• DeniseM
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I've set up a junction object but Product doesn't appear in the picklist of objects.


I want to have a many to many relationship between Products and Assets. Any suggestions?


Several questions...just starting to use Eclipse and trying to learn APEX (I have no Java experience) and hit deployment problems.
I'm trying to get a class and 2 triggers into Production.
Q1. Why is my project never synchronized when I hit "Deploy"?
I synchronize it and it tells me no updates, then I deploy and it tells me project isn't synchronized...
Q2. Why do I get 92% test coverage in salesforce.com (when running all tests" but only 62% in Eclipse?
Q3. When I finally get to choosing components to deploy, why doesn't it accept the APEX classes?
I select 1 class out of 4 (I don't want the others in yet) but I get the message: "ZIP exception: ZIP file must have at least one entry". Is this down to test coverage? If so, why, because the class I'm trying to select has 100% coverage.
Hello all,
I just wrote my first Apex trigger, and deployed it to production. Now I need to make a change to it, but I cannot seem to convince eclipes that overwritting is a valid action. I changed my trigger, saved it, selected the class and the trigger from the list of things to update, and it keeps telling me "Please select at least one component to be deployed".

Can somebody please help, I desperatly need to disable one part of my trigger, or the whole thing, but I can't modify it at all! HELP!