• Venkat
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Hi All,

I want copy ContentNote Content to Case Description field. Here, Description is Text Area data type and Content filed data type is base64.

Problem: How can I copy Content field to Description field with images and text as it is?

When I am using trigger on ContentDocumentLink able to get the fields, but not able to copy as expected format. Some different value is coming when I did copy in trigger.

Thanks in Advance! :)


I have a custom field('Marketing Lead Status pick list (A, B, C, D)') on Lead. When I am inserting lead from web Marketing Lead Status set to 'A' and when lead inserted manually Status needs to set 'B' and When Lead is converted to opportunity with status A, B, C Status field needs to update D, When Lead is converted to Opportunity with Status D; no needs to do any action.
Please suggest me to proceed on this. Thank You in advance. (Not sure we can use trigger code or workflow rule).
Hi All,

I am getting this error at the time of pagelayout deployment. I have checked Custom buttons, Links, Actions, Standard Buttons all. But I didn't find any "SkypeMeeting" button.

This issue happening for me on Account, Lead, Opportunity page layout. Getting same error.


Can you please help me any one to develp lightning edit page, Save, Cancel, Edit buttons. 

Thanks You!


I am not able to see the Account Name and Opportunity Name at the time of converting lead in lightning. Please help me how to display those are automatically.

User-added image
Hi All,

I want add tab on lightning toggle bar. I have created lightning component tab and added in Salesforce1 navigation menu. But it is not showing when I switch to Salesforce lightning. It showing when I login only in mobile. Is there any possibility to add tab.
Thanks in advance!
User-added image
Hi All,


I want generate a report on the Account I owned or where I am a member fo the Account team.

Please suggest solutions.

Thanks & Regards
Venkata Raja

I am using code like below

global with sharing class ClassA
       global static void createSomething(Wrapper1 req)
              System.debug('###stringVar1 :' + req.stringVar1);
              System.debug('###stringVar2:' + req.stringVar2);
              System.debug('###Wrapper2:' + req.Wrapper2);
             Object__c obj = new Object__c();
             obj.fld1 = req.stringVar1;
             obj.fld2 = req.stringVar2; insert obj;
             List<Object2__c> surveyQuestionsRespList = new List<Object2__c>();
             for(Wrapper2 question : req.Wrapper2)
                      Object2__c obj2 = new Object2__c();
                      obj2.fld4 = question.response;
                      obj2.fld3 = question.someId;
                      obj2.Object__c = obj.Id;
             insert surveyQuestionsRespList;
    global with sharing class Wrapper1
          public String stringVar1{get;set;}
          public String stringVar2{get;set;}
          public List<Wrapper2> Wrapper2{get;set;}
    global with sharing class Wrapper2
         public String someId{get;set;}
         public String response{get;set;}

Please help me how to generate JSON for this class. Thanks in Advance.

  • April 15, 2016
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I am uploading word document in Document folder and trying to get that document information and displaying on visualforce page. Not able to do.
Please share ideas

Thanks in advance.

  • April 07, 2016
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I want implement Summary report on two fields using visualforce. For example Account having rating and Status fields, needs to display like below, every thing should be apex and visualforce only.

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  • March 18, 2016
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Hi All,

I am using rest API to connect other tool in salesforce. I am passing username and password for connection. This password is displaying as it is in debug logs. How can I encrypt this password in apex.

Please help.


  • March 09, 2016
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I had CustomObjectA and Account standard object. 'CustomObjectB' is a junction object between CustomObjectA and Account object. Now, on Case object I had Account lookup filed. When I click on Account lookup field on Case object needs to search based on CustomObjectA fields also.

Please suggest the solutions.

Note: By default we can search using Account object fields, but I want search using both CustomObjectA and Account object fields.
  • February 24, 2016
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I am calling Batch Apex and @future method from one trigger at a time, then its creating issue.

Trigger A on X(After update)
//This handler class will call the batch apex.      

//This handler class will call the @future method.      

If I comment any one of the handler class it is working fine. 
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Hello All,

For my recommend i have created a Web tab and specified the starndard URL for it. 


The problem is entire Salesforce Page is rendering in the tab. It should not display like this. Please suggest.

Please find the below screen shot.

User-added image
  • November 25, 2014
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Total Custom Objects for Unlimited Salesforce Edition: 2000

Already I have created 900 Custom objects in my organization.
Suppose if I will install one managed/unmanaged package into my Organization it will install 20 Custom objects additionally.

Question: Will it take these 20 Custom objects under governor limit?
                No How many custom objects I have for 200 limit ( 920 or 900 )?

If any one give answer, appreciable. 


  • November 07, 2014
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Hi All,

I have Pick list field: Color(Values: Red, Green, Yellow). I am selecting values from edit page. I have created one more formula(Text) filed with same name(diffrent API name), formula field is displaying color flag based on pick list values. As of now Pick list field is able to see in both detail page and edit page.

Question: I need to display Color pick list filed in edit page only, don't want it in detail page. Is it possible?

  • November 03, 2014
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Custom Objects (Unlimited Edition)  - 2,000
Note from Salesforce - (The custom objects contained in a managed package publicly posted on the AppExchange don't count against the limits for your Salesforce Edition).
//It will get list of all custom objects.
Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> allObjects = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();                
Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> allObjectsNames = new Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>();       
for(Schema.SObjectType objType : allObjects.values())        
                        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectResult = objType.getDescribe();                                    	        
                           if(objectResult.isCustom() && !objectResult.isCustomSetting() && !objectResult.getName().endsWith('__c_hd'))
                                allObjectsNames.put(objectResult.getName(), objectResult); 

I am writing the above code for getting all custom objects.

It is getting all custom objects including managed package objects. How can I avoid(filter) managed package objects.

I didn't get any reply from Apex Code Development, so again I raised this post in VF Development.
Can you please help any one.

  • October 29, 2014
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Custom Objects (Unlimited Edition)  - 2,000
Note from Salesforce - (The custom objects contained in a managed package publicly posted on the AppExchange don't count against the limits for your Salesforce Edition).
//It will get list of all custom objects.
Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> allObjects = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();                
Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> allObjectsNames = new Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>();       
for(Schema.SObjectType objType : allObjects.values())        
                        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectResult = objType.getDescribe();                                    	        
                           if(objectResult.isCustom() && !objectResult.isCustomSetting() && !objectResult.getName().endsWith('__c_hd'))
                                allObjectsNames.put(objectResult.getName(), objectResult); 
I am writing the above code for getting all custom objects.

It is getting all custom objects including managed package objects. How can I avoid(filter) managed package objects.

  • October 28, 2014
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I am getting this issue in my test class. The Original code is working perfectly. I am getting problem at highlighted.
Here we are not performing any DML operations.


// Login via SOAP/XML web service api to establish session       
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8');
        request.setHeader('SOAPAction', '""');       
        request.setBody('<Envelope xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><Header/><Body><login xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com"><username>' + Username + '</username><password>' + Password + '</password></login></Body></Envelope>');
        Dom.XmlNode resultElmt = (new Http()).send(request).getBodyDocument().getRootElement()
        // Grab session id and server url (ie the session)               
        String sessionId = resultElmt.getChildElement('sessionId','urn:partner.soap.sforce.com').getText();

I am using below sample code in my test class, because I am using multiple callouts in my class.

public class MockHttpResponseGenerator implements HttpCalloutMock
        public HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req)
            HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();
            res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
            if(req.getBody().contains('Call 1'))
                res.setBody('Body 1');
            else if(req.getBody().contains('Call 2'))
                res.setBody('Body 2');
            else if(req.getBody().contains('Call 3'))
                res.setBody('Body 3');           
            return res;

// Set single mock implementation that responds dynamically to different requests
        Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());

Can you please help me any one on this.

  • September 16, 2014
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Hi All,

Note: This totally related to my Developer Edition.

I added Login IP Ranges for my System Administrator profile, unfortunately I missed to give my login IP Addresses. Now, I am not able login into my Salesforce Account as System Admin.
I am able to login as Standard User(This is another user I had in my account) but not able to remove IP restriction using this Salesforce Account.

Can you please help any one on this? It is really appreciable.



  • August 05, 2014
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Hi All,

I want copy ContentNote Content to Case Description field. Here, Description is Text Area data type and Content filed data type is base64.

Problem: How can I copy Content field to Description field with images and text as it is?

When I am using trigger on ContentDocumentLink able to get the fields, but not able to copy as expected format. Some different value is coming when I did copy in trigger.

Thanks in Advance! :)


I have a custom field('Marketing Lead Status pick list (A, B, C, D)') on Lead. When I am inserting lead from web Marketing Lead Status set to 'A' and when lead inserted manually Status needs to set 'B' and When Lead is converted to opportunity with status A, B, C Status field needs to update D, When Lead is converted to Opportunity with Status D; no needs to do any action.
Please suggest me to proceed on this. Thank You in advance. (Not sure we can use trigger code or workflow rule).
Hi All,


I want generate a report on the Account I owned or where I am a member fo the Account team.

Please suggest solutions.

Thanks & Regards
Venkata Raja

I am using code like below

global with sharing class ClassA
       global static void createSomething(Wrapper1 req)
              System.debug('###stringVar1 :' + req.stringVar1);
              System.debug('###stringVar2:' + req.stringVar2);
              System.debug('###Wrapper2:' + req.Wrapper2);
             Object__c obj = new Object__c();
             obj.fld1 = req.stringVar1;
             obj.fld2 = req.stringVar2; insert obj;
             List<Object2__c> surveyQuestionsRespList = new List<Object2__c>();
             for(Wrapper2 question : req.Wrapper2)
                      Object2__c obj2 = new Object2__c();
                      obj2.fld4 = question.response;
                      obj2.fld3 = question.someId;
                      obj2.Object__c = obj.Id;
             insert surveyQuestionsRespList;
    global with sharing class Wrapper1
          public String stringVar1{get;set;}
          public String stringVar2{get;set;}
          public List<Wrapper2> Wrapper2{get;set;}
    global with sharing class Wrapper2
         public String someId{get;set;}
         public String response{get;set;}

Please help me how to generate JSON for this class. Thanks in Advance.

  • April 15, 2016
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I am uploading word document in Document folder and trying to get that document information and displaying on visualforce page. Not able to do.
Please share ideas

Thanks in advance.

  • April 07, 2016
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I want implement Summary report on two fields using visualforce. For example Account having rating and Status fields, needs to display like below, every thing should be apex and visualforce only.

User-added image
  • March 18, 2016
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I am calling Batch Apex and @future method from one trigger at a time, then its creating issue.

Trigger A on X(After update)
//This handler class will call the batch apex.      

//This handler class will call the @future method.      

If I comment any one of the handler class it is working fine. 
Please help me to resolve this issue.
Hello All,

For my recommend i have created a Web tab and specified the starndard URL for it. 


The problem is entire Salesforce Page is rendering in the tab. It should not display like this. Please suggest.

Please find the below screen shot.

User-added image
  • November 25, 2014
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Total Custom Objects for Unlimited Salesforce Edition: 2000

Already I have created 900 Custom objects in my organization.
Suppose if I will install one managed/unmanaged package into my Organization it will install 20 Custom objects additionally.

Question: Will it take these 20 Custom objects under governor limit?
                No How many custom objects I have for 200 limit ( 920 or 900 )?

If any one give answer, appreciable. 


  • November 07, 2014
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Hi All,

I have Pick list field: Color(Values: Red, Green, Yellow). I am selecting values from edit page. I have created one more formula(Text) filed with same name(diffrent API name), formula field is displaying color flag based on pick list values. As of now Pick list field is able to see in both detail page and edit page.

Question: I need to display Color pick list filed in edit page only, don't want it in detail page. Is it possible?

  • November 03, 2014
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Hi folks,
           Can anyone tell me how to create the angularjs form in visualforce page?
The form has following fields
number, email, text, textarea and date
I wanna sample code for that..

Thanks in advance

Custom Objects (Unlimited Edition)  - 2,000
Note from Salesforce - (The custom objects contained in a managed package publicly posted on the AppExchange don't count against the limits for your Salesforce Edition).
//It will get list of all custom objects.
Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> allObjects = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();                
Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> allObjectsNames = new Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>();       
for(Schema.SObjectType objType : allObjects.values())        
                        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectResult = objType.getDescribe();                                    	        
                           if(objectResult.isCustom() && !objectResult.isCustomSetting() && !objectResult.getName().endsWith('__c_hd'))
                                allObjectsNames.put(objectResult.getName(), objectResult); 

I am writing the above code for getting all custom objects.

It is getting all custom objects including managed package objects. How can I avoid(filter) managed package objects.

I didn't get any reply from Apex Code Development, so again I raised this post in VF Development.
Can you please help any one.

  • October 29, 2014
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