• vineesha podugu 7
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Create a class called 'ParkLocator' that has a 'country' method that uses the 'ParkService' class and returns an array of available park names for a particular country passed to the web service. Possible country names that can be passed to the web service include Germany, India, Japan and United States.

i have used the ParkLocator.. but i am getting an error that "The Apex class 'ParkLocator' does not appear to be calling the SOAP endpoint."

could any one help me plz....
Hi All,
I am trying to do Trailhead module about Heroku Connect module 
The application's server.js file in the root directory contains the server-side Node.js application. If you edit that file, you see the SQL statement used to update the database:UPDATE salesforce.Contact SET Phone = $1, MobilePhone = $1 WHERE ...
I couldn't find any such file containing the UPDATE salesforce.Contact SET Phone = $1, MobilePhone = $1 WHERE ... 
 please help
I'm doing the simple lightning components challenge and have hit this problem in my existing trailhead org and a brand new dev org that I've just created:

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: QVWBQHAG