• Adam Purkiss 99
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I thoroughly love what you've created and the direction you are going with Trailhead. I've recommended it. I've completed several modules. As a collector I was even planning on going through and getting all the badges.  

However, when I logged in today all my progress has disappeared. My username is still there, and the login still works, but everything else is wiped clean. 

I know that changes to the UI and to the modules are happening and will continue to happen. But this is the second time I've lost all my progress (the first being shortly after completing some modules for the free t-shirt offer).

Trailhead is still a great learning tool, and definitely useful now for that. But for those of us who are looking to take on the challenge of completing all the modules, should we wait until after Beta? I noticed a few other posts of lost data and progress and want to make sure I have the right expectations for the current state of the system. I'll still use it to learn new things (I enjoyed the salesforce1 module), but in the cases of the modules I already do know, I just won't go back to catch 'em all. 

Not yet at least. =)

Side idea: Twitch plays Trailhead! :D
Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: NONRBXAO
public class StringArrayTest{
    public static List<String> generateStringArray(Integer n){
    List<String> lstString = new List<String>();
     for(Integer i=0; i<n;i++){
         lstString.add('\'Test '+i + '\'');        
        return lstString;
Hello developer heroes!

I'm working through the Apex modules on Trailhead and can't seem to get past this one: https://developer.salesforce.com/en/trailhead/force_com_programmatic_beginner/apex_triggers/apex_triggers_bulk.

Hopefully this doesn't read like a 'please complete the course for me' kinda post, but I have written a trigger that I believe meets the criteria but it isn't passing the check, so I wanted to seek the guidance of the experts.

The challenge is to do this:

Create an Apex trigger for Opportunity that adds a task to any opportunity set to 'Closed Won'.

To complete this challenge, you need to add a trigger for Opportunity. The trigger will add a task to any opportunity inserted or updated with the stage of 'Closed Won'. The task's subject must be 'Follow Up Test Task'.The Apex trigger must be called 'ClosedOpportunityTrigger'

- With 'ClosedOpportunityTrigger' active, if an opportunity is inserted or updated with a stage of 'Closed Won', it will have a task created with the subject 'Follow Up Test Task'.
- To associate the task with the opportunity, fill the 'WhatId' field with the opportunity ID.
- This challenge specifically tests 200 records in one operation.

And here is the trigger I have come up with, which compiles OK and stands up to a manual (though admittedly unbulkified) test:
trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {

    List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
    for (Opportunity opp : [SELECT Id, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won' AND Id IN :Trigger.new]){
            taskList.add(new Task(Subject = 'Follow Up Test Task',
                                  WhatId = opp.Id));

        insert taskList;
I have tried replacing the SOQL with a straightforward 'for (Opportunity opp : Trigger.new)' and having the taskList.add inside an IF that checks for Closed Won - no luck. I also thought about checking to see if the stage was being changed to Closed Won, rather than the trigger firing on every edit, but I don't think this is what the module is asking for.

Where do you think I'm going wrong?

Huge thanks in advance!