• Suhas Jain
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Hi All,

I am trying to authorize an org (Dev org not sandbox) from VS Code and I am in my Company network and default port Id 1717 wouldnt work for me. I have followed the below steps to create a Connected App and change port number in sfdx-project.json file. But still its taking me to old 1717 localhost even after changin the port number.

From Connected App..
User-added image

From VSCode project setup..

User-added image

I have also tried to put 443 in the redirected URL instead of 1717. But it doesnt work either.

Is there any mistake that I have done while setting up the Conncted App ? BTW, I am not using JWT AUthentication. Its just web based authentication. How else can I change the default port number ?

PS : I have used both "oauthLocalPort" : "443" and "oauthLocalPort" : 443. 



I 'm unable to find how to assign a new case to a group of users/contacts i.e. Predefined Case Teams. Kindly help.


Thanks in advance,




I have a formula field named Contract End Date and the value of this field should be calucated based on Contract Start Date and the Contract Duration. Contract Start Date is of type Date and Contract Duration is the number of months. Id I just add both the fields it considers Contract Duration as number of days instead of month. How do I achieve this?
