• Robbie Egan
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  • Member since 2021

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I have created a screen flow to create a record so that I can launch it from a related list. When using it on Desktop I have no issues. On mobile, on both Android and iOS, when I can click into the lookup screen component and it opens the 'pop-up' where I can search and select values but when I select a value the 'pop-up' doesn't go away and effectively hangs the flow. The only thing I can do is click back, which takes me out of the Flow. The interesting thing is that the value seems to populate on the screen behind the 'pop-up'. 

My Salesforce App is on the new version 230.030.0 on Android. 

Here's an image of the screen where it's hanging. Does anyone have any insights as to what the issue could be here? Thanks. 

User-added image
Hi there,

I am trying to add a "Related Record List" Component in my Community on my custom object (called Payment Profiles) details page. I want to display a related list from the related look-up field. In this case, the related field is "Counterpart__c" The component requires "Parent Record ID" and the Related List Name.
"Related Record List" Component
I've tried:

Granted I haven't published and tested each of these options, I am just relying on the preview in the community builder which says "This component has no data". Can you let me know what the syntax was for determining the ID of a parent record?
