• Ima_Bweaver
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I have an error within Visualforce Page that uses a Custom Controller. The Class compiles correctly, but the Visualforce Page seems to not recognize the name of the custom controller program that I am calling. I've tried looking at others that had the same issue but there the code that fixes the problem follows the same format of the code I am using to call the function. Help please!

The error specifically states "Unknown property 'accont' referenced in Radio_Button_app_Example.

Here is the code for the visualforce page that is giving the error
<apex:page >
               	  <tr style="display:table-row;">
                	 <th style="width:10%;">Select Account</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Name</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Account Number</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Annual Revenue</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Number Of Empoloyees</th>
                  <apex:repeat value="{!accont}" var="acc">
                            <input value="{!acc.Id}" Name="SelectedAccount" Type="radio"/><br/>

and here is the controller that is having no issues saving
public class cRadio_Button_app_Example 
    public List<Account> accont {get;set;}
    public cRadio_Button_app_Example () 
       accont=NEW List<Account>([SELECT Id,name,AccountNumber,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees FROM Account]);

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Brandon Weaver

I have an error within Visualforce Page that uses a Custom Controller. The Class compiles correctly, but the Visualforce Page seems to not recognize the name of the custom controller program that I am calling. I've tried looking at others that had the same issue but there the code that fixes the problem follows the same format of the code I am using to call the function. Help please!

The error specifically states "Unknown property 'accont' referenced in Radio_Button_app_Example.

Here is the code for the visualforce page that is giving the error
<apex:page >
               	  <tr style="display:table-row;">
                	 <th style="width:10%;">Select Account</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Name</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Account Number</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Annual Revenue</th>
                     <th style="width:10%;">Number Of Empoloyees</th>
                  <apex:repeat value="{!accont}" var="acc">
                            <input value="{!acc.Id}" Name="SelectedAccount" Type="radio"/><br/>

and here is the controller that is having no issues saving
public class cRadio_Button_app_Example 
    public List<Account> accont {get;set;}
    public cRadio_Button_app_Example () 
       accont=NEW List<Account>([SELECT Id,name,AccountNumber,AnnualRevenue,NumberOfEmployees FROM Account]);

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Brandon Weaver

I am on the Hands On Challenge for this trail on Reports & Dashboard. The final step of the challenge is to "Post a snapshot of the 'Opptys by Type' dashboard component to Dashboard Chatter feed". I have enabled Feed Tracking and have selected the "Select the Enable Dashboard Components Box." I am not getting the option to display a hover menu which would allow me to "Post Snapchat to Dash Feed". I have only successfuly been able to share my dashboard to Chatter by using Lightening Mode, zooming in the Dashboard, and sharing it to my followers manually. This is the last traiI needed to complete my Reports & Dashboard Superpadge. How can I share my Dashboard to Chatter if I am able to get a hover menu?