• Shifs Salheen
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  • Member since 2016

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I have a Business Goal Object ,now in Campaign ,Business Goal is a lookup field.In list page,I want to display Business Goal NAme instead of Id.
Somewhere I read use Business_Goal__r.Name .But when I do this, it gives error that "
SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Campaign.Business_Goal__r 
Hi All,

I want to insert records when i click on Save button of VF page in another Salesforce organization using Apex. Please help me how to achieve this.Currently I have done locally but how to do ifor inserting records in another Salesforce org.
I have created a custom VF list page which show all my campaigns in list view,now when I click on Edit button ,it should redirect me to a new VF page which is edit form with details filled.Please help me with this.

I have fetched the id and retrieved the record in Apex Controller,but how to bind it with VF page fields.

Hello All,
In "View SetUp Audit Trail" we can see a list of things performed on Objects.Is there any provision that how can we rollback these changes.Suppose I have changed the component type of field from Number to Text.Is there any provision to rollback all changes upto specific point.
Hi everyone,
I have a field which is of text field type,but on visualforce page I am creating it as dropdown using <apex:selectList> .Due to this I am unable to attach required error message to it .Is there any solution to it?
I don't want some of my users to give the right for deleting/ editing or creating new  custom objects.Can anyone tell me how to achieve this