• howshannon
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  • Member since 2015
  • Developer, Business Systems Analyst
  • Ceridian

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Hi, I just created a New Report in SF and I'm trying to change the layout so when I export it into excel it looks clean and professional so all the fields aren't in one row? Is there a way to change the layout when I export this report, or a way to get this report into an excel template that I create? 

Any help would be appreciated. 


Following these instructions but not seeing the edit button next to the magnifying glass in step 2 to setup custom debug levels. I'm on Winter 16, Enterprise. Is it still possible to use UI to set debug logs? Developer console sets the level automatically. Also not seeing the Trace Flags button/link from the class or trigger pages from step 1... What do I have to enable/change?

Community users cannot see the Send an Email button even though the Send Email permission is checked in their profile.
Is there any other setting we are missing here?
Curious what the best approach is to replace custom buttons that are currently using OnClick Javascript or URL since they are no longer supported when switching to Lightning Experience. Is it best to replace the classic buttons by building a new buton using the Lightning Design System framework within Lightning components and then adding to the page layout?