• RaviJpr
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Hi all,


Q) How many ways you can deploye the code in salesforce?


please give me help...


Thanks for your help.



We need to set the source of an iframe using a text field on a VF page on page load. The text field on the parent page contains the name of another VF page to load in the iframe.


This works (full URL):

<iframe width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://c.na7.visual.force.com/apex/aaobarchartplain" ></iframe>


This does not (where Dashboard_Report__c is the custom object, and Page_Name__c is the name of the field containing the name of the VF page we want to load in the iframe; page name example is rmbarchart):

 <iframe width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="Dashboard_Report__c. Page_Name__c"></iframe>


On the latter, an error is thrown; “The name 'c.Page_Name' can only contain alphanumeric characters, must begin with a letter, and must be unique.”


This also throws an error:

 <iframe width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="true" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="Page_Name">

Error; “Page Page_Name does not exist”


Any help or suggestions is appreciated.

I am loading the AJAX toolkit into a Visualforce page because the API has functionality in it that Apex does not support. Whether the user has API access or not, the script loads fine and the sforce object is created.


Within the sforce Javascript object, I don't see anything indicating whether a user has API access or not.  If I run a call (e.g. sforce.connection.describeGlobal()), a user without API access returns an error.


When the page loads I want to have a script invoked that tests whether the existing user has API access or not and result it in a true/false variable that I'll keep on the page.  I will then use the results of that variable to turn on/off functionality for the page.


Can anyone help with a safe function to run that accomplishes can test whether API access is turned on and return true or false?  I've tried, but have had trouble catching all the possible errors.  I need it so that no Javascript errors are thrown because that kills IE and looks ugly in the console of the other browsers.

  • January 27, 2012
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I have a sites app that has six pages that work in sequence like a wizard using one controller.  It's working pretty well.


Here's something that baffles me though.  I'm testing the side, I change some stuff on the page, and reload the page.  All's fine.  I do that several times.  Every once in a while, I get an error, sometimes on the first page, sometimes on a subsequent page, that says "Authorization Requires".   I wait about give minutes and the page works again.


Is SF maybe somehow caching stuff when the implementation is uploaded and sometimes it gets out-of-date after an update or something like that?


It has me worried as I don't know to get spurious errors now and then once the application is deploy to production.


i created LeadGrid Visualforce page .after i created site i add the LeadGrid visualforce page in this site.after i click on URL  Lead Grid page details displayed in site but Fields and data will not showing this is the problem. how can solve this problem.


i want to display the all columns heards and data of lead in site . pls help me.......................

  • January 27, 2012
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