• Karna Desai
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Let me start by saying that I followed the tutorial here (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/event-relay/guide/relay-events-section.html) and got it working great and deployed that funcitonality to production. 

In the same sandbox that was working weeks prior I noticed that the events were being generated in Salesforce (as I could see them in workbech) but the events are not being sent to AWS EventBridge partner event source. I thought that the partner event source could be broken or something so I attempted to create a new one and even that isn't working. Where I notice the issue is when I create the Event Relay Configuration I then query to see the status of the EventRelayFeedback and there I can see that the RemoteResource (connection to AWS EventBridge) is not created. What should I do next? How can I troulbeshoot or fix this?

HI All 
Ive done a visual flow and i cannot get it to work. Tried my best but its been futile. So was hoping an expert from the community can help. 
So basically we track attendances for classes students attend. Students are enrolled onto Courses which have sessions. 
What im attempting to do here is, when a SESSION  is created by a teacher (session is record for each day) lookup all students who are enrolled on the course. 
If they dont have attendances for that session then create an attendance record for all students. Ultimately its not creating any attendance records :( 
Any help would be apprecaited. Kind regards
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