• Thomas Minney
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I am sitting with a field being deleted in source and therefore added to destructive changes. However there are also translations on this custom field and I would therefore also have to reference the translations in the destructive changes.


I know the name of the types are CustomObjectTranslation but in what format do I define the members?

Is it like this:

ObjectName-lang.customField__c or what?


Hi all,

We need to package and deploy in a DX environment the following code :
CaseShare userShare = new CaseShare();
userShare.CaseId = <case_id>;
userShare.UserOrGroupId = <user_id>;
userShare.CaseAccessLevel = 'Edit';
insert userShare;

The execution of the deployment process fails :
sfdx force:source:push -u <scratchorglabel>

Field is not writeable: CaseShare.CaseId (66:23)
Field is not writeable: CaseShare.UserOrGroupId (67:23)
Field is not writeable: CaseShare.CaseAccessLevel (69:27)
Field is not writeable: CaseShare.CaseAccessLevel (71:27)
DML operation Insert not allowed on CaseShare (73:13)

Apparently, this occurs when the sharing settings (here the Case object) is set to 'Public". The case object meta-data has sharing settings set to private but, based on what I see, it looks to be ignored during the push (see case.object-meta.xml below)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
Can someone help me on getting the insert of the sharing rule correctly packaged (unmanaged)?

Using the Force.com Migration Tool (Ant) v1.9.4 to deploy from one sandbox to another both on Spring '17 results in 

21.  profiles/Admin.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageSandboxes
22.  profiles/Finance.profile -- Error: Unknown user permission: ManageTranslation

If the orgs are on the same release, how is the target returning an error here. 

Lots and lots of migrations to do so any help appreciated!