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System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object?
Hi All,
Please help me with this code.
This code is working fine and Parent__c(lookup) and Child__c(lookup) values are autopopulated when I save the record.
when I edit the record and click on Parent__c or Child__c lookup icon, it gives error ie System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object. Please let me know the issue
Thanks in advance.
Please help me with this code.
trigger catgUpdate on BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c (before insert,before update) { set<id> inc1 = new set<id>(); for(BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c inc : trigger.new) { inc1.add(inc.BMCServiceDesk__FKBMC_BaseElement__c); List<BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement__c> bE = [Select id,Product_Categorization_Tier_1__c,Category_CI__c,Sub_Category_CI__c from BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement__c where id IN :inc1]; If(bE.size()> 0) { inc.Parent__c = bE[0].Category_CI__c; inc.Child__c = bE[0].Sub_Category_CI__c; //inc.Product_1__c = bE[0].Product_Categorization_Tier_1__c; } } }
This code is working fine and Parent__c(lookup) and Child__c(lookup) values are autopopulated when I save the record.
when I edit the record and click on Parent__c or Child__c lookup icon, it gives error ie System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object. Please let me know the issue
Thanks in advance.
- Sahaj
- April 22, 2016
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System.CalloutException: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback
Please help me to fix this error.
Below is the code
Thanks :)
Please help me to fix this error.
Below is the code
Thanks :)
Global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(String inc, Decimal moog,id iid) { HttpResponse res = authToken(); String authT; JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(res.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authT = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authT); } } } system.debug('####'+authT); HttpResponse firstc = firstCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####first'+firstc.getbody()); HttpResponse secondC = secondCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+secondC); HttpResponse thirdC = thirdCall(iid,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+thirdC); } public static httpResponse authToken() { String URL1 = 'pqr.com'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); MoogError__c me = new MoogError__c(); me.MoogError1__c = error; insert me; return resdata; } else { return resData; } } public static httpResponse firstCall(String a1,Decimal b1,String c1) { String aa = a1; Decimal bb = b1; String cc = c1; System.debug('####'+cc); System.debug('####'+aa); String URL2 = 'abc.com'; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+'. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody()+'auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&service_name=Remedyforce&resource_id='+aa+''; System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); MoogError__c me = new MoogError__c(); me.MoogError2__c = error; insert me; system.debug(me); system.debug('value of'+me.MoogError2__c); return res; } return res; } public static httpResponse secondCall(String a2,Decimal b2,String c2) { String aa = a2; Decimal bb = b2; String cc = c2; String URL3 = 'abc.com; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+'. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody()+'auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info=%7B%22incrf%22%3A%22'+aa+'%22%7D'; System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); MoogError__c me = new MoogError__c(); me.MoogError3__c = error; insert me; return resT; } system.debug('success'); return resT; } public static httpResponse thirdCall(id a2,Decimal b2,String c2) { id aa = a2; Decimal bb = b2; String cc = c2; System.debug('3rd call'); String URL3 = 'pqr.com'; HttpResponse resm = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resm.getStatusCode()+')'+resm.getBody()); if(resm.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resm.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resm.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resm.getBody()+'auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info=%7B%22incrfer%22%3A%22'+aa+'%22%7D'; System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); MoogError__c me = new MoogError__c(); me.MoogError4__c = error; insert me; return resm ; } system.debug('sucessfull'); return resm; } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }
- Sahaj
- December 24, 2015
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Code coverage of apex callout/test class
Hi All,
I am trying to cover the mentioned callout but I am able to achieve 59%. I am unable to cover first method ie getMoog and all the if statements.
I know there are lots of errors in my code as I am new to technology but currently its working for me, please suggest me to make my code more and more mature.
Please help
Thanks in advance.. :)
I am trying to cover the mentioned callout but I am able to achieve 59%. I am unable to cover first method ie getMoog and all the if statements.
I know there are lots of errors in my code as I am new to technology but currently its working for me, please suggest me to make my code more and more mature.
Global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(String inc, Decimal moog,id iid) { HttpResponse res = authToken(); String authT; JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(res.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authT = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authT); } } } system.debug('####'+authT); HttpResponse firstc = firstCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####first'+firstc.getbody()); HttpResponse secondC = secondCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+secondC); HttpResponse thirdC = thirdCall(iid,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+thirdC); } public static httpResponse authToken() { String URL1 = 'abc.com'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); return resdata; } else { return resData; } } public static httpResponse firstCall(String a1,Decimal b1,String c1) { String aa = a1; Decimal bb = b1; String cc = c1; System.debug('####'+cc); System.debug('####'+aa); String URL2 = 'abc.com''; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return res; } return res; } public static httpResponse secondCall(String a2,Decimal b2,String c2) { String aa = a2; Decimal bb = b2; String cc = c2; String URL3 = 'abc.com'; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return resT; } system.debug('success'); return resT; } public static httpResponse thirdCall(id a2,Decimal b2,String c2) { id aa = a2; Decimal bb = b2; String cc = c2; System.debug('3rd call'); String URL3 = 'abc.com'; HttpResponse resm = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resm.getStatusCode()+')'+resm.getBody()); if(resm.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resm.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resm.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resm.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return resm ; } system.debug('sucessfull'); return resm; } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }Below is my test class.
@isTest public class MoogsoftTest { static testMethod void moogcallout(){ // Create the mock response based on a static resource StaticResourceCalloutMock mock = new StaticResourceCalloutMock(); mock.setStaticResource('TestResponse1'); mock.setStatusCode(200); mock.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'); // Associate the callout with a mock response Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, mock); // Call method to test HttpResponse result = Moogsoft.authToken(); // Verify mock response is not null System.assertNotEquals(null,result, 'The callout returned a null response.'); // String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+result.getStatusCode()+ // '. Message: '+result.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+result.getBody(); // system.debug('failed'+error); System.assertEquals(200,result.getStatusCode(),result); HttpResponse res = Moogsoft.firstCall('ca5c44d8a9df405486f41e8dde87f8fb',12345,'0004321'); System.assertNotEquals(null,res, 'The callout returned a null response.'); System.assertEquals(200,res.getStatusCode(),result); HttpResponse rep = Moogsoft.secondCall('ca5c44d8a9df405486f41e8dde87f8fb',12345,'0004321'); System.assertNotEquals(null,rep, 'The callout returned a null response.'); System.assertEquals(200,res.getStatusCode(),result); HttpResponse rem = Moogsoft.thirdCall('a1TO0000002j3yb',12345,'0004321'); System.assertNotEquals(null,rem, 'The callout returned a null response.'); System.assertEquals(200,rem.getStatusCode(),result); } }
Please help
Thanks in advance.. :)
- Sahaj
- December 22, 2015
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Pass json string in url
Hi All,
I have the url like https://events.ktass.com/graze/v1/addSituationCustomInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info={incrf":'+aa+'}
I want to apend json string like this custom_info={'incrf':'aa'}
How can I achieve this, Please help
I have the url like https://events.ktass.com/graze/v1/addSituationCustomInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info={incrf":'+aa+'}
I want to apend json string like this custom_info={'incrf':'aa'}
How can I achieve this, Please help
- Sahaj
- December 16, 2015
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Hard code createddate value
Hi All,
How can i hardcode createddate(standard field) value in my trigger. PFB code but i am getting an unexpected token error.
How can i hardcode createddate(standard field) value in my trigger. PFB code but i am getting an unexpected token error.
- Sahaj
- December 14, 2015
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Receiving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion.
Hi All,
I am recieving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion. Can you please help. PFB code and debug logs.
Thanks alot..
I am recieving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion. Can you please help. PFB code and debug logs.
Thanks alot..
Global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(Integer inc, Integer moog) { String authT = authToken(); system.debug('####'+authT); String firstC = firstCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+firstC); String secondC = secondCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+secondC); } public static string authToken() { String URL1 = 'https://events5.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/authenticate?username=graze&password=graze'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); String authToken; if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); } else { JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(resData.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authToken = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authToken); } } } } return authtoken; } public static string firstCall(Integer a1,Integer b1,String c1) { Integer aa = a1; Integer bb = b1; String cc = c1; System.debug('####'+cc); String URL2 = 'https://events5.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/addSigCorrelationInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&service_name=Remedyforce&resource_id='+aa+''; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } String suc ='successfull'; return suc; } public static string secondCall(Integer a2,Integer b2,String c2) { Integer aa = a2; Integer bb = b2; String cc = c2; String URL3 = 'https://ev.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/addSituationCustomInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info={incrf:'+aa+'}'; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } String suc ='successfull'; return suc; } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }
- Sahaj
- December 12, 2015
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Only top-level class variables can be declared static
Hi Community,
I am trying to do callout but i am getting the below error.
Only top-level class variables can be declared static Line 39
I know there are lots of other error too as I am beginer. Please help me with the below code
I am trying to do callout but i am getting the below error.
Only top-level class variables can be declared static Line 39
I know there are lots of other error too as I am beginer. Please help me with the below code
global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(String inc,String moog) { String authT = getAuth(); system.debug('####'+authToken); String firstC = updateMoog1(inc,moog,authToken); system.debug('####'+firstC); String secondC = updateMoog2(inc,moog,authToken); system.debug('####'+secondC); } public static string authToken() { String URL1 = 'https://events5.hclmtaas.com:8080/graze/v1/authenticate?username=graze&password=graze'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); } else{ JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(resData.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authToken = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authToken); } return authtoken; } public static string firstCall(String a1,String b1,String c1) { String URL2 = 'abcd.com'; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed from moog.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } else{ return null; } } public static string secondCall(String a2,String b2,String c2) { String URL3 = 'qrws.com'; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(EP2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed from moog.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } else{ return null; } } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }
- Sahaj
- December 09, 2015
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Attempt to de-reference a null object,Error is in expression
Please help me with Attempt to de-reference a null object,how can i resolve this issue
Error is in expression '{!doGeneration}' in page updateincidentremelaptime: Class.GenerateRemainingElapsedTime.doGeneration: line 63, column 1
Below is the sample code(controller) and VF page
Please help me with this. :)
Please help me with Attempt to de-reference a null object,how can i resolve this issue
Error is in expression '{!doGeneration}' in page updateincidentremelaptime: Class.GenerateRemainingElapsedTime.doGeneration: line 63, column 1
Below is the sample code(controller) and VF page
Public Class GenerateRemainingElapsedTime{ public List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c> listIncidentServiceTarget{get;set;} public Boolean IsGenerated{get;set;} Public GenerateRemainingElapsedTime(){ IsGenerated=false; listIncidentServiceTarget= [SELECT Id, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c, Name, BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c, BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c, BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, BMCServiceDesk__PausedDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c ,BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__TargetType__c ='ResolutionTime' AND BMCServiceDesk__IsCanceled__c = false AND BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c <> 'Canceled' AND BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c IN ('Assigned','In Progress', 'Pending') AND createddate > 2015-10-29T00:00:00.000Z]; System.Debug('####Controller-listIncidentServiceTarget: '+listIncidentServiceTarget); } //Format Date As String Public String formatMS(Long timeInMilliSeconds){ Long seconds = timeInMilliSeconds / 1000; Long minutes = seconds / 60; Long hours = minutes / 60; Long days = hours / 24; String timeF = days + ' day(s) ' + AppendZero(Math.mod(hours,24)) + ':' + AppendZero(Math.mod(minutes,60)) + ':' + AppendZero(Math.mod(seconds,60))+' HH:MM:SS'; return timeF ; } Public String AppendZero(Long num){ String timeF; if(num<10){ timeF='0'+num; }else{ timeF=''+num; } return timeF ; } //Method Call Public PageReference doGeneration(){ //Get Incident Service Target listIncidentServiceTarget= [SELECT Id, Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c, BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c, BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c, BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, BMCServiceDesk__PausedDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c ,BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__TargetType__c ='ResolutionTime' AND BMCServiceDesk__IsCanceled__c = false AND BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c <> 'Canceled' AND BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c IN ('Assigned','In Progress', 'Pending') AND createddate > 2015-12-05T00:00:00.000Z]; IsGenerated=true; System.Debug('####Controller-listIncidentServiceTarget: '+listIncidentServiceTarget); for(BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c ist : listIncidentServiceTarget){ System.Debug('####Controller-ist: '+ist ); if(ist.BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c!=null && ist.BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c !=null){ DateTime startDate= ist.BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c ; DateTime endDate= ist.BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c ; //Total Time Long totalTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, startDate, endDate); //Elapsed Time Long elapsedTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, startDate, DateTime.Now()); //Remaining Time Long remainingTime; String fRemainingTime; if(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c=='Pending'){ //Dynamic Calculation //Decimal pendingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, DateTime.Now()); Long pendingTime=(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c).longValue()+BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, DateTime.Now()); elapsedTime=elapsedTime-pendingTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c,ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, endDate); fRemainingTime=formatMS(remainingTime); }else{ //Static Calculation elapsedTime=elapsedTime-(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c).longValue(); if(DateTime.Now()>endDate){ //remainingTime=elapsedTime-totalTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, endDate, DateTime.Now()); fRemainingTime='- '+formatMS(remainingTime); }else{ //remainingTime=totalTime-elapsedTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, DateTime.Now(), endDate); fRemainingTime=formatMS(remainingTime); } } String fElapsedTime=formatMS(elapsedTime); System.debug('####----------------Incident Number: '+ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name+' Status: '+ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c); System.debug('####Total Time: '+totalTime); System.debug('####Elapsed Time: '+fElapsedTime); System.debug('####Remaining Time: '+fRemainingTime); ist.BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c=fElapsedTime; ist.BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c=fRemainingTime; } } return null; } public PageReference CreatePDF(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/RemElapPDF'); pageRef.setRedirect(false); return pageRef; } }
<apex:page tabStyle="BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c" controller="GenerateRemainingElapsedTime"> <style type="text/css"> .btnCSS { padding:3px; margin:2px 2px 0 2px; font: bold 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width:90px; -moz-border-radius : 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; cursor:pointer; text-decoration: none !important; background: #8C004C; background-color:#8C004C; border: 1px solid #8C004C; color:#FFF!important; } .btnCSS:hover { text-decoration: none !important; background: #8C004C; background-color:#8C004C; border: 1px solid #8C004C; color: #FFF!important; } </style> <apex:sectionHeader title="Generate Remaining/Elapsed Time" help="https://help.salesforce.com/htviewhelpdoc?err=1&id=admin_transfer.htm&siteLang=en_US" /> This screen allows you to generate Remaining/Elapsed Time of Incident Service Target of <b>Assigned</b>, <b>In Progress</b> and <b>Pending</b> incidents. <apex:form id="frm"> <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:actionFunction status="asRefresh" action="{!doGeneration}" name="doGeneration" reRender="oPanel,oPanel1"/> <apex:pageBlock id="pB" mode="maindetail"> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" > <button title="Generate" type="button" class="btnCSS" onclick="doGeneration();">Generate</button> <apex:outputPanel id="oPanel1"> <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IsGenerated}" title="Download in XLS" value="Download in XLS" styleClass="btnCSS" action="{!CreatePDF}"/> </apex:outputPanel> <apex:actionstatus id="asRefresh"> <apex:facet name="start"> <img style="margin-bottom:-3px;margin-top:5px;float:right" src="/img/loading.gif" title="Please Wait..." /> </apex:facet> </apex:actionstatus> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:outputPanel id="oPanel"> <apex:variable value="{!0}" var="rowNum" /> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Remaining/Elapsed Time to be generated for below Incident Service Target" collapsible="false" columns="1"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!listIncidentServiceTarget}" var="t"> <apex:column headerValue="#"> <apex:outputText value="{!rowNum + 1}"/> <apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!rowNum + 1}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Incident"> <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/apex/BMCServiceDesk__incidentConsole?record_id={!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Id}" >{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name}</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Incident Service Target"> <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/{!t.Id}" >{!t.Name}</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Queue" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Status" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Summary" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Elapsed Time" rendered="{!IsGenerated}" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Remaining Time" rendered="{!IsGenerated}" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Please help me with this. :)
- Sahaj
- December 06, 2015
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Integration with a tool.
I want to integrate my salesforce org with a tool named Moogsoft . Whenever a record is created at my end.
I have to update the other environment(moogsoft) using the below URL
auth_token in above URL can be fetched using the below link
This link returns auth_token
situation_id : It is one of the field at my end(at salesforce side)
RF_ticket_id : the name/serial number of the record that is created at salesforce side.
Please let me know how this can be done ,if any more information is required please let me know.
Thanks alot :)
I have to update the other environment(moogsoft) using the below URL
auth_token in above URL can be fetched using the below link
This link returns auth_token
situation_id : It is one of the field at my end(at salesforce side)
RF_ticket_id : the name/serial number of the record that is created at salesforce side.
Please let me know how this can be done ,if any more information is required please let me know.
Thanks alot :)
- Sahaj
- November 26, 2015
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email service
Hi All,
I work on remedyforce tool. I want to create a email service in which whenever a person sends email to that email service an incident(incident object) get generated.
Please help me out.
I work on remedyforce tool. I want to create a email service in which whenever a person sends email to that email service an incident(incident object) get generated.
Please help me out.
- Sahaj
- November 04, 2014
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I want to have a workflow whenever the queue changes for the fourth time a mail trigger to some specific people
Please help me i want a workflow whenever a queue changes for the 4th time a mail get trigger to specific people.
Please help me i want a workflow whenever a queue changes for the 4th time a mail get trigger to specific people.
- Sahaj
- October 20, 2014
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System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object?
Hi All,
Please help me with this code.
This code is working fine and Parent__c(lookup) and Child__c(lookup) values are autopopulated when I save the record.
when I edit the record and click on Parent__c or Child__c lookup icon, it gives error ie System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object. Please let me know the issue
Thanks in advance.
Please help me with this code.
trigger catgUpdate on BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c (before insert,before update) { set<id> inc1 = new set<id>(); for(BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c inc : trigger.new) { inc1.add(inc.BMCServiceDesk__FKBMC_BaseElement__c); List<BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement__c> bE = [Select id,Product_Categorization_Tier_1__c,Category_CI__c,Sub_Category_CI__c from BMCServiceDesk__BMC_BaseElement__c where id IN :inc1]; If(bE.size()> 0) { inc.Parent__c = bE[0].Category_CI__c; inc.Child__c = bE[0].Sub_Category_CI__c; //inc.Product_1__c = bE[0].Product_Categorization_Tier_1__c; } } }
This code is working fine and Parent__c(lookup) and Child__c(lookup) values are autopopulated when I save the record.
when I edit the record and click on Parent__c or Child__c lookup icon, it gives error ie System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object. Please let me know the issue
Thanks in advance.
- Sahaj
- April 22, 2016
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Hard code createddate value
Hi All,
How can i hardcode createddate(standard field) value in my trigger. PFB code but i am getting an unexpected token error.
How can i hardcode createddate(standard field) value in my trigger. PFB code but i am getting an unexpected token error.
- Sahaj
- December 14, 2015
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Receiving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion.
Hi All,
I am recieving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion. Can you please help. PFB code and debug logs.
Thanks alot..
I am recieving 200 response code,instead of 201 for record insertion. Can you please help. PFB code and debug logs.
Thanks alot..
Global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(Integer inc, Integer moog) { String authT = authToken(); system.debug('####'+authT); String firstC = firstCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+firstC); String secondC = secondCall(inc,moog,authT); system.debug('####'+secondC); } public static string authToken() { String URL1 = 'https://events5.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/authenticate?username=graze&password=graze'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); String authToken; if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); } else { JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(resData.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authToken = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authToken); } } } } return authtoken; } public static string firstCall(Integer a1,Integer b1,String c1) { Integer aa = a1; Integer bb = b1; String cc = c1; System.debug('####'+cc); String URL2 = 'https://events5.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/addSigCorrelationInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&service_name=Remedyforce&resource_id='+aa+''; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } String suc ='successfull'; return suc; } public static string secondCall(Integer a2,Integer b2,String c2) { Integer aa = a2; Integer bb = b2; String cc = c2; String URL3 = 'https://ev.mop.com:8080/graze/v1/addSituationCustomInfo?auth_token='+cc+'&sitn_id='+bb+'&custom_info={incrf:'+aa+'}'; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(URL3, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Request failed error.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } String suc ='successfull'; return suc; } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }
- Sahaj
- December 12, 2015
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Only top-level class variables can be declared static
Hi Community,
I am trying to do callout but i am getting the below error.
Only top-level class variables can be declared static Line 39
I know there are lots of other error too as I am beginer. Please help me with the below code
I am trying to do callout but i am getting the below error.
Only top-level class variables can be declared static Line 39
I know there are lots of other error too as I am beginer. Please help me with the below code
global class Moogsoft { @future (callout=true) public static void getMoog(String inc,String moog) { String authT = getAuth(); system.debug('####'+authToken); String firstC = updateMoog1(inc,moog,authToken); system.debug('####'+firstC); String secondC = updateMoog2(inc,moog,authToken); system.debug('####'+secondC); } public static string authToken() { String URL1 = 'https://events5.hclmtaas.com:8080/graze/v1/authenticate?username=graze&password=graze'; HttpResponse resData = HTTPCallout(URL1, 'GET'); System.debug('Response from Moog: ('+resData.getStatusCode()+')'+resData.getBody()); if(resData.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed getting a request token. HTTP Code = '+resData.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resData.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resData.getBody(); system.debug('failed'+error); } else{ JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(resData.getBody()); while (parser.nextToken() != null) { if (parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME){ String fieldName = parser.getText(); parser.nextToken(); if(fieldName == 'auth_token' ) { authToken = parser.getText(); system.debug('++++++++++'+authToken); } return authtoken; } public static string firstCall(String a1,String b1,String c1) { String URL2 = 'abcd.com'; HttpResponse res = HTTPCallout(URL2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+res.getStatusCode()+')'+res.getBody()); if(res.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed from moog.HTTP Code = '+res.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+res.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+res.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } else{ return null; } } public static string secondCall(String a2,String b2,String c2) { String URL3 = 'qrws.com'; HttpResponse resT = HTTPCallout(EP2, 'POST'); System.debug('Response from Code request: ('+resT.getStatusCode()+')'+resT.getBody()); if(resT.getStatusCode()>299) { String error = 'Failed from moog.HTTP Code = '+resT.getStatusCode()+ '. Message: '+resT.getStatus()+'. Response Body: '+resT.getBody(); System.debug('##### Failed: '+error); return error; } else{ return null; } } public Static HttpResponse HTTPCallout(String EndPoint, String Method) { Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(EndPoint); req.setMethod(Method); HttpResponse res = null; res = h.send(req); return res; } }
- Sahaj
- December 09, 2015
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Attempt to de-reference a null object,Error is in expression
Please help me with Attempt to de-reference a null object,how can i resolve this issue
Error is in expression '{!doGeneration}' in page updateincidentremelaptime: Class.GenerateRemainingElapsedTime.doGeneration: line 63, column 1
Below is the sample code(controller) and VF page
Please help me with this. :)
Please help me with Attempt to de-reference a null object,how can i resolve this issue
Error is in expression '{!doGeneration}' in page updateincidentremelaptime: Class.GenerateRemainingElapsedTime.doGeneration: line 63, column 1
Below is the sample code(controller) and VF page
Public Class GenerateRemainingElapsedTime{ public List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c> listIncidentServiceTarget{get;set;} public Boolean IsGenerated{get;set;} Public GenerateRemainingElapsedTime(){ IsGenerated=false; listIncidentServiceTarget= [SELECT Id, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c, Name, BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c, BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c, BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, BMCServiceDesk__PausedDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c ,BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__TargetType__c ='ResolutionTime' AND BMCServiceDesk__IsCanceled__c = false AND BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c <> 'Canceled' AND BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c IN ('Assigned','In Progress', 'Pending') AND createddate > 2015-10-29T00:00:00.000Z]; System.Debug('####Controller-listIncidentServiceTarget: '+listIncidentServiceTarget); } //Format Date As String Public String formatMS(Long timeInMilliSeconds){ Long seconds = timeInMilliSeconds / 1000; Long minutes = seconds / 60; Long hours = minutes / 60; Long days = hours / 24; String timeF = days + ' day(s) ' + AppendZero(Math.mod(hours,24)) + ':' + AppendZero(Math.mod(minutes,60)) + ':' + AppendZero(Math.mod(seconds,60))+' HH:MM:SS'; return timeF ; } Public String AppendZero(Long num){ String timeF; if(num<10){ timeF='0'+num; }else{ timeF=''+num; } return timeF ; } //Method Call Public PageReference doGeneration(){ //Get Incident Service Target listIncidentServiceTarget= [SELECT Id, Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c, BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c, BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c, BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, BMCServiceDesk__PausedDuration__c, BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c ,BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name, BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__c FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c WHERE BMCServiceDesk__TargetType__c ='ResolutionTime' AND BMCServiceDesk__IsCanceled__c = false AND BMCServiceDesk__StateValue__c <> 'Canceled' AND BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c IN ('Assigned','In Progress', 'Pending') AND createddate > 2015-12-05T00:00:00.000Z]; IsGenerated=true; System.Debug('####Controller-listIncidentServiceTarget: '+listIncidentServiceTarget); for(BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c ist : listIncidentServiceTarget){ System.Debug('####Controller-ist: '+ist ); if(ist.BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c!=null && ist.BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c !=null){ DateTime startDate= ist.BMCServiceDesk__StartDate__c ; DateTime endDate= ist.BMCServiceDesk__TargetEndDate__c ; //Total Time Long totalTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, startDate, endDate); //Elapsed Time Long elapsedTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, startDate, DateTime.Now()); //Remaining Time Long remainingTime; String fRemainingTime; if(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c=='Pending'){ //Dynamic Calculation //Decimal pendingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, DateTime.Now()); Long pendingTime=(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c).longValue()+BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, DateTime.Now()); elapsedTime=elapsedTime-pendingTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c,ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingStartTime__c, endDate); fRemainingTime=formatMS(remainingTime); }else{ //Static Calculation elapsedTime=elapsedTime-(ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.PendingDuration__c).longValue(); if(DateTime.Now()>endDate){ //remainingTime=elapsedTime-totalTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, endDate, DateTime.Now()); fRemainingTime='- '+formatMS(remainingTime); }else{ //remainingTime=totalTime-elapsedTime; remainingTime=BusinessHours.diff(ist.BMCServiceDesk__Support_Hour_Applied__c, DateTime.Now(), endDate); fRemainingTime=formatMS(remainingTime); } } String fElapsedTime=formatMS(elapsedTime); System.debug('####----------------Incident Number: '+ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name+' Status: '+ist.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c); System.debug('####Total Time: '+totalTime); System.debug('####Elapsed Time: '+fElapsedTime); System.debug('####Remaining Time: '+fRemainingTime); ist.BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c=fElapsedTime; ist.BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c=fRemainingTime; } } return null; } public PageReference CreatePDF(){ PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/RemElapPDF'); pageRef.setRedirect(false); return pageRef; } }
<apex:page tabStyle="BMCServiceDesk__Incident_Service_Target__c" controller="GenerateRemainingElapsedTime"> <style type="text/css"> .btnCSS { padding:3px; margin:2px 2px 0 2px; font: bold 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width:90px; -moz-border-radius : 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; cursor:pointer; text-decoration: none !important; background: #8C004C; background-color:#8C004C; border: 1px solid #8C004C; color:#FFF!important; } .btnCSS:hover { text-decoration: none !important; background: #8C004C; background-color:#8C004C; border: 1px solid #8C004C; color: #FFF!important; } </style> <apex:sectionHeader title="Generate Remaining/Elapsed Time" help="https://help.salesforce.com/htviewhelpdoc?err=1&id=admin_transfer.htm&siteLang=en_US" /> This screen allows you to generate Remaining/Elapsed Time of Incident Service Target of <b>Assigned</b>, <b>In Progress</b> and <b>Pending</b> incidents. <apex:form id="frm"> <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:actionFunction status="asRefresh" action="{!doGeneration}" name="doGeneration" reRender="oPanel,oPanel1"/> <apex:pageBlock id="pB" mode="maindetail"> <apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" > <button title="Generate" type="button" class="btnCSS" onclick="doGeneration();">Generate</button> <apex:outputPanel id="oPanel1"> <apex:commandLink rendered="{!IsGenerated}" title="Download in XLS" value="Download in XLS" styleClass="btnCSS" action="{!CreatePDF}"/> </apex:outputPanel> <apex:actionstatus id="asRefresh"> <apex:facet name="start"> <img style="margin-bottom:-3px;margin-top:5px;float:right" src="/img/loading.gif" title="Please Wait..." /> </apex:facet> </apex:actionstatus> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:outputPanel id="oPanel"> <apex:variable value="{!0}" var="rowNum" /> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Remaining/Elapsed Time to be generated for below Incident Service Target" collapsible="false" columns="1"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!listIncidentServiceTarget}" var="t"> <apex:column headerValue="#"> <apex:outputText value="{!rowNum + 1}"/> <apex:variable var="rowNum" value="{!rowNum + 1}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Incident"> <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/apex/BMCServiceDesk__incidentConsole?record_id={!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Id}" >{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Name}</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Incident Service Target"> <apex:outputLink target="_blank" value="/{!t.Id}" >{!t.Name}</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Queue" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Owner_new__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Status" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Status_picklist__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Summary" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__FKIncident__r.Summary__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Elapsed Time" rendered="{!IsGenerated}" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__ElapsedTime__c}"/> <apex:column headerValue="Remaining Time" rendered="{!IsGenerated}" value="{!t.BMCServiceDesk__TimeRemaining__c}"/> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
Please help me with this. :)
- Sahaj
- December 06, 2015
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Integration with a tool.
I want to integrate my salesforce org with a tool named Moogsoft . Whenever a record is created at my end.
I have to update the other environment(moogsoft) using the below URL
auth_token in above URL can be fetched using the below link
This link returns auth_token
situation_id : It is one of the field at my end(at salesforce side)
RF_ticket_id : the name/serial number of the record that is created at salesforce side.
Please let me know how this can be done ,if any more information is required please let me know.
Thanks alot :)
I have to update the other environment(moogsoft) using the below URL
auth_token in above URL can be fetched using the below link
This link returns auth_token
situation_id : It is one of the field at my end(at salesforce side)
RF_ticket_id : the name/serial number of the record that is created at salesforce side.
Please let me know how this can be done ,if any more information is required please let me know.
Thanks alot :)
- Sahaj
- November 26, 2015
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Apex Trigger: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: MailManager.SendMail(String, String, String)
I get that error when I try to save this code.
trigger ExampleTrigger2 on Contact (after insert, after delete) {
if (Trigger.isInsert) {
Integer recordCount = Trigger.New.size();
// Call a utility method from another class
EmailManager.sendMail('aschor@acmeunited.com', 'Trailhead Trigger Tutorial',
recordCount + ' contact(s) were inserted.');
else if (Trigger.isDelete) {
// Process after delete
- Aron Schor [Dev]
- July 06, 2015
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