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Challenge Question:
Assume a company needs a user whose job is to solely review existing accounts and report on them, but does not require the ability to edit the records. They should only see records from the Account object. Create the correct profile for this user.The profile must be named 'Account Reviewer'.
The 'Account Reviewer' profile should use the 'Salesforce' user license type.
Any user assigned to the 'Account Reviewer' profile should only have read access to the Account object (and no access to any other object in the Org).

I did every thing as tiralhead instructed but i am getting this error.

Challenge not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Account Reviewer' profile does not work as expected
To Create Account Reviewer profile with only read only access to account object, with salesforce license type, which profile should i clone to be able to create this profile without having the need to uncheck edit / create / delete buttons for so many objects to which standard profiles with salesforce license have access to.