• Jyoti Ranjan Sahoo 4
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Per documentation, the following applies to the Enterprise WSDL. 
1. The Enterprise WSDL is strongly typed.
2. The Enterprise WSDL is tied (bound) to a specific configuration of Salesforce (ie. a specific organization's Salesforce configuration).
3. The Enterprise WSDL changes if modifications (e.g custom fields or custom objects) are made to an organization's Salesforce configuration.

I have a question when should a new Enterprise WSDL needs to be generated. I tried out a scenario, where I saved an Enterprise WSDL and after that I added a new field called 'test-_c' which does exist in the current WSDL. After that I executed a Create method with the new field which worked without having to generate a new WSDL. That said, when should WSDL need to be generated?    Thank you in advance!
I'm wondering if it possible to add button to a visual force page that launches a flow. 
My users would like to be able to create opportunities directly from Outlook, but since we use a custom flow for opportunity creation, and global actions don't support flows, this isn't directly possible.

However, visual force pages are able to be setup with Global Actions, so I was hoping to be able to embed either my flow screen, or the button directly into a visual force page so I could create this global action for my users for Outlook.  

I appreciate any advice.
I was showing one of my sales users how he could mass email his campaing this morning through a GoToMeeting and I got a message that I had insufficient priviledges??? I'm the admin so I don't see how this is even possible. The sales user was able to complete the mass email but I cannot. My profile does have the mass email persmission checked. Any ideas?

I am using Lightning Enterprise Edition.

Insufficient Privileges message

I'm getting an error when I try to perform the challenge: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/workflow_migration/workflow_migration_actions

- Error:
User-added image

- Creation of the task:
User-added image

- Creation of the contract:
User-added image

When I test my process builder, the actions are performed with success: the task and the contract are created.
I already saw the solutions and tips on this forum and I created a new playground. In other words, there are no activated workflows or validation rules.
Can someone help me ?
How to find all my opporunity's tasks are closed and I need to update a filed to checked in opportunity.
I have find duplicate test method. and I found this error "System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id ; first error: DUPLICATES_DETECTED, Alart duplicated lead: []". for real there is no duplicate data. can you help me? Thanks
I have a lookup relationship between Accounts and Leads (account__c) and I would like to create a before insert, before update (I think) trigger to transfer the Account Name to the Company name field. I just don't even know where to begin.  

Is this how you would do it? If so, could someone point me in the right direction or help me? 
I need to query opportunities related to a custom object that have a close date in the same quarter as the created date of the Custom Object record. For example, if the created date of the record is 1/1/2018 I need to pull a list of opps created 1/1/2018-3/31/2018.

I know if I'm working off of today's date I could do: 

oppList = [SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate, Type, StageName, FROM Opportunity WHERE CustomObject__c =: CustomObjectID AND CloseDate = THIS_QUARTER];

Any Ideas?