• Dennis Lin
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Hi, I've been trying to get this module to validate for the past few weeks and submitted feedback about it twice.

I keep getting the following error message: 

Step Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The process actions are improperly configured because: it does not have an action named 'Update Contact Address', or it does not use the contact Mailing Street, or it does not use the account Billing Street. 
Note: you may run into errors if you've skipped previous steps.

I've had colleagues look over my work and nothing was found. 

I have tried naming the action "Update Contact Address" (as it says in the error message) and "Update Contact Addresses" (as in the exercise) and it just doesn't seem to matter at all.

User-added image

I didn't skip any steps and have the previous two sections validated.

Can I have some assistance, please?

Thanks in advance.

When I attempt to validate the challenge, I get this error:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.ListException: List index out of bounds: 0

I went and looked at the External Data Source data and see this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?><feed xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata" xml:base="http://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/phones" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><id>http://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/phones</id><title type="text">phones</title><updated>2016-02-27T04:59:09.327Z</updated><link href="phones" rel="self" title="phones"></link><entry><id>http://phone-odata-demo.herokuapp.com/devices.svc/phones('NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4')</id><category scheme="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/scheme" term="devices.phones"></category><link href="phones('NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4')" rel="edit" title="phones"></link><title></title><updated>2016-02-27T04:59:09.328Z</updated><author><name></name></author><content type="application/xml"><m:properties><d:UUID>NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4</d:UUID><d:Brand>HTC</d:Brand><d:PhoneNumber>555-255-5556</d:PhoneNumber></m:properties></content></entry></feed>

The debug log in Salesforce says that the data should have a UUID of '0000123442' but it is 'NTZkMGRjOGI1Nzc4YmYwMzAwMmMxYTk4' in the OData feed.

The actual SOQL query that gets ran for the validation is: 
SELECT ID, UUID__r.Name FROM Phone__x WHERE UUID__c = '0000123442' LIMIT 1

Without that data feed returning 0000123442, there is no way to pass the challenge.

Any thoughts on what I could be doing wrong to not see the correct UUID returned?