• Prashant Pandey07
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Having trouble editing some Visualforce code.  I'm trying to edit the AccountHierarchyTree component from the Inline Account Hierarchy Visualforce page (https://appexchange.salesforce.com/listingDetail?listingId=a0N300000016chCEAQ) so it shows a custom Account field, but I get a "Content cannot be displayed: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Account.Project__c" error.  Edited section of code:

       <!-- Include the following if you uses sites with accounts -->

            <apex:outputText style="{!IF(pos.currentNode,'font-weight: bold;','')}" value=", {!pos.account.Type}" rendered="{!IF(pos.account.Type != '', true, false)}"/>
            <apex:outputText style="{!IF(pos.currentNode,'font-weight: bold;','')}" value=", {!pos.account.Name}" rendered="{!IF(pos.account.Name!= '', true, false)}"/>
            <apex:outputText style="{!IF(pos.currentNode,'font-weight: bold;','')}" value=", {!pos.account.Industry}" rendered="{!IF(pos.account.Industry!= '', true, false)}"/>&nbsp;
<!-- Stop -->

If I change account.Project__c to account.Name, Industry, or Type it works fine; all other fields I've tested don't.

Wondering if the component needs to be told to look up the field for information?  Whatever it is, I've got no idea how to make it happen - any advice would be much appreciated.

Hello all. I am working through the module called Customize a Salesforce Object, and am trying to complete the section on Enable Account Field History Tracking. I am at the part where it asks to locate Edge Communications, but when I follow the steps, this does not appear - I don't have any Accounts.
Suggestions? Was this account something that was created in a different module?


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Hi All,

I have a requirment to create Web Form to get the details from new customer and update a custom object in salesforce platform. 

I have created a VF page and a custom controller which can do this. But I want that form (VF page) to be available to the customer who access our main website. i.e., Customer should navigate to this form from our main WEBSITE, not through salesforce.

How can I achieve that?