• Sidharth Panda 5
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Test Class for After Trigger:

trigger Silverpop_Email_Activity_AfterInsertTrigger on silverpop__Silverpop_Email_Activity__c (after insert) {
  SkipBoolean__c skipBoolean = SkipBoolean__c.getOrgDefaults();
  Boolean triggerUnSkip = skipBoolean.Bypass_Trigger__c;
  List<Account> lstacct = new List<Account>();
  Database.SaveResult[] results;
  Set<Id> contactid = new Set<Id>();
  For(silverpop__Silverpop_Email_Activity__c emlacty:[select id,silverpop__Contact__c,silverpop__Status__c from silverpop__Silverpop_Email_Activity__c where Id IN:Trigger.new]){
      if (emlacty.silverpop__Status__c == 'Hard Bounce'){
      if(trigger.isAfter && trigger.isInsert){
          for(Contact con:[Select accountid from contact where Id IN :contactid]){       
            for(Account acc:[select Id,Player_Invalid_email__c from Account where Id=:con.accountid]){   
                acc.Player_Invalid_email__c = true;
        if(lstacct.size() > 0){
               results = Database.update(lstacct, false);
           catch(Exception e){
               for(Database.SaveResult result : results) {
                       if (!result.isSuccess()){
                           for(Database.Error err : result.getErrors()){
                               System.debug('Error: '+ err.getStatusCode() + ' ' + err.getMessage());}
We referenced <apex:relatedlist list="CombinedAttachments" title="{!$Label.Notes_Attachments}"/> on Visualforce Page. But the problem with this retated list is, when we click on attach file in it : A new window opens and there are option to upload and attach file and finally to click on 'Done'. When I click on Done, Visualforce Page becomes unresponsive and no attachment is added. Do anyone have workaround regarding this?
I want to design page like

.User-added image
where technician is the lookup field .
but i am unable to add lookup and page setup like this so that label are in a row and textfleds are exact below that
Can anybuddy help me for this.???
I am trying to generate the Enterprise WSDL to access the APIs for our account.  I am going to Setup, selecting API, and then Generate Enterprise WSDL.  At that point, SF is taking me to the login page again.  I then try to login, but the normal credentials don't work.  I have a Professional Edition account (not a trial).  Any help would be appreciated... thanks.

I am using the srcUp() function on a custom button to open an external page. However, when the subtub opens, nothing loads( see Image below). The domain is whitelisted in the app. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. 

User-added image

Code Snippet:

<script type="text/javascript">
        var Bonurl;
        function openTab(BOnURL) {
             Bonurl = BOnURL;
     else { 




I am trying to add the Notes and Attachments Section on my Visualforce Page and I keep getting the error as below:

'NotesAndAttachments' is not a valid child relationship name for entity Test Object


I used   <apex:relatedList subject="{!Test_Object__c}" list="NotesAndAttachments"/>


Can someone please suggest or point out my mistake.



I am posting here in the hope that someone has experience with integration between Salesforce and Silverpop Engage.


We are trying to build a SFDC dashboard with tracking and scoring data from Silverpop connected to a certain campaign started from Salesforce. 

Let me explain through steps:

1) A campaign is defined in Salesforce, it is a Silverpop campaign

2) It is actioned in Salesforce

3) There is a connected program with it in Silverpop with actions entailing the update of contact data in SFDC

4) There is a scoring model with scores that have to be "synched with CRM"

How does that score "synch with the CRM"? Where does the scoring data lend in Salesforce? Can this be configured? 

How is the data "sent back" to SFDC - we would like to know if particular fields can be created in Silverpop and then mapped with custom fields in Salesforce?

Once we know where and how the data is captured we should be able to use it to build dashboards.


Please let me know if you have any similar experience with this? How does salesforce and Silverpop synch, in the direction from SP to Salesforce?