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How can create CSV files Dynamically for example All Contacts and move this file to File Storage.

My Approach (Please Suggest if its right or any alternatives)


1. Read to list Contacts.

2. convert data into a string csv. 

3. create a file for the same 

4. move to file storage.




HI Sir,

Currently i have Chlid objects emp and master Object & dept as Child Object


for emp table standard field is empidx (auto number)

and for dept its deptidx(autonumber)


now when i am creating a master detail relation ship for both the tables.

and when i lookup on the feild which is DEPTNO in employee table , when i perform lookup action i am only able to get the deptidx no ) where in i would like to get the deptno data.



or can suggest how can we implement the same if any alternatives


can any one help .

Thanks in advance



 i'm trying to access salesforce.com and obtain details from my account (querying information) programmatically. the authorization is successful and i'm able to get my user details but the search pattern i give is not returning any matches.

this is the id it returns on successful login:

id = https://login.salesforce.com/id/00D90000000fon0EAA/005900000014ZuzAAE

the url i'm using to query is :


the error message i get in response to this is :

Search result = [{"message":"The requested resource does not exist","errorCode":"NOT_FOUND"}]

do i need any additional previlages in order to make such a request and access the data? i currently have a developer account.

or is there any other way to make such a request?

please reply , thanks in advance.


Has any one worked on getting data from TripIT in to salesforce using restAPI


I am very new to Oauth. And My task is only to get trip details for a user.No create/delete/replace anything of that sort.


I created a application after signing in http://www.tripit.com/developer.
Instantly i got key and Secret which i stored in
oauth_consumer_key and consumerKey_Secret
I also stored Signature method and version and dynamically generating noonce value and timestamp.
All good till here.

Now Please check and let me know if Endpoint is correct and I need to know which method or how can i generate Oauth_token_secret and Oauth_token

Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setEndpoint('https://api.tripit.com/oauth/request_token'); // Is this correct endpoint //1st issue???????

req.setHeader('Authorization','OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\",oauth_consumer_key=\"'+oauth_consumer_key+'\",oauth_token=\"'+oauth_token+'\",oauth_nonce=\"'+nonceValue+'\",oauth_signature_method=\"'+oauth_signature_method+'\",oauth_timestamp=\"'+timeStamp+'\",oauth_version=\"'+oauth_version+'\",oauth_signature=\"'+signature+'\"');
// 2nd Issue Is this correct =OAuth realm=\"https://api.tripit.com/\"
//3rd and most critical from wher to get the value of oauth_token and secret?? which method or how will i get this


If I want to use Rest API ,what  are the required files or jars needed to do development?

Hello everyone,


  I am trying to add a simple date picker to my existing visualforce page and/or apex code. Our resource set up a nice grid using apex code and visualforce page, and unfortunately he is no longer around. I am not too familiar with using the code/page so any help would be appreciated! He created a apex code, page, and mycontroller extension. I want to simply add a datepicker so when you click into date field a datepicker pops up. Please let me know how this is done and whether you need the code or the page. I can copy and paste into here. Thanks very much!!

