• Anne-Marie Costantino 5
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  • CRM Analyst
  • Axicorp Financial Services Pty Ltd

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Hi everyone

I am having trouble with Reports and Dasboards Superbadge Challenge 5 and really hope someone can help me out.  I have read all the blogs and posts relating to this challenge and cannot work out why it is not working.

I created the custom report named ; Account - Contact - Contact Hobbies 
Account - Contact - Contact Hobbies (Custom Report)

I then created the report named: Contacts by Hobby and Rating

Contacts by Hobby and Rating

When I try to check challenge I get the following error;
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'Contacts by Hobby and Rating' report is not configured correctly.

Really hoping someone can help me, I have checked and double checked this and cannot work out what the problem is.

Thanks in advance
Under the "Calculate Accumulated Interest on an Account" section, I'm having trouble figuring out where exactly to insert the following function in the Interest Rate field:
Principal__c * EXP(Interest_Rate__c * (YEAR(TODAY()) - VALUE(YearStarted)))