• Ron Nelson
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I have a use case that I need to replace.  The current solution uses a home page component with html and javascript.  We need to replace the backend application with a webservice and the salesforce home page component with visualforce and a custom controller.  

The use case is a customer search application that returns the customer account record based on criteria entered in the user input.  Howerver, due to the nature of the input, there are security concerns around if it is visible or not. Using a custom controller, each search appears to log the value set as the search criteria.

None of the values used in search need to be stored in an object, however, I'm having a hard time determining how I might encrypt a value unless I create a custom object with a custom encrypted text field. 

Are there other solutions for this?
Hi, I want to add click to dial, but I don't want to pay any company (for an app or cti adapter).
I saw the CTI toolkit, but I can't make anything from it :)
Basically what I need is that when I press the dial button (next to the number), I will be able to control the event that's fired, and send the number (and other data), and I will make the dial myself (that I can do).
thanks  a lot  :)