• Emma Mayer
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I am trying to send information from my comapny data source into salesforce, but I have no idea where to find my client_id, client secret, and security token?? I am using lightening edition, can someone please help me?
Hi guys,

I have created two custom fields on a lead. I've also added them to the contact and opportinity objects. The deatials for these fields are usually filled in at the lead stage. I want them to auto-populate in the contact and opportunity when the lead is converted.

I'm trying to use process builder but keep running into errors. Any suggestions on how I could acheive this?
Here's what I've done so far:
User-added image
User-added image
Hi guys,

I have created two custom fields on a lead. I've also added them to the contact and opportinity objects. The deatials for these fields are usually filled in at the lead stage. I want them to auto-populate in the contact and opportunity when the lead is converted.

I'm trying to use process builder but keep running into errors. Any suggestions on how I could acheive this?
Here's what I've done so far:
User-added image
User-added image

I'm trying to retrieve an Account's related Notes, and I came across AttachedContentNote (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.object_reference.meta/object_reference/sforce_api_objects_attachedcontentnote.htm).  In the doc at the bottom, it gives some usage instructions:
Use this object to list all ContentNote objects attached to an object.
To retrieve ContentNote objects, issue a describe call on an object, which returns a query result for each note created or attached. You can’t directly query this object.

A few questions:
  1. How do you "issue a describe call on an object, which returns a query result for each note created or attached"?
  2. How do you use the "describeSObjects()" to help in getting related records?
  3. Does anyone have an example of how to get related Notes via SOQL?  Is CombinedAttachments the only way to go?