• Jincy Joshwa
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Let me start by saying that I followed the tutorial here (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/event-relay/guide/relay-events-section.html) and got it working great and deployed that funcitonality to production. 

In the same sandbox that was working weeks prior I noticed that the events were being generated in Salesforce (as I could see them in workbech) but the events are not being sent to AWS EventBridge partner event source. I thought that the partner event source could be broken or something so I attempted to create a new one and even that isn't working. Where I notice the issue is when I create the Event Relay Configuration I then query to see the status of the EventRelayFeedback and there I can see that the RemoteResource (connection to AWS EventBridge) is not created. What should I do next? How can I troulbeshoot or fix this?