• Joel Tamburo
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  • Member since 2014

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I have a Screen component with one Radio Button field. That field has two choices:


1. Create_New_Contract which is a simple choice field used in a later decision; and


2. Available_Contracts which is a dynamic choice


The Available_Contracts choice displays records from a custom object with a simple filter.


The Choice Label is the name of the custom object record. The Choice Stored Value is the Id of the custom object record.


After the user selects a record from the Available_Contracts they move further in the flow. There is a step where I want to use the (choice stored) value from Available_Contracts. To use it, I'm simply selecting Available_Contracts in the Dynamic Choice section of a formula.


However, nothing is stored there. I used a screen to display the value from that field and it's blank. Now, I can assign the ID obtained after the user selects the record to a new variable, and that works fine. But shouldn't using just Available_Contracts produce the ID of the record since that was what I used for Choice Stored Value.


Bottom line is it doesn't seem like Choice Stored Value is working. At least I cannot use it later in the flow.

