• Mark Jaundoo
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Is it possible to use a custom button to create a new record? I'd like to put the button on a custom object (Task Order__c) and have it create a new Opportunity, pulling information from the Task Order into the Opportunity fields. I would also like to be able to specify the record type of the new Opportunity. I have cobbled this together based on some examples I found of other buttons. Am I on the right track? Thanks in advance.


Here is what I am trying:


var newopportunity= new sforce.SObject("Opportunity");
newopportunity.Name = "my new opportunity";
newopportunity.CloseDate=new Date();
var result = sforce.connection.create([newopportunity]);


Hi all -

I'm struggling with how to set a date field to today() using a custom button's on click javascript.


I'm using the button to set the value of two picklist values, set a date field to Today() and set a second date field to Today()+180.


When I first wrote it and tested it earlier in the week, it was executing but was setting the wrong dates. Today it just errors out.



{!requireScript("/soap/ajax/13.0/connection.js")} var QR= new sforce.SObject("Quote_Request__c"); QR.id = "{!Quote_Request__c.Id}"; var temp_dev_date=new Date(); temp_dev_date.setDate({!TODAY()}) var temp_val_date=new Date(); temp_val_date.setDate({!TODAY()}+180) QR.Delivered_Date__c=temp_dev_date; QR.Validity_Date__c=temp_val_date; QR.Customer_Requirements__c="Test update of auto close button."; QR.Status__c="Closed - Completed"; QR.Stage__c="Delivered"; var result = sforce.connection.update([QR]); if (result[0].getBoolean("success")) { // Refresh window window.location.reload(); } else { alert("something broke"); }


Appreciate any guidance or other approaches that could be used to accomplish this.