• Greer Zimmerman 5
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Hi all - I am totally stumped. I have been trying to figure out how to create  a test class for the following class and I just can't get it to do it's thing. Any help?
trigger AssociatedSessions on Group__c (after insert) {

	List<Session__c> session = new List<Session__c>();
    for (Group__c newGroup: Trigger.New) {
            Date sd1 = newGroup.Start_Date__c;
            Date ed1 = newGroup.End_Date__c;
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'weekly') {            

             integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 7 ;
            	for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
  //If MOnday is included                  
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Monday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 1;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 8;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 7)
 //If Tuesday is included                 
                  IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Tuesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 2;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 9;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 7)
 //If Wednesday is included                   
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Wednesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 3;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 10;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 7)
 //if Thursday is included
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Thursday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 4;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 11;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 7)
//If Friday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Friday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 7)
//If Saturday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Saturday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 6;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 7)
 //If Sunday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Sunday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'daily') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1);
            for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'biweekly') { 
            integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 14 ;
            	for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
  //If MOnday is included                  
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Monday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 1;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 8;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 14)
 //If Tuesday is included                 
                  IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Tuesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 2;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 9;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 14)
 //If Wednesday is included                   
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Wednesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 3;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 10;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 14)
 //if Thursday is included
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Thursday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 4;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 11;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 14)
//If Friday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Friday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 14)
//If Saturday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Saturday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 6;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 14)
 //If Sunday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Sunday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 14)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'monthly') {
            integer numberOfMonths = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 30;
            integer beginsOnA = newGroup.Begins_on_a__c.intValue();
            for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfMonths ; i++){
                  date startDay = newGroup.Start_Date__c + i * 30;
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = startDay.toStartOfWeek() + beginsOnA
    insert session;

hi all - so i'm trying to get a series of child session records to be created when I create a parent record with a date range, a frequency, and certain days of the week when the sessions will take place. I can get my code to create a weekly session if it only occurs once a week, but I can't figure out how to get sessions for other days of the week to be created!

For instance if the group  starts on a monday, and it also meets on Wednesday - and the group meets for 3 weeks, how can i get 6 sessions to be created with the correct days?

My code is below - right now I am JUST working on getting Mondays to work and plan on just copying and pasting for Tues - Sun. Any help? Am I going in the right direction at all ?

Right now I'm getting the errors: 
 - Line 15: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void INCLUDES(String, String) from the type AssociatedSessions
- Line 16: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void DATE(Integer, Integer, Integer) from the type AssociatedSessions

Total newbie - any help is appreciated
trigger AssociatedSessions on Group__c (after insert) {

	List<Session__c> session = new List<Session__c>();
    for (Group__c newGroup: Trigger.New) {
            Date sd1 = newGroup.Start_Date__c;
            Date ed1 = newGroup.End_Date__c;
         if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'weekly') {            

             integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 7 ;
            	for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
                    IF(INCLUDES(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c, 'Monday')) {
                      Date firstMonday = (newGroup.Start_Date__c + ( 1 - MOD( newGroup.Start_Date__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ) ));
              		  session.add (new Session__c(
                	  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                		  Date__c = sd1 + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'daily') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1);
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'biweekly') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 14;
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i * 14)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'monthly') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 30;
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + 30)
    insert session;

Hi all,

I am trying to get Salesforce to create multiple records through flows. I have Object A, which is related to multiple Object B records through a lookup field. Every time a new Object A is created I need to create an Object C in a master-detail relationship with every Object B record related to Object A.

I am trying to use flows. I currently have one that does a fast look up of all of the Object Bs, then leads to a loop, then leads to a record create. But it isn't working! Please help!

Details on workflow
Hi all - first of all - this is my first trigger. I have workshops and individual sessions for that workshop in Salesforce. When a workshop is created I want the sessions to be created based on the information entered on the workshop record. I understand how to do this if the workshop meets just one day a week (see code below - I think it looks okay?) but sometimes these workshops meet two or three times a week and the particular days are stored in a multi picklist. The user can select which days they meet, the start date, and the end date. 

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create ongoing records for sessions occuring on, say, Mondays AND Thursdays AND Wednesdays or any other combo of days. Can anyone help?

.I have several online forms through force.com sites that I use to collect volunteer information. It has recently stopped allowing the guest user to submit online forms. When a form is submitted the user is told that authorization is required and they must login. When i set up a bug log for the user this code was returned




21:47:48.019 (19944087)|EXECUTION_STARTED


21:47:48.019 (19969929)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|[EXTERNAL]|066d0000001NshO|VF: /apex/Unauthorized


21:47:48.078 (78932209)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE


21:47:48.078 (78932209)|LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)| Number of SOQL queries: 0 out of 100


Number of query rows: 0 out of 50000


Number of SOSL queries: 0 out of 20


Number of DML statements: 0 out of 150


Number of DML rows: 0 out of 10000


Maximum CPU time: 0 out of 10000


Maximum heap size: 0 out of 6000000


Number of callouts: 0 out of 100


Number of Email Invocations: 0 out of 10


Number of future calls: 0 out of 50


Number of queueable jobs added to the queue: 0 out of 50


Number of Mobile Apex push calls: 0 out of 10


21:47:48.078 (78932209)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE_END


21:47:48.078 (78980608)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|VF: /apex/Unauthorized 21:47:48.080 (80157510)|EXECUTION_FINISHED


I have NO idea what this means! Can anyone help?
Hi all - I am totally stumped. I have been trying to figure out how to create  a test class for the following class and I just can't get it to do it's thing. Any help?
trigger AssociatedSessions on Group__c (after insert) {

	List<Session__c> session = new List<Session__c>();
    for (Group__c newGroup: Trigger.New) {
            Date sd1 = newGroup.Start_Date__c;
            Date ed1 = newGroup.End_Date__c;
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'weekly') {            

             integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 7 ;
            	for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
  //If MOnday is included                  
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Monday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 1;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 8;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 7)
 //If Tuesday is included                 
                  IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Tuesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 2;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 9;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 7)
 //If Wednesday is included                   
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Wednesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 3;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 10;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 7)
 //if Thursday is included
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Thursday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 4;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 11;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 7)
//If Friday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Friday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 7)
//If Saturday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Saturday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 6;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 7)
 //If Sunday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Sunday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 7)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'daily') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1);
            for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'biweekly') { 
            integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 14 ;
            	for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
  //If MOnday is included                  
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Monday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 1;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 1) {  
                     	 Date firstMonday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 8;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstMonday + i * 14)
 //If Tuesday is included                 
                  IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Tuesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 2;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 2) {  
                     	 Date firstTuesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 9;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstTuesday + i * 14)
 //If Wednesday is included                   
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Wednesday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 3;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 3) {  
                     	 Date firstWednesday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 10;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstWednesday + i * 14)
 //if Thursday is included
                    IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Thursday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 4;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 4) {  
                     	 Date firstThursday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 11;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstThursday + i * 14)
//If Friday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Friday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 5) {  
                     	 Date firstFriday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstFriday + i * 14)
//If Saturday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Saturday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 6;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 6) {  
                     	 Date firstSaturday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSaturday + i * 14)
 //If Sunday is included                   
                IF(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c.contains('Sunday') ){
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c <= 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 5;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 14)
                      IF(newGroup.Begins_on_a__c > 0) {  
                     	 Date firstSunday = newGroup.Start_Date__c.toStartOfWeek() + 12;
              		 	 session.add (new Session__c(
                	 	 Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                	 	 Date__c = firstSunday + i * 14)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'monthly') {
            integer numberOfMonths = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 30;
            integer beginsOnA = newGroup.Begins_on_a__c.intValue();
            for(integer i = 0; i < numberOfMonths ; i++){
                  date startDay = newGroup.Start_Date__c + i * 30;
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = startDay.toStartOfWeek() + beginsOnA
    insert session;

hi all - so i'm trying to get a series of child session records to be created when I create a parent record with a date range, a frequency, and certain days of the week when the sessions will take place. I can get my code to create a weekly session if it only occurs once a week, but I can't figure out how to get sessions for other days of the week to be created!

For instance if the group  starts on a monday, and it also meets on Wednesday - and the group meets for 3 weeks, how can i get 6 sessions to be created with the correct days?

My code is below - right now I am JUST working on getting Mondays to work and plan on just copying and pasting for Tues - Sun. Any help? Am I going in the right direction at all ?

Right now I'm getting the errors: 
 - Line 15: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void INCLUDES(String, String) from the type AssociatedSessions
- Line 16: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void DATE(Integer, Integer, Integer) from the type AssociatedSessions

Total newbie - any help is appreciated
trigger AssociatedSessions on Group__c (after insert) {

	List<Session__c> session = new List<Session__c>();
    for (Group__c newGroup: Trigger.New) {
            Date sd1 = newGroup.Start_Date__c;
            Date ed1 = newGroup.End_Date__c;
         if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'weekly') {            

             integer numberOfWeeks = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 7 ;
            	for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfWeeks ; i++){
                    IF(INCLUDES(newGroup.Days_of_the_Week__c, 'Monday')) {
                      Date firstMonday = (newGroup.Start_Date__c + ( 1 - MOD( newGroup.Start_Date__c - DATE( 1900, 1, 7 ), 7 ) ));
              		  session.add (new Session__c(
                	  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                		  Date__c = sd1 + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'daily') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1);
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i * 7)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'biweekly') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 14;
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + i * 14)
        if (newGroup.Frequency__c == 'monthly') {
            integer numberOfDays = sd1.daysBetween(ed1) / 30;
            for(integer i = 1; i < numberOfDays ; i++){
              	  session.add (new Session__c(
                  Term__c = newGroup.Id,
                  Date__c = sd1 + 30)
    insert session;

Hi all,

I am trying to get Salesforce to create multiple records through flows. I have Object A, which is related to multiple Object B records through a lookup field. Every time a new Object A is created I need to create an Object C in a master-detail relationship with every Object B record related to Object A.

I am trying to use flows. I currently have one that does a fast look up of all of the Object Bs, then leads to a loop, then leads to a record create. But it isn't working! Please help!

Details on workflow
Hi all - first of all - this is my first trigger. I have workshops and individual sessions for that workshop in Salesforce. When a workshop is created I want the sessions to be created based on the information entered on the workshop record. I understand how to do this if the workshop meets just one day a week (see code below - I think it looks okay?) but sometimes these workshops meet two or three times a week and the particular days are stored in a multi picklist. The user can select which days they meet, the start date, and the end date. 

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create ongoing records for sessions occuring on, say, Mondays AND Thursdays AND Wednesdays or any other combo of days. Can anyone help?
Hi ,
i am tryinng to create multiple child records when a parent record is created . The records in child object should be coming from an another relaetd object . Here is my data model

Data model 1: Account (Parent)<<<<<< Invoices (Child)
Date Model 2 : Account (Master Parent)<<<<<<Payment(Parent)<<<<<<Payment Line Items (Child) <<<<<< Invoices 

Example Salesforce is my account and it has 20 Invoices , now i am creating a Payment ( notthing related to invoice at this time ) record and when i save this payment record 20 payment line items should be created. One record for each invoice salesforce account has .

I can create a child to a parent automatically but not sure how to create mutiple child records based on the Invoices object .

Here is the start with able to create single child record 
trigger CreatePaymentLineItems on Payment__c (after insert) {   
        List<Payment_Item__c> PItem = new List<Payment_Item__c>();
        for (Payment__c Pay : trigger.new) 
           Payment_Item__c PBI = new Payment_Item__c();
            PBI.Payment__c = Pay.Id;
           // PBI.Financial__c = Pay.;
        insert PItem;

  • April 05, 2016
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