• Neha Goel 19
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  • Member since 2015
  • Salesforce Developer

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I have created one canvas app and i need to show it in chatter / visualforce tab and while clicking on tab it should redirected to google home page .

But I am not getting anything simply blank screen.


I want to expose my third party application in salesforce visual force as a part of Salesforce experience.

I have already implemented this with help of Canvas App using Connected App. Through this approach I am not able to dynamically change my URL's domain.

Is there is any other way to implemente this ? If yes, then how ?

Example is that a customer will send an email to 2 different teams at the same time as they are unsure who is best placed to answer their question.
They type in both email addresses in the TO: field in their email provider... ie test1@test.com, test2@test.com

When they send they will get 2 auto notifications with 2 different case reference numbers.

Can rules be set up to ignore all but the 1st email address in order to only create 1 case?

Otherwise, if it creates more a case for each email address, it will result in more work for everyone and confusion over who is responding etc
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to complete this challenge, but I don't understand the error I have.
I've created "myFirstComponent" with the following on their .cmp file:
<aura:component >
	 I am proficient in JavaScript
After that I've created the "harnessApp" Lightning Application with this on it:
<aura:application >
	<c:myFirstComponent />
And the error is ... 
Error trying to check the challenge

Any help on that ?