the VBS id to a variable (VBSID). The process starts
We have the following Custom objects:
1. VBS Sales Order
2. Invoice
- Lookup related Sales Order via Lookup field
For instance: 13478-1, 13478-2, and they are related to S0# 1
I import the Sales Orders and Invoices nightly. I currently link the Invoice and Sales Orders together based on code I wrote for the batch file.
My boss wants to see the Invoice totals (Revenue, Margin) on the Opportunity. In this instance, we would show the totals for all invoices based on the related Sales Oder #. For example, 13478-1, 13478-2, etc
How can I get the Invoice totals onto the opportunity based on the Related Sales Order #.
All suggestions are welcomed. This is an inherited system.
I have 2 Custom objects (Invoice and VBS_Sales Order) related through Lookup field. I want to be able to lookup all Invoices tied to a Sales Order.
Process – I pass in the VBS id to a variable (VBSID). The process starts
- Eric Blaxton
- October 25, 2016
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When is the default Opportunity team added to the Opportunity
I am wanting to use a process / flow when a New Op is created:
1. looks up the current user's default opp team whose member role equals 'Primary SE'
2. populates a custom field on the op with that user
I can get most of it with my current process/flow, but there seems to be an issue. The issue being that no matter who I login as, the name is being populated with my 'Primary SE'.
1. Do I need to be looking up the current user id or is the op id sufficient?
2. When is the default op team assigned to an op? At creation or when the record is saved?
1. looks up the current user's default opp team whose member role equals 'Primary SE'
2. populates a custom field on the op with that user
I can get most of it with my current process/flow, but there seems to be an issue. The issue being that no matter who I login as, the name is being populated with my 'Primary SE'.
1. Do I need to be looking up the current user id or is the op id sufficient?
2. When is the default op team assigned to an op? At creation or when the record is saved?
- Eric Blaxton
- September 17, 2015
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Pass current Opportunity ID into Flow variable
Good morning and thanks in advance,
Requirement is when a new opportunity is created:
1.Lookup an Opportunity Team Member name whose role equals "Primary SE"
2.Copy that name into a custom field on the opportunity. Field name is "SE"
I was told to use a Process to trigger a Flow where most of the logic willl be placed.
One question so far:
1. How to pass the current op id into the flow, so the flow knows which op to update
Requirement is when a new opportunity is created:
1.Lookup an Opportunity Team Member name whose role equals "Primary SE"
2.Copy that name into a custom field on the opportunity. Field name is "SE"
I was told to use a Process to trigger a Flow where most of the logic willl be placed.
One question so far:
1. How to pass the current op id into the flow, so the flow knows which op to update
- Eric Blaxton
- September 15, 2015
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How do I add a Summary Rollup field on Account from Custom Object (Invoice)
Goal : Add a Rollup Summary field on the Account that shows the Total of Invoices (Custom field)
I would like to use Apex code if possible.
Thanks for advice, tips and comments
I would like to use Apex code if possible.
Thanks for advice, tips and comments
- Eric Blaxton
- July 30, 2014
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Trigger to create task and assign to related user during quote approval process
Hi and thanks in advance.
Requirement: I need tips on a trigger to create a task and assign it to a related user on the Quote object. It should happen when a quote enters the intial submittal.
Has anyone done this using Apex or vf?
Requirement: I need tips on a trigger to create a task and assign it to a related user on the Quote object. It should happen when a quote enters the intial submittal.
Has anyone done this using Apex or vf?
- Eric Blaxton
- June 03, 2014
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How do I typecast Lookup(user) value to a picklist
Hi and thanks in advance.
Problem: I have a custom object that uses a Lookup (user) field. I need this field in order to email a related user. The problem is this field does not show up on reports. So I created a picklist intending to populate the field from the Lookup, when either created or edited.
How do I typecast or convert the value of a Lookup field to a picklist value. Here is my trigger:
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c; // Inside_Sales_Rep__c = Picklist / Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = Lookup
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c;
}//end for
//try {
insert newRegistration;
// }
// catch (DmlException e) {
//System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// System.('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// }
}//end trigger
Problem: I have a custom object that uses a Lookup (user) field. I need this field in order to email a related user. The problem is this field does not show up on reports. So I created a picklist intending to populate the field from the Lookup, when either created or edited.
How do I typecast or convert the value of a Lookup field to a picklist value. Here is my trigger:
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c; // Inside_Sales_Rep__c = Picklist / Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = Lookup
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c;
}//end for
//try {
insert newRegistration;
// }
// catch (DmlException e) {
//System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// System.('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// }
}//end trigger
- Eric Blaxton
- May 26, 2014
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Duplicate Account workflow and validation rule
Hi and thanks for your replies.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
- Eric Blaxton
- April 24, 2014
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Mobile quote app that integrates with salesforce
Hi and thank you for your time.
My company wants to utilize Salesforce1, but not without the ability to produce quotes on the mobile app.
We also have lots a Quote approval process to think about.
Does anyone know of a good mobile quote app for salesforce1?
My company wants to utilize Salesforce1, but not without the ability to produce quotes on the mobile app.
We also have lots a Quote approval process to think about.
Does anyone know of a good mobile quote app for salesforce1?
- Eric Blaxton
- April 24, 2014
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Apex Cross Object Trigger help...
Hi and thanks in advance...
Requirement: Before inserting New Opportunity check Account.Credit_Status__C (custom field). If it doesn't meet requirements pop-up message. If this is not the way it's done feel free to offer ideas.
Here is the code
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (opp.AccountId.Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('A new Opportunity cannot be created on account where Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
Requirement: Before inserting New Opportunity check Account.Credit_Status__C (custom field). If it doesn't meet requirements pop-up message. If this is not the way it's done feel free to offer ideas.
Here is the code
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (opp.AccountId.Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('A new Opportunity cannot be created on account where Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
- Eric Blaxton
- January 30, 2014
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VisualForce Showing Related list...how to hide custom buttons
I am so close...yet so far away. I have a related list that I want to be editable with the action column and buttons working etc.
I created a VF page that shows this same related list on another object. On this view, I want to hide the action columns, successful, and I want to hide the new buttons, not successful. IS there a way to hide the command buttons easily?
Here is my code:
<apex:page standardController="Account" >
<apex:relatedList list="Registrations__r" pageSize="10" />
<style type="text/css">
.actionColumn {display:none; visibility:hidden}
.label {display:none; visibility:hidden}
I created a VF page that shows this same related list on another object. On this view, I want to hide the action columns, successful, and I want to hide the new buttons, not successful. IS there a way to hide the command buttons easily?
Here is my code:
<apex:page standardController="Account" >
<apex:relatedList list="Registrations__r" pageSize="10" />
<style type="text/css">
.actionColumn {display:none; visibility:hidden}
.label {display:none; visibility:hidden}
- Eric Blaxton
- January 24, 2014
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VF Related List Question....
I created a Related List X that I show on the Account. I created a VF page that shows Related List X on the Opportunity. Related list is not related to the opportunity at all.
Now the hard part is removing or disabling the buttons on Related list X that shows on the Opportunity without disabling them on the Related List at the Account Level.
Now the hard part is removing or disabling the buttons on Related list X that shows on the Opportunity without disabling them on the Related List at the Account Level.
- Eric Blaxton
- January 22, 2014
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Update fields on a custom object...Can I write a stored procedure in APEX?
Requirement: Loop through custom object and change the Owner field to match the value in the Sales Rep field.
What is the best way to accomplish this in APEX? I have done this in Oracle by writing an update statement, but not in APEX.
What is the best way to accomplish this in APEX? I have done this in Oracle by writing an update statement, but not in APEX.
- Eric Blaxton
- January 07, 2014
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How do I stop processing of After Insert Trigger if error found in Before Insert Trigger
Hi and thanks for your help.
I have 2 custom objects:
• Registrations
• Registration Requests
The Problem: When the Registration Request Before Insert Trigger catches a duplicate it doesn’t stop the After Insert Trigger from running. What is the best way to stop the processing of the After Insert Trigger if the error message is thrown in the Before Insert Trigger?
Registrations Object has this trigger to stop duplicates from being entered and a way to bypass it if decided:
trigger stopDupsonRegistrations on Registration__c (before insert) {
Map<String, Registration__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration__c>();
Map<String, Registration__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration__c> regMap3 = new Map<Boolean, Registration__c>();
for (Registration__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist //fields are Account, Product
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c,Manufacturer__c, Registration_Status__c FROM Registration__c]) {
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && regReq.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c ) {
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox' + ' and fill out the Location field');
}// end regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
} //end for (Registration__c reg :
} // for (Registration__c regReq
}// end trigger
Registration Request object has 2 triggers Before insert and After insert
The before insert is: This checks to see if a duplicate record exists and if so throw a message.
trigger stopDuplicateRegRequest on Registration_Requests__c (before insert, before update) {
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration Request pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist
//fields are Account, Product
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c, Registration_Status__c, Duplicate_Registration__c FROM Registration__c])
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
regReq.StopInsert__c = True;
}// end if
} //end for (Registration__c reg
}//for (Registration_Requests__c
}//end trigger
The after trigger is: It is just a simple record creation.
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Account__c = reg.Account__c;
newReg.Opportunity__c = reg.Opportunity_Name__c;
newReg.Product__c = reg.Product__c;
newReg.Manufacturer_Name__c = reg.Manufacturer_Name__c;
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c;
newReg.Location__c = reg.Location__c;
newReg.Duplicate_Registration__c = reg.Duplicate_Registration__c;
newReg.Registration_Request_URL__c = 'https://na12.salesforce.com/' + reg.ID;
}//end for
insert newRegistration;
}//end trigger
I have 2 custom objects:
• Registrations
• Registration Requests
The Problem: When the Registration Request Before Insert Trigger catches a duplicate it doesn’t stop the After Insert Trigger from running. What is the best way to stop the processing of the After Insert Trigger if the error message is thrown in the Before Insert Trigger?
Registrations Object has this trigger to stop duplicates from being entered and a way to bypass it if decided:
trigger stopDupsonRegistrations on Registration__c (before insert) {
Map<String, Registration__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration__c>();
Map<String, Registration__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration__c> regMap3 = new Map<Boolean, Registration__c>();
for (Registration__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist //fields are Account, Product
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c,Manufacturer__c, Registration_Status__c FROM Registration__c]) {
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && regReq.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c ) {
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox' + ' and fill out the Location field');
}// end regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c
} //end for (Registration__c reg :
} // for (Registration__c regReq
}// end trigger
Registration Request object has 2 triggers Before insert and After insert
The before insert is: This checks to see if a duplicate record exists and if so throw a message.
trigger stopDuplicateRegRequest on Registration_Requests__c (before insert, before update) {
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<String, Registration_Requests__c> regMap1 = new Map<String, Registration_Requests__c>();
Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c> regMap2 = new Map<Boolean, Registration_Requests__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c regReq : System.Trigger.new) {
// store registration Request pertinent values
regmap.put(regReq.Account__c, regReq);
//Loop through and make sure no duplicates exist
//fields are Account, Product
for (Registration__c reg : [SELECT Account__c,Product__c, Registration_Status__c, Duplicate_Registration__c FROM Registration__c])
If (regReq.Duplicate_Registration__c == False && reg.Account__c == regReq.Account__c && reg.Product__c == regReq.Product__c )
regReq.addError('Registration for this Product already exists. If you want to enter it anyway, check the "Account has multiple locations" checkbox'
+ ' and fill out the Location field');
regReq.StopInsert__c = True;
}// end if
} //end for (Registration__c reg
}//for (Registration_Requests__c
}//end trigger
The after trigger is: It is just a simple record creation.
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Account__c = reg.Account__c;
newReg.Opportunity__c = reg.Opportunity_Name__c;
newReg.Product__c = reg.Product__c;
newReg.Manufacturer_Name__c = reg.Manufacturer_Name__c;
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c;
newReg.Location__c = reg.Location__c;
newReg.Duplicate_Registration__c = reg.Duplicate_Registration__c;
newReg.Registration_Request_URL__c = 'https://na12.salesforce.com/' + reg.ID;
}//end for
insert newRegistration;
}//end trigger
- Eric Blaxton
- December 31, 2014
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Duplicate Account workflow and validation rule
Hi and thanks for your replies.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
- Eric Blaxton
- April 24, 2014
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the validation button for challenges is not responding
I have a problem with challenge validation (Hands On and Quizz) when I press the button, I have the three dots, the button is deactivated but nothing happens. After five minutes or so, the button is reactived but no validation or errors...
Could you help me please ?
I have a problem with challenge validation (Hands On and Quizz) when I press the button, I have the three dots, the button is deactivated but nothing happens. After five minutes or so, the button is reactived but no validation or errors...
Could you help me please ?
- Pierre-Yves MORA 5
- January 31, 2018
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Process builder and Trigger firing out of sequence
Hi and thanks for your help in advance.
I am having what appears to be an Order of Sequence violation.
I am having what appears to be an Order of Sequence violation.
- This error happens intermittently and never happens when testing. Based on the Order of Execution it shouldn’t be happening.
- User enters a Registration Request
- Enters in required fields
- Hits save
- Before insert trigger which checks for duplicate records
- If duplicate found there should be an error message thrown. (happens frequently)
- Process builder which: (here is where I sometimes get the “Field Custom Validation Exception”)
- Looks for logged in user
- Looks for Account Team member of logged in user
- Assigns team member to variable x
- Writes x to Registration Request Record
- Saves original record
- Creates another record
- Eric Blaxton
- September 26, 2017
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Reporting on GeoLocation
Hello and thanks in advance.
I want to report on Accounts within certain miles of a big city. Let's say Accounts within 50 miles of Dallas. What i did was set up geolocation fields, then i was able to run SOQL queries on Workbench. The problem now is being able to export to Excel or some other format.
Any ideas or suggestions?
I want to report on Accounts within certain miles of a big city. Let's say Accounts within 50 miles of Dallas. What i did was set up geolocation fields, then i was able to run SOQL queries on Workbench. The problem now is being able to export to Excel or some other format.
Any ideas or suggestions?
- Eric Blaxton
- June 05, 2017
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Help to increase test coverage
Hi and thanks in advance.
I have several trigger and a several tests written. The code coverage is good, 77% and higher per test, but I want to get them higher. The tests don't cover my .addError code. the 2 lines not covered are in bold.
My trigger:
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
//Create list to store data in
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
for(Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new)
{ // store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where id In : AccountidLst]);
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (accountMap.get(opp.AccountId).Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
My test:
public class testCheckAccountCreditStatusisRejected{
static testMethod void checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected () {
// create mock user
User mockUser = new User(alias = 'newUser', email='newuser@pbsnow.com',
emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='Testing',
languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = UserInfo.getProfileId(),
timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles', CommunityNickname='test1', username='testAddDefaultTeam@pbsnow.com');
insert mockUser;
//Define list
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
//create Account and Opportunity to add default team member
Account acc = new Account ( Name = 'testAccount', BillingStreet = '123 Main Street', BillingCity = 'Dallas' ,
BILLINGCOUNTRYCODE='US', BillingStateCode = 'TX', Industry = 'Healthcare', Company__c = 'Pinnacle Business Systems', BillingPostalCode = '75749' );
insert acc;
// store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where Name = 'testAccount']);
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name = 'testOpportunity', Account = acc,/* ToBeSync__c = false,*/ StageName ='Prospecting', Is_this_a_Maintenance_Renewal_Op__c = 'No',Description = 'Test', CloseDate = Date.today(),
OwnerId = mockUser.id);
insert opp;
if (accountMap.get('001J000001DYN5I').Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end try
catch (ListException e) {
}// end public class
I have several trigger and a several tests written. The code coverage is good, 77% and higher per test, but I want to get them higher. The tests don't cover my .addError code. the 2 lines not covered are in bold.
My trigger:
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
//Create list to store data in
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
for(Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new)
{ // store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where id In : AccountidLst]);
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (accountMap.get(opp.AccountId).Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
My test:
public class testCheckAccountCreditStatusisRejected{
static testMethod void checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected () {
// create mock user
User mockUser = new User(alias = 'newUser', email='newuser@pbsnow.com',
emailencodingkey='UTF-8', lastname='Testing',
languagelocalekey='en_US', localesidkey='en_US', profileid = UserInfo.getProfileId(),
timezonesidkey='America/Los_Angeles', CommunityNickname='test1', username='testAddDefaultTeam@pbsnow.com');
insert mockUser;
//Define list
list<id>AccountidLst=new list<id>();
//create Account and Opportunity to add default team member
Account acc = new Account ( Name = 'testAccount', BillingStreet = '123 Main Street', BillingCity = 'Dallas' ,
BILLINGCOUNTRYCODE='US', BillingStateCode = 'TX', Industry = 'Healthcare', Company__c = 'Pinnacle Business Systems', BillingPostalCode = '75749' );
insert acc;
// store all Opportunity Account Id's
// Create map that stores the id and credit status of Active Opportunity Account
map<id,account>accountMap=new map<id,account>([select id,Credit_Status__c from account where Name = 'testAccount']);
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity( Name = 'testOpportunity', Account = acc,/* ToBeSync__c = false,*/ StageName ='Prospecting', Is_this_a_Maintenance_Renewal_Op__c = 'No',Description = 'Test', CloseDate = Date.today(),
OwnerId = mockUser.id);
insert opp;
if (accountMap.get('001J000001DYN5I').Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('WARNING: New Opportunity cannot be created when Account Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end try
catch (ListException e) {
}// end public class
- Eric Blaxton
- June 01, 2017
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Pass current Opportunity ID into Flow variable
Good morning and thanks in advance,
Requirement is when a new opportunity is created:
1.Lookup an Opportunity Team Member name whose role equals "Primary SE"
2.Copy that name into a custom field on the opportunity. Field name is "SE"
I was told to use a Process to trigger a Flow where most of the logic willl be placed.
One question so far:
1. How to pass the current op id into the flow, so the flow knows which op to update
Requirement is when a new opportunity is created:
1.Lookup an Opportunity Team Member name whose role equals "Primary SE"
2.Copy that name into a custom field on the opportunity. Field name is "SE"
I was told to use a Process to trigger a Flow where most of the logic willl be placed.
One question so far:
1. How to pass the current op id into the flow, so the flow knows which op to update
- Eric Blaxton
- September 15, 2015
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Wanted: Salesforce Admin for a startup that's transforming government
At OpenGov, we're transforming the way government works. To do this, our team is building something no one has before: a cloud-based financial analysis platform that governments use to collaborate more effectively, make smarter, data-driven decisions and achieve greater transparency.
We are fostering collaboration not just within the government but with elected officials and the community, bringing financial transparency and citizen engagement to state and local governments, special districts, education and non-profits.
To support our mission, we're seeking an experienced and savvy Salesforce administrator to join our Sales Operations team.
Check out our careers page (http://opengov.com/careers/) and click here to apply directly (https://jobs.lever.co/opengov/be7e9560-8196-4a7d-9fd4-b28fd84a2b14/apply).
Hope to speak with you soon!
Please, no recruiters or agencies.
Salesforce Administrator
Are you a Salesforce Admin with experience helping a SAAS business scale? If so, we'd like to meet you!
OpenGov is looking for an energetic, business-savvy technician to run its Salesforce system. You will be tasked with the continuous improvement and administration of Salesforce for all stakeholders, including Sales, Marketing, Account Management, and all other internal teams utilizing the platform. The ideal candidate is results-driven, has strong business and engineering talents, and is committed to our mission of revolutionizing government finance.
Key Responsibilities:
We are fostering collaboration not just within the government but with elected officials and the community, bringing financial transparency and citizen engagement to state and local governments, special districts, education and non-profits.
To support our mission, we're seeking an experienced and savvy Salesforce administrator to join our Sales Operations team.
Check out our careers page (http://opengov.com/careers/) and click here to apply directly (https://jobs.lever.co/opengov/be7e9560-8196-4a7d-9fd4-b28fd84a2b14/apply).
Hope to speak with you soon!
Please, no recruiters or agencies.
Salesforce Administrator
Are you a Salesforce Admin with experience helping a SAAS business scale? If so, we'd like to meet you!
OpenGov is looking for an energetic, business-savvy technician to run its Salesforce system. You will be tasked with the continuous improvement and administration of Salesforce for all stakeholders, including Sales, Marketing, Account Management, and all other internal teams utilizing the platform. The ideal candidate is results-driven, has strong business and engineering talents, and is committed to our mission of revolutionizing government finance.
Key Responsibilities:
- Provide strategic direction for our Salesforce system and work with other stakeholders to establish and implement best practices with regards to system configuration, development, testing, maintenance, and data integrity.
- Administration of our Salesforce environment including: customizing and implementing profiles, roles, security settings, sharing rules, custom applications, custom objects, custom fields, page layouts, workflow, validation rules, dashboards, reports, and so on.
- Work with end users to provide best practices and tips on Salesforce usage including training, documentation and support as necessary.
- Research additional functionality that would enhance our business capabilities.
- A blend of technical and business experience. You should know how to write an Apex trigger, but also know why that trigger should get implemented that way, or whether there is a better way to accomplish the business goal.
- Knowledge of sales and marketing processes; in-depth knowledge of CRM strategy and systems. Proven experience building components of a Salesforce system to support core business processes.
- Salesforce Admin certification with 3-5 years of experience in a sales and marketing environment.
- Minimum of an undergraduate degree in Computer Science or related field.
- Strong verbal/written communication and data presentation skills, including an ability to effectively communicate with both business and technical teams.
- Certified Salesforce Developer
- Hubspot Experience
- Cameron Galbraith
- April 17, 2015
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How do I add a Summary Rollup field on Account from Custom Object (Invoice)
Goal : Add a Rollup Summary field on the Account that shows the Total of Invoices (Custom field)
I would like to use Apex code if possible.
Thanks for advice, tips and comments
I would like to use Apex code if possible.
Thanks for advice, tips and comments
- Eric Blaxton
- July 30, 2014
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Trigger to create task and assign to related user during quote approval process
Hi and thanks in advance.
Requirement: I need tips on a trigger to create a task and assign it to a related user on the Quote object. It should happen when a quote enters the intial submittal.
Has anyone done this using Apex or vf?
Requirement: I need tips on a trigger to create a task and assign it to a related user on the Quote object. It should happen when a quote enters the intial submittal.
Has anyone done this using Apex or vf?
- Eric Blaxton
- June 03, 2014
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How do I typecast Lookup(user) value to a picklist
Hi and thanks in advance.
Problem: I have a custom object that uses a Lookup (user) field. I need this field in order to email a related user. The problem is this field does not show up on reports. So I created a picklist intending to populate the field from the Lookup, when either created or edited.
How do I typecast or convert the value of a Lookup field to a picklist value. Here is my trigger:
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c; // Inside_Sales_Rep__c = Picklist / Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = Lookup
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c;
}//end for
//try {
insert newRegistration;
// }
// catch (DmlException e) {
//System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// System.('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// }
}//end trigger
Problem: I have a custom object that uses a Lookup (user) field. I need this field in order to email a related user. The problem is this field does not show up on reports. So I created a picklist intending to populate the field from the Lookup, when either created or edited.
How do I typecast or convert the value of a Lookup field to a picklist value. Here is my trigger:
trigger Reg_Request_to_Reg on Registration_Requests__c (after insert) {
List<Registration__c> newRegistration = new List <Registration__c>();
for (Registration_Requests__c reg : trigger.new) {
Registration__c newReg = new Registration__c();
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c; // Inside_Sales_Rep__c = Picklist / Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = Lookup
newReg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c = reg.Inside_Sales_Rep_Name__c;
}//end for
//try {
insert newRegistration;
// }
// catch (DmlException e) {
//System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// System.('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
// }
}//end trigger
- Eric Blaxton
- May 26, 2014
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Duplicate Account workflow and validation rule
Hi and thanks for your replies.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
Requirements were to do a duplicate check on Account Name and Zipcode. I created a custom field and did the workflow update and validation rule and everything worked great...BUT the error message is ugly.
Is there a way to provide a clean error message?
I ended up writing a trigger, which gives me full control over the error message, but would like to learn a different approach.
- Eric Blaxton
- April 24, 2014
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Apex Cross Object Trigger help...
Hi and thanks in advance...
Requirement: Before inserting New Opportunity check Account.Credit_Status__C (custom field). If it doesn't meet requirements pop-up message. If this is not the way it's done feel free to offer ideas.
Here is the code
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (opp.AccountId.Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('A new Opportunity cannot be created on account where Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
Requirement: Before inserting New Opportunity check Account.Credit_Status__C (custom field). If it doesn't meet requirements pop-up message. If this is not the way it's done feel free to offer ideas.
Here is the code
trigger checkAccountCreditStatusisRejected on Opportunity (before insert) {
for (Opportunity opp : System.trigger.new) {
if (opp.AccountId.Credit_Status__c == 'Rejected')
opp.addError('A new Opportunity cannot be created on account where Credit Status = Rejected');
}// end if
}//end for
}// end trigger
- Eric Blaxton
- January 30, 2014
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Trigger help with Opportunity and Opportunity team members
Hi and thanks for reading this and for any help...
The requirement is to stop users from saving duplicate Team Member roles when they add or edit their Default Opportunity or Account Team.
So, if Tom wants to add users to his default opp team, he can only add 1 "Sales Manager", 1 "Sales Lead", etc.
- Eric Blaxton.ax1862
- November 13, 2013
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