• Shukla Yogesh
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  • Member since 2016
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hello everyone, i just started journey with salesforce ,
i want to do following programms in apex , help me to solve....
Factorial program
program to find HCF and LCM
program to convert decimal to binary
program to find nCr and nPr
program to add n numbers
Swap numbers program
program to reverse a number
palindrome number program.
Hi all,

I have 3 list of account IDs (for 1 sObject is account, for other 2 they are child of account object).

 @AuraEnabled public static List<Account_Reg__c> accNameRegList{get;set;}
 @AuraEnabled public static List<Account_Name__c> accNameList{get;set;}
 @AuraEnabled public static List<Account> accList{get;set;}

I want to compare 3 list of IDs and the get the intersection of those 3 list.
But any of them can come empty also.
  • If 1st & 2nd list is not empty, take intersect of themand return the IDs
  • If 1st, 2nd & 3rd list is not empty take intersect of them and return the IDs
  • If  only one list is not empty , return that list of IDs.
Can you please help me out on this ?
Thanks in advance.
I have built the reports and dashboards as outlined in the requirements, but I'm getting the following error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Couldn't find a component with the title 'My Top Accounts'."  
User-added image

However, I have the component on the dashboard as you can see below.
User-added image
What am I missing?
Finishing the last challenge of the picklist administration Trailhead Module results in an error message, I cannot solve - see screenshot. Any ideas? I promoted the field to a global picklist, created the new field based on the global value set as requested...

User-added image
Actually I am facing below error in challange 8 

 Challenge Not yet complete... her's  what's wrong: Each article record type must contain the Question, Answer, and Record Type fields. Knowledge users must have the ability to select a record type when creating or editing articles.

NB: I have already created 3 resord types and also assing pagtlaouts with those,but still getting this error.

Please can you help me out to resolve this
I'm struggling with the custom lightning component on this part. I don't have much background coding and am having trouble finding resources to help me achieve coding the lightning component. If someone could help give me some framework code to create a custom lightning component to hold a URL or direct me to a resource that help break this down I'd be very appreciative.
I followed the instructions to create a macro, create a Case with subject "Design issue with mechanical rotor", and ran the Macro. The feed shows the email along with the text "The Macros Team is working on your case" in the email Body. Yet I get this message when I check the Challenge:
"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The case with the subject 'Design issue with mechanical rotor' does not includes an email update in the case feed with the text 'The Macros Team is working on your case'. Make sure you run your macro on this case."

I even created a new Case with the correct Subject with the same results.

My Email Template has the following information:
Dear {!Contact.FirstName}, 


The Macros Team is working on your case 

Thank you, 


Your comment: 

trigger InvoiceSum on Invoice_Items__c (after insert, after update)
     Set<Id> InvIds = new Set<Id>();   
     for(Invoice_Items__c ii :trigger.new)
     { InvIds.add(ii.InvoiceFK__c); }

        List<Invoice__c> InvRecs = [Select id, Ammount__c from Invoice__c where id in : InvIds ];
       for(Invoice__c inv : InvRecs)
          //inv.Ammount__c= [Select sum(Invoice_items__r.Amount__c) from Invoice_Items__c ];
           Decimal total=0;
        //   for (Invoice_items__c iit: inc.Invoice_items__c)
          inv.Ammount__c =inv.Invoice_items__r.Amount__c;
            update inv;
Invoice__c is parent object and Invoice_item__c is child, I have to sum the all line items amount and display on Invoice__c record. Please help.
I'm pretty sure I have created a hybrid mobile app - but I still get this message 'Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: You haven't run and logged in from the 'TrailheadHybridTest' app.' I created a new Dev org and logged in to the app OK but Trailhead won't let me pass this challenge.