• Marla Martin
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  • Member since 2016

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It keeps reverting to org62 and telling me I don't have permission. I'm at this page: 
https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trails/lex_admin_migration/modules/lightning_app_builder/units/lightning_app_builder_custom_comps  and when I'm asked to copy and paste this link and install it https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tj0000001mMYP, it's taking me to Org62 (I'm an employee) and telling me I don't have permission. So I've tried logging into my playground from another browser, without authenticating, but don't know the password, since it logs me in through our system. When I try to reset the password, I'm told I don't have my birth city correct to complete the process.    Techforce sent me here for help. 
I'm working on the Trailhead "Build a Community with Knowledge and Chat" because I really want to learn how to use the Chat Snap ins for communitites. I'm getting stuck on the "Create a Chat Snap-in" section. It says to go to the Visualforce pages and copy just the beginning of the address which is https://c.na35.visual.force.com/apex/CommunitiesTemplate. So I am copying  https://c.na35.visual.force.com. Then it says to create a new CORS with this copied address. However, when I copy this into the new CORS original URL pattern then it will not save. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? I can't move forward without this step and I really want to learn how to do this. Thank you!