• Jatin Sethi 26
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I am using a visualforce email template. I need to send profile picture of a user in the email itself. I cannot store it in documents folder. How can i achieve this. As of now, I am getting a url which can be accessible from salesforce only
I have created a lightning component. Now I am using it in my mobile app using action link. I am throwing aura enabled exception which are to be displayed in toast. It working fine for browser but it is not working for salesforce 1 mobile app. Suggest??
i am trying to pass the data-id and data-value to javascript .but i am anuable to pass those values onchange event .please help me how to pass the values onchange event
<aura:iteration items="{!tableList}" var="set" indexVar="childindex">
                                        <ui:outputtext class="slds-align_absolute-center" value="{!childindex + 1}"> </ui:outputtext>
                                        <!--lightning:input variant="label-hidden" class="slds-align_absolute-center" disabled="true" name="Name" type="text"    value="{!set.field}" /-->
                                        <a style="color:black"   >
                                            <!--lightning:combobox aura:id="select_Field" name="FieldReference" label="FieldReference" placeholder="Choose any Field" variant="label-hidden" value="{!set.field}" options="{! v.headerOptions }" /-->
                                            <lightning:select   class="label-hidden" value="{!set.field}" data-id="{!masterindex}" data-value="{!childindex}" onchange="{!c.onHeaderChange}" >
                                                 <option text="Select any value" value=""/>
                                                <aura:iteration items="{!v.headerOptions}" var="Option">
                                                    <option text="{!Option.label}" value="{!Option.value}"/>
I am using a visualforce email template. I need to send profile picture of a user in the email itself. I cannot store it in documents folder. How can i achieve this. As of now, I am getting a url which can be accessible from salesforce only
I have created a lightning component. Now I am using it in my mobile app using action link. I am throwing aura enabled exception which are to be displayed in toast. It working fine for browser but it is not working for salesforce 1 mobile app. Suggest??
Hi all,

How can I get other fields' value of recordId attribute in Lightning component?
For instance, recordId of Opportunity, want to get AccountId of this opportunity
I want send an email from Organization-Wide Address but this accounts are should verify, the problem is that I couldn't verifying this type of address: testDisccounts@1-ys511gkea63b4vriwfq1nkw80jzyaa8t.<XXXX>.apex.sandbox.salesforce.com.
I should use this addres because when the customer reply the message, Saleforce should catch the text of the reply message and then execute an apex class.

Thank u.
Hi All,

I am trying to show the user Profile Picture of Salesforce in Visualforce email template by using <apex:image url="{!relatedTo.LastModifiedBy.smallphotourl} /> . But when I send email then in place of Image I see  'X' in vf Template.

Then I took help of below link :

So according to this link it is not possible. But is it possible to show that images with a programatically approach ?
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to build a lightning component which will be used on Opportunity lightning UI. The component is placed in the right panel. The component loads pretty well on any Opportunity record view.

The problem here is when I try to update the opportunity record (which comes as popup block) the component in the right panel is not getting refreshed. By this the updated values are not showing up on the lightint component.

Need to find a way to refresh the lightning component on record save.

Any help would be appreciated!! 
