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Hi, all.  I'm running into a problem that I'm sure is very basic.  If I run a search that returns one record (i.e., FIND {GONZALEZ}...), the return is what I understand to be an sObject.  However, if I run a search that returns more than one records (i.e., FIND {GR}...), what is returned?  Is it an object of objects?  If so, does anyone have any sample code that would help me understand how to deal with this?
Does anyone have sample PHP code leveraging the NuSoap library that they would be willing to share depicting how to interface with the Sforce API?  I've been tinkering for a while now, and just can't get it working.  A little sample code should get me kick-started.  Thanks!
Hi, all.  I'm running into a problem that I'm sure is very basic.  If I run a search that returns one record (i.e., FIND {GONZALEZ}...), the return is what I understand to be an sObject.  However, if I run a search that returns more than one records (i.e., FIND {GR}...), what is returned?  Is it an object of objects?  If so, does anyone have any sample code that would help me understand how to deal with this?

Perhaps I'm just dull, but I can't get a propper login working to save my life.  My server is Win2K SP3/IIS/ASP/VBScript.   I'm using the code below to make my SOAP query:

sforceSoapServer = "https://www.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.Api"

 sforceSoapHeader = "<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""" _
 & " xmlns:tns=""salesforce"" xmlns:types=""salesforce/encodedTypes"" "_
 & " xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" "_
 & " xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance""> " _
 & " soap-env:encodingStyle=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/""> " _
 & " <soap-env:Header> " _
 & " <headerStruct>" _
 & " <version xsi:type=""xsd:string"">2.0</version>" _
 & " <headerStruct>" _
 & " </soap-env:Header>"

 sforceSoapFooter = "</soap-env:Envelope>"

 strSoapBody = "<soap-env:Body> "
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<tns:login xmlns:tns=""sfconnector:SalesforceConnector"" type=""methodCall"">"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<username type=""string"">" & strUsername & "</username>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "<password type=""string"">" & strPassword & "</password>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "</tns:login>"
 strSoapBody = strSoapBody & "</soap-env:Body>"

 strSoapRequest = sforceSoapHeader & strSoapBody & sforceSoapFooter

 'Build the SOAP header
 Set xmlhttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
 xmlhttp.Open "POST", sforceSoapServer , False  'False = do not respond immediately
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Man", POST & " " & sforceSoapServer & " HTTP/1.1"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"
 xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "PrettyPrint", "Yes"
 'Send the SOAP request

The response that I get back from the server is always the same: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><methodResponse><fault><value><struct><member><name>faultString</name><value>unknown method name null</value></member><member><name>faultCode</name><value><int>1113</int></value></member></struct></value></fault></methodResponse>

Any ideas?