• Marc Porst 8
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Hi all,

I was thinking about how to make an Org more customer centric.
So to collect all leads and opportunities with a "Customer" object to see a full timeline of the customer. As we generate the leads by a Webform there should be a mechanism to detect if this customer already signed in. 

I was thinking to have a person account or the individuals object on top of every lead and opportunity.

So I would love to share ideas and experiences.




Hi, we created a Streaming client in Python. We use the package SalesforceStreamingClient from aiosfstream for this:

Documentation (https://aiosfstream.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/)

We subscribe to a Platform Event.
Sometimes it happens the streaming client stops receiving any messages. After we restart the Python application everything works fine again. 


I have read there is an connection timeout for the Streaming API (CometD) for 3 hours. 


But as you can see the graph it works for a whole day and then suddenly stops.



Do we have to reset the connect after not receiving any messages within a time period or can we check with a timer if we are still listening to the PlatformEvent?





Hi All, 
I have an apex method where I hava  a for loop which is iterating over a list of items. That list has 2 items in it but the loop is returning only the 1st item. 
Can you guys please help me out with it and let me know where I am going wrong.
public static String getPrecission(String imageString){
            String modelIdValues = System.Label.quote_Id;
                List<String> quoteIdLst = (quoteIdValues.contains(';')) ? quoteIdValues.split(';') : new List<String>{quoteIdValues};
                if(quoteIdLst.size() > 0){
                	String accessToken = getAccessToken();
                    for(String quote: quoteIdLst){
                        List<Vision.Precission> lstPricission = *****************;
                        return JSON.serialize(lstPricission);
            return JSON.serialize(new List<Vision.Precission>());
        }catch(Exception e){
            return JSON.serialize(new List<Vision.Precission>());

Please do help me out, why for loop is iterating only for the 1st element of the list. 
Hi all,

I was thinking about how to make an Org more customer centric.
So to collect all leads and opportunities with a "Customer" object to see a full timeline of the customer. As we generate the leads by a Webform there should be a mechanism to detect if this customer already signed in. 

I was thinking to have a person account or the individuals object on top of every lead and opportunity.

So I would love to share ideas and experiences.




Hi, we created a Streaming client in Python. We use the package SalesforceStreamingClient from aiosfstream for this:

Documentation (https://aiosfstream.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/latest/pdf/)

We subscribe to a Platform Event.
Sometimes it happens the streaming client stops receiving any messages. After we restart the Python application everything works fine again. 


I have read there is an connection timeout for the Streaming API (CometD) for 3 hours. 


But as you can see the graph it works for a whole day and then suddenly stops.



Do we have to reset the connect after not receiving any messages within a time period or can we check with a timer if we are still listening to the PlatformEvent?



