• Jaanu
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One of my Users unable to update their own Task fields and while updating the data, it shows the error like "insufficient access rights on object id". As an administrator, i dont want to give "Modify All' access to my user. if i gave "Modify all" access to user, My user able to update their own Task information.
I have a hard coded custom link URL for 'My Tasks Today'. As part of the realease update, I had to delete the hard coded url .. and I have to mention the relative path to open the 'My Tasks Today'. After updating the URL, when I click on 'My Tasks Today' on home page .. I am getting error message 'Page Activities does not exist'. Can someone help me on this please ?
If user clicks on the case no. in community page, the details needs to be displayed in community layout. Developing Lightning Web Component for this to display the case details (few fields only). I have html file and xml files ready. When trying to save the .js file, I am getting the below error msg. Can someone help me on this.. new to this. 
I am following the link by @RajVakati  (Displaying Record Fields section)

The 'title' property does not exist on the component Error

        <div class="slds-grid slds-gutters">
            <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-2">
                <lightning-output-field field-name='CaseNumber'></lightning-output-field>
            <div class="slds-col slds-size_1-of-2">
                <lightning-output-field field-name='Origin'></lightning-output-field>

import { LightningElement ,api} from 'lwc';
export default class Recordview extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId ;

We have insatalled Salesforce HealthCloud in our Org. "Healthcare Provider" is standard object. I am admin in the system. I have modify all access to the object. When I open the record, on the page layout, there is no "Edit" button or there is no pencil beside the fields, which means I am not able to edit the record/fields on the page layout. Can someone give me ideas pls ?

Also I am in the process of creating process builder for "Healthcare Provider" object, I have to update couple of fields .. I don't see any field being listed under this object. 

I felt like it's access issue .. but I have required access for the object.. please help me..We are using lightning....thanks.
I am generating random number of length 9 digits .. sometimes, the leading zero is dropped and I am getting less than 9 digits sometimes... so, I need to check the number length in apex ..if it;s less than 9 numbers I want to generate another one. How to get the length ?
I have VF page. I am using this VF page in lightining component in iFrame. VF page is using the standard controller "Account". The page has buttons. I want to change the color of the button - background and button color as well. The buttons I have are "Save" and "Cancel" both of them are standard buttons. Pls let me know.... thanks. 
Hello! I have outbound platform event. When there is record created/edited in Salesforce .. I have trigger which will write the data into the Platform event. Somehow 3rd party is not getting the data. How do I see whether the data from Salesforce is going out or not ..  I am unable to see the data in platform event in workbench .. using the following query.. getting zero records...

I have 18 char id for the user. But I want to get the User name using the 18 char salesforce user id in Apex class. I tried to use the SOQL query to get the user name... it's exceeding the governer limits.. any other way getting the user name plase .. thanks. 
I am trying to integrate Salesforce with 3rd party system to create new accounts. I know within SF, there are duplicate rules and matching rules exist. Before I create new accounts, I want to run thru the existing duplicate rules on Account (Org has Person Accounts Enabled). if there is any duplicate I want to dump those accounts into temporary object for further review... if there is no duplicate, then I want to create new account. Let me know how this can be achieved pls ?

If I can't use dumplicate/matching rules ...then any SOQL/SOSL query example where I can search in the Org to find out any duplicates or not.. 
I am going to verify First Name, Last Name, ZIP/postal code fields for duplicates. 
I have created a new auto number field in Log a call. But I am unable to add this field to the page layout... I want to see whether it's working or not. If everything is good, then I want to hide this field from page layout. let me know how to add this field to the layout. 
Hi ... I have a requirement to get a report from 2 objects. When I looked at the schema diagram for these 2 objects, they are not related. One of the object is Account and other one is custom object. But report requires, details from custom object and related account details (like name, id etc). how can I acheive this please ?
I have component A which is calling component B. I have to pass the variable to child component. For some reason child component is not getting the variable. Can someone help with this.

Comp A - Component
<c:Presample ParentId="{!v.samId}"/>    ---> Presample (Comp B) is another lightning component which inturn calls url by passing the samId..which has apex class, which takes the samId for further processing. When I debug, the child component is not getting the variable SamId. Also I noticed, apex class is not @AuraEnabled. So, I had included in the upper class... still same issue. Do I have to include @AuraMethod for all the methods in the class ? 

Also why the child component is not getting the variable ? I am following the sample ref # https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2017/04/lightning-inter-component-communication-patterns.html

Comp B - Controller

 var url = '/apex/JSample?ParentId=' + SamId;  (Note: ParentId variable is defined in CompB component. SamId is defined in Comp A component)
I have defined a custom phone field (Type is Phone). When user enters 1234567890, it should be validated - Numeric, Should be 10 digits only, if the validation is ok, when we press enter, it should be formatted as (123) 456-7890. How this can be done please ? 

I have two custom objects [access.log & trans.log] who receive daily updates [New Records] from an external system. After 31 days we don't need them anymore and we would like to delete them. Both objects have a date field on the record 'Log_date__c'.

I know that you can make a job that deletes these records on a daily basis.

My question;

- How do I write a code that deletes the right records? (Log_date__c older than 31 days)
- How/where do I put in SFDC? (Apex Class or Trigger! - Both!)

Are there any who can help me progress. In which case it will be my first code in SFDC.