• Leo Bishop
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Hello there, I'm trying to auto-populate the values from one field to another of same object. can anyone guide for this please !!

Requirement 1:
From time to time we update Products and make them enable/disabled or change any other field.
We have about a few hundered products that are changed.

Right now we are using Apex script to update them which runs fine but it requires a developer to update it every time and run it over. Obviously we test it before running.
I wonder if there is anything we can do to automate it, any thoughts?
I am thinking if we have any data migration tool that will take a file and update the product but that will require another license.
Another option is to simply write an Apex code get the file in uploads and run the script.
Third is to create one Flow to extract data from excel to product.

Requirement 2:
During the testing sometimes a lot of data is needed to test if our test are passed or not say we are testing duplicate rules. Or any other part in reporting that requires data. or we have created new objects that require regressive testing.
How can we effectively generate some real like data.

Condition: We are not allowed to use Salesforce data-loader in any of the requirement as its open source. Please don’t ask why :) 

Any help would be much appriciated!

  • February 13, 2023
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For those who use Group Chatter notifications for conversations that require follow-up from members of the group, what have you found is the best way to keep this organized to ensure replies are handled. I'm interested in utilizing this feature, but don't want to rely on inbox notification and in-app notifications as those can easily get buried. I'm happy to hear a mix of OOTB and other solutions.

Hello, I have a situation where the DeveloperName\QualifiedApiName is not the same as Label\MasterLabel in a CustomMeta Data table.

In VSCode all that is visible is on the CustomMeta Data table is the field of Label name.  When the CLI command is used to instert a record, it defaults the value used for the Label into the DeveloperName.  The requirement is to uniquely specify the Label and the DeveloperName.

sfdx force:cmdt:record:insert -f C:\__RepositoryPath\DataImport\My_CustomMetaData__mdt.csv -t My_CustomMetaData

I know there are different DeveloperNames on records for the existing CustomMeta data but I do not see those in VSCode either.

I used this command to retrieve the structure and the DeveloperName is not there.

sfdx force:source:retrieve -m CustomObject:My_CustomMetaData__mdt 

There are a lot of records.  Yes I could import and change one of the field values manually.  Totally inefficient.  I am hoping for a better solution if one is out there.



Hi all,

We have criterias to evaluate the score of our leads and we want some special users to be able to change the criterias when they need, instead of asking admins to change them. Criterias can be of the form of fields but if you have other solution it would be amazing !

Thanks you,

I want to create contact record using existing account Id in Aura lightning table ? and I want save a row separately in on submit button it perform bulk insert ?

the Output look like this

Controller Code:-

addRowController : function(component, event, helper) { var contactList = component.get("v.contactList"); contactList.push({ 'sobjectType': 'Contact', 'FirstName': '', 'LastName': '', 'Phone': '', 'Email': '', }); component.set("v.contactList", contactList); // component.set("v.showTableFlag", true); }, saveContactController : function(component, event, helper) { var action = component.get("c.saveContactList"); var objId = event.currentTarget.dataset.id; alert('aya'); action.setParams({"conList": component.get("v.contactList"), objId}); action.setCallback(this, function(response) { if (response.getState() === "SUCCESS") { //set empty contact list component.set("v.contactList", []); alert('Contact saved successfully'); } }); $A.enqueueAction(action); }

Apec Class:-

public static boolean saveContactList(string objId){ Contact objCon = New Contact (id = objId); if(objCon != null){ insert objCon; return true; }else{
return false;
Hi All,
Anybody facing issue with the new Enhanced domain implementation, I am not able to get the handle to the cookies.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Below is my scenerio/steps
1. salesforce sets the cookie value using an LWC component.
2. Re-directs the page to OKTA for authentication.
3. OKTA after authentication re-directs to a visual force page where the Javascript tried to read the cookie already set in the step 1.
The value reading the while reading the cookie is 'undefined'

It's all working well without Enhanced domain implementation enabled, As Jan 10 2023 is the cutoff date of mandatory implementation of Enhanced Domain on Sandboxes, we are trying to resolve this issue before the cut-off date.

function getCookie(name) {
            let cookieString = "; " + document.cookie;
            let cookies = cookieString.split("; ");
            let currentCookieVal;
            cookies.forEach(cookie => {
            let currentCookieArr = cookie.split('=__');
                if(currentCookieArr.length && currentCookieArr.length === 2) {
                    if(currentCookieArr[0].includes(name)) {
                        currentCookieVal = currentCookieArr;
            return currentCookieVal;

Can someone help me out with this issue?

We have enabled the feature for Contact to multiple Accounts. A user is trying to remove the primary Account from a Contact but is unable to do so.The page layout has been updated by the admin to no longer require an Account.
Why is this?
Is it because 
The Contact has indirect relationships to other Accounts
The Account Contact relationship record needs to be deleted first in order to disassociate the Contact from the Account.

Also, is it required that a primary Account relationship is required on a Contact regardless of the page layout settings.

Thank you.