• vinod ram 9
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  • Member since 2015

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when i wrote query in query editor.

select id from user where profile='system administator'
[object Object]: select id from user where profile='system administator' ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:27 No such column 'profile' on entity 'User'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

below question

fetch all the account Records from Account  which are owned by the user whose profile is System Admin and re-assign to User whose profile is manager how can i achive

Hi All,
          I just want to understand if "Attempt to schedule too many concurrent batch jobs in this org" occurs in below scenario ?

          Let's say I have 2 schedulable batch jobs schedulbatch1 and scheulbatch2.
          Schedulebatch1 has 10 batch apex jobs and schedulebatch2 has 2 batch apex jobs.

          I will schedule schedulablebatch1 at 12 AM and schedulable batch2 at 1AM.
          During execution of schedulablebatch1, any chances that I get this error ? 
          Or,iff schedulablebatch1 is not finished before 1 AM and schedulablebatch2 starts execution will I get this error ?
         I read that at a time not more than 5 batch apex jobs can be processed.
           global class schedulebat implements schedulablebatch1 {
                global void execute (schedulablecontext sc){
                   batchapex1 bat1 = new batchapex1();

                   batchapex2 bat2 = new batchapex2();

                   batchapex3 bat3 = new batchapex3();

                   batchapex4 bat4 = new batchapex4();

                   batchapex5 bat5 = new batchapex5();

                   batchapex6 bat6 = new batchapex6();

                   batchapex7 bat7 = new batchapex7();

                   batchapex8 bat8 = new batchapex8();

                   batchapex9 bat9 = new batchapex9();

                   batchapex10 bat10 = new batchapex10();

parent account (account hierarchy), How is it managed internally by salesforce.

I want to have a custom field in Accounts which will effect this hierarchy.


How would you substring an ID within a select statement.  Would like only the first 15 characters of the ID. 

For instance:  Select id.substring(0, 15) from Opportunity