• kyleRoche
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I'm working through the "Force.com Workbook". So far so good.


I'm up to Step 2 of the "Building A Custom User Interface With VisualForce" tutorial.


I've encountered my first problem.


Going to "https://na6.salesforce.com/apex/MyMileagePage" does give me a "Page MyMileagePage does not exist" error as expected. However, the error page does not look like the one illustrated in the cookbook and there is no "Create Page MyMileagePage" link.


Is there another simple way of creating the same page without forcing the error message? Perhaps via Setup > Develop > Pages?


Is there a tutorial as simple and strong as "Force.com Workbook" that walks you through that alternative process?


Many thanks in advance. 

Hi everyone. I recently upgraded a project to the new version of the iOS toolkit. I'm getting null values on dateformat strings now. It looks like there was some changes within the dateTimeValue function? 


Here is a sample code snippet. This used to return a value, but is now null. Is there another example of how to properly format dates from SFDC? 


NSDate *treatmentDate = [patient dateTimeValue:@"Last_Admission_Date__c"];

NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];

[dateFormat setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm zzz"];

NSString *dateString = [dateFormat stringFromDate:treatmentDate];

cell.detailTextLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Admission Date: %s", dateString];



hi... i'm working in iOS. it seems I can only have one call to client:query with a selector running at any time. if more than one are launched, my app is crashing. if i put them serially, everything is fine. 


is this just an iOS threading issue? is there a way to call multiple client.query methods with separate selectors in the same method? 



How do you link a inputFile upload to an Account record?
For example, say I want to create a Visualforce page that has a SelectList for two fields like: Account.multipickone and Account.multipicktwo

I get that we can use the getPicklistValues() and create our own SelectList. That's fine. But, you hit the limit of 10 picklist describe calls almost immediately? What about objects w/ 4 or 5 of these multi select fields?

How do you get around this limitation? Please don't tell me we have to hard code SelectOptions. I'm really hoping for a more elegant solution.


Hello guys,

I have generated wsdl from my apex class.Now i want to use wsdl  in my iphone app. how can i do this ???


plz help me....


under OSX I had no problems with wrong login credentials - no program termination.

Now programming against iOS (iPhone Simulator 3.1.3) my App wants to do this


ZKSforceClient *client = [[ZKSforceClient alloc] init];

[client login:userid password:password];


and terminates with this log:


[Session started at 2010-12-02 09:48:57 +0100.]

2010-12-02 09:49:00.487 iOppBrwsr[9241:207] sendRequest - before THROW

2010-12-02 09:49:00.489 iOppBrwsr[9241:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'INVALID_LOGIN', reason: 'INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.'

2010-12-02 09:49:00.489 iOppBrwsr[9241:207] Stack: (




















In BaseClient "sendRequest" it falls down to the very last error handling statement

@throw [ZKSoapException exceptionWithFaultCode:fc faultString:fm];

I admit that I am not very experienced with that, so probably it should be clear what to do. But honestly a little hint how I should handle this common situation would be great!
Any volunteers?




I m new in salesforce integration with iOS .i looked over with sample code at GitHub



but i am unable to login on iPad app on simulator with my salesforce credentials...do we need to login with salesforce credentials only or something else?



hi... i'm working in iOS. it seems I can only have one call to client:query with a selector running at any time. if more than one are launched, my app is crashing. if i put them serially, everything is fine. 


is this just an iOS threading issue? is there a way to call multiple client.query methods with separate selectors in the same method? 



I am fairly new to Html/VisualForce so maybe this is an obvious question but how does one change the image associated with an apex:image element on a VisualForce page when the user places the mouse over it?
  • March 14, 2009
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I'm working through the "Force.com Workbook". So far so good.


I'm up to Step 2 of the "Building A Custom User Interface With VisualForce" tutorial.


I've encountered my first problem.


Going to "https://na6.salesforce.com/apex/MyMileagePage" does give me a "Page MyMileagePage does not exist" error as expected. However, the error page does not look like the one illustrated in the cookbook and there is no "Create Page MyMileagePage" link.


Is there another simple way of creating the same page without forcing the error message? Perhaps via Setup > Develop > Pages?


Is there a tutorial as simple and strong as "Force.com Workbook" that walks you through that alternative process?


Many thanks in advance. 

How to get quantity of records after select from database ?

I have such code. What I must set instead '????' ?

public void test3() {

Opportunity[] opp = [select ownerid from Opportunity];


Thank you.
Hello folks,
Today  I am challenged with this problem .. I have my page's showHeader attribute set to true as I wanted to display the sideBar & the header .. at the same time, while printing the page using JS window.print(), my side bar and the header also get printed .. but I wanted only the VF tab(page) to be printed.

Any hints folks ? your help with be greatly appreciated !


Message Edited by Arun Bala on 12-23-2008 10:40 AM

Does anybody have and idea of how to implement Ajax-style popups in Visualforce? Is there a way to avoid javascript?
An example would be a table with multiple columns and rows. Data in column one is a hyperlink that would popup a child window that would have some input fields and buttons on it with some custom logic.

I can't simply hide/show certain area of the page (like in the following example Visualforce Sample - Dynamic Edit Page) because I don't know how many rows are going to be in the table.


  • December 23, 2008
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How do you link a inputFile upload to an Account record?
Sorry if this question seems remedial, but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere...

I have a set of VisualForce pages that make calls to a 3rd party web service that I wrote. This web service requires a "key" that is retrieved by calling the "Login()" function on the web service. This function sends back a string that should be used with all subsequent calls to this web service. My question is, is there some equivalent of session variables I can use in Apex to store this variable? I would like some variable I can set that will live as long as the SF user is logged in, and should only be accessible by that SF user.


Message Edited by Spector on 10-03-2008 04:12 PM
I have a customer oject called 'Employee_c' and I want to display some of the fields within that object on my visualforce page sucha as 'Name'.  Every time I try to add this object to by custom controller I get the following error.  Am I using the wrong syntax for custom ojects? The API name for my custom object is Employee_c.

Code example:
Employee_c Emp1;

Error: Compile Error: Invalid type: Employee_c at line 4 column 1

I was to be able to do the same as I do with account or other standard objects on a visualforce page.

The standard oject code work fine?
Account account;

public Account getAccount() {
        if (account == null)
            account =[select id, name from Account
                     where id = '001R0000008SVv7'];
            return account;

Please help!

  • October 02, 2008
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I'm now using Eclipse and the force.com plugin to package and deploy
my visualForce and Apex codes.
Is there a way to package and deploy visualForce and Apex codes without
using Eclipse ?
My page looks like this

<apex:commandButton value="Search" rerender="noresults" status="searchStatus" action="{!query}"/>

<apex:outputPanel id="noresults">

<apex:actionStatus id="searchStatus">

<apex:facet name="start">

<apex:outputText >Working......</apex:outputText>


<apex:facet name="stop">

<apex:outputText rendered="{!showTable}">Found</apex:outputText>

<apex:outputText rendered="{!showNoRecFound}">No Records Found</apex:outputText>




getShowTable() and getShowNoRecFound() cannot return true at the same time. Even if getShowTable() returns true, the text "Found" does not get displayed. When getShowNoRecFound() returns true the corresponding text is getting displayed.

I tried moving one of the outputText to a different outputPanel. Then it works perfectly fine. But the status gets messed up!!

Am I missing something?

  • September 12, 2008
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When I run the test to deploy a visualforce page I get the following error :
System.TypeException: Testmethods do not support webservice callouts.
It's hard to believe than you can write some apex code and you can not deploy .
Anybody know how to get around that limitation?
  • September 04, 2008
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