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Once information in a web-to-case situation is provide, is there a link allowing you to automatically enter that information in contacts or leads, or must it be entered manually.

When synching Outlook and Salesforce Professional, can Salesfroce be programed to receive, or duplicate, messages from Outlook. If so, where are they stored?

Our company set up our login and shopping cart with OS commerce. We would like to incorporate Salesforce's customer portal, however I do not know if:

1) The login for either program will interfere with the other
2) One must be disabled to allow the other to function correctly
3) The login information gather from OS Commerce can be synched with leads and contacts in Salesforce
4) The customer portal can be synched to the shopping cart to allow us to keep information on what is purchased in Salesforce

I am obviously not familiar with prgraming language,a nd these questions are not typically asked of the salesforce customer service agents, so I am interested in really discovering what Sales froce can and cannot do in laymen's terms.

Thank you.