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How can I increase my code coverage
I wrote the below test class and it only covered 45% of my code, it doesn;t cover the next and previouse page reference
Test Class
public class ListPaginationBase { public Integer listSize {get; set;} public Integer pageSize {get; set;} public Integer currentPageIndex {get; set;} public List<Object> fullList {get; set;} public void initializePagination(Integer listTotalSize, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = new List<Object>(); listSize = listTotalSize; pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public void initializePagination(List<Object> objectList, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = ObjectList; listSize = fullList.size(); pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public Integer getPageCount() { //Returns the number of pages required to show all data given a page limit //if page limit is not set or is equal to zero, then return 1; dont divide by zero //is empty list then return 1 if (pageSize <= 0 || listSize <= 0) return 1; else return (Integer) Math.ceil((Decimal)listSize / (Decimal)pageSize); } public Boolean getHasNext() { //Returns true if the list has next pages return currentPageIndex < (getPageCount() - 1); } public Boolean getHasPrevious() { //Returns true if the list has previous pages return currentPageIndex > 0; } public Integer getfirstRowIndex() { //Returns the index of the first row to show in the PageBlockTable using the first attribute return currentPageIndex * pageSize; } public List<Object> getObjectPageList() { List<Object> returnList = new List<Object>(); for(Integer index = getFirstRowIndex(); index < getFirstRowIndex() + pageSize; index++) { if (index < fullList.size()) { returnList.add(fullList.get(index)); } } return returnList; } public PageReference firstAction() { //Action fired when the user click the First Button //Set the Page Index to Zero if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex = 0; return null; } public PageReference lastAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //Set the Page Index to pages count - 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex = getPageCount() - 1; return null; } public PageReference nextAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Next Button //increment the current page index by 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex++; return null; } public PageReference previousAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //decrement the current page index by 1 if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex--; return null; } }
Test Class
@isTest (SeeAllData=true) private class TESTAccountOpportunityTabExtension { static testmethod void AccountOpportunityTabExtension_Test (){ test.StartTest(); Account acc = new Account(Name ='icrm testing acc'); insert acc; opportunity opp = new opportunity ( Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'parts', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); insert opp; opportunity opps = new opportunity ( id = '0068E0000060EhbQAE', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'PRODUCT SUPPORT', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update opps; opportunity Deltaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BCivQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'POWER SYSTEM-DELTA(PERKINS)', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Deltaopp; opportunity EnginePowerGenerationaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000008Myy4QAC', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'ENGINE POWER GENERATION', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update EnginePowerGenerationaopp ; opportunity Otheropp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BDvgQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Otheropp ; PageReference pref = Page.Opp_Tabs; pref.getParameters().put('id', acc.id); Test.setCurrentPage(pref); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountOpportunityTabExtension mc = new AccountOpportunityTabExtension(sc); PageReference result = mc.NewOpp(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result2 = mc.sortConstructionPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result3 = mc.sortProductSupportPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result4 = mc.sortPowerSystemPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result5 = mc.sortDeltaPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result6 = mc.sortOtherPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); //ListPaginationBase code Coverage Integer currentPageIndex; ListPaginationBase p =new ListPaginationBase(); p.listSize = 7; currentPageIndex = 2; Boolean test1 = p.getHasNext(); Boolean test2 = p.getHasprevious(); Integer test3 = p.getPageCount(); Integer test4 = p.getfirstRowIndex(); PageReference result10 = p.previousAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result7 = p.firstAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result8 = p.lastAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result9 = p.nextAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); p.getObjectPageList(); p.getPageCount(); p.PreviousAction(); p.NextAction(); p.firstAction(); p.LastAction(); p.getHasPrevious(); p.getHasNext(); p.getfirstRowIndex(); test.stopTest(); } public static testMethod void initializePagination() { Account acc = new Account(id = '0018E00000By5vZ', Name ='icrm testing acc'); update acc; opportunity opp = new opportunity ( Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'parts', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); insert opp; PageReference pageRef = Page.Opp_Tabs; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountOpportunityTabExtension mc = new AccountOpportunityTabExtension(sc); ListPaginationBase p=new ListPaginationBase(); PageReference result = mc.NewOpp(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result7 = p.firstAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result8 = p.lastAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result9 = p.nextAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result10 = p.previousAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); p.NextAction(); p.firstAction(); p.LastAction(); p.PreviousAction(); p.getHasPrevious(); p.getHasNext(); p.getfirstRowIndex(); p.getObjectPageList(); p.listSize = 7; } }
- reem sharawy
- November 20, 2016
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how to cover page reference in test class
my apex class for pagination is only covered by 19%
Test Class
public class ListPaginationBase { public Integer listSize {get; set;} public Integer pageSize {get; set;} public Integer currentPageIndex {get; set;} public List<Object> fullList {get; set;} public void initializePagination(Integer listTotalSize, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = new List<Object>(); listSize = listTotalSize; pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public void initializePagination(List<Object> objectList, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = ObjectList; listSize = fullList.size(); pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public Integer getPageCount() { //Returns the number of pages required to show all data given a page limit //if page limit is not set or is equal to zero, then return 1; dont divide by zero //is empty list then return 1 if (pageSize <= 0 || listSize <= 0) return 1; else return (Integer) Math.ceil((Decimal)listSize / (Decimal)pageSize); } public Boolean getHasNext() { //Returns true if the list has next pages return currentPageIndex < (getPageCount() - 1); } public Boolean getHasPrevious() { //Returns true if the list has previous pages return currentPageIndex > 0; } public Integer getfirstRowIndex() { //Returns the index of the first row to show in the PageBlockTable using the first attribute return currentPageIndex * pageSize; } public List<Object> getObjectPageList() { List<Object> returnList = new List<Object>(); for(Integer index = getFirstRowIndex(); index < getFirstRowIndex() + pageSize; index++) { if (index < fullList.size()) { returnList.add(fullList.get(index)); } } return returnList; } public PageReference firstAction() { //Action fired when the user click the First Button //Set the Page Index to Zero if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex = 0; return null; } public PageReference lastAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //Set the Page Index to pages count - 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex = getPageCount() - 1; return null; } public PageReference nextAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Next Button //increment the current page index by 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex++; return null; } public PageReference previousAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //decrement the current page index by 1 if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex--; return null; } }
Test Class
@isTest (SeeAllData=true) private class TESTAccountOpportunityTabExtension { static testmethod void AccountOpportunityTabExtension_Test (){ test.StartTest(); Account acc = new Account(Name ='icrm testing acc'); insert acc; opportunity opp = new opportunity ( Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'parts', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); insert opp; opportunity opps = new opportunity ( id = '0068E0000060EhbQAE', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'PRODUCT SUPPORT', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update opps; opportunity Deltaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BCivQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'POWER SYSTEM-DELTA(PERKINS)', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Deltaopp; opportunity EnginePowerGenerationaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000008Myy4QAC', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'ENGINE POWER GENERATION', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update EnginePowerGenerationaopp ; opportunity Otheropp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BDvgQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Otheropp ; PageReference pref = Page.Opp_Tabs; pref.getParameters().put('id', acc.id); Test.setCurrentPage(pref); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountOpportunityTabExtension mc = new AccountOpportunityTabExtension(sc); PageReference result = mc.NewOpp(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result2 = mc.sortConstructionPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result3 = mc.sortProductSupportPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result4 = mc.sortPowerSystemPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result5 = mc.sortDeltaPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result6 = mc.sortOtherPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); test.stopTest(); } }
- reem sharawy
- November 15, 2016
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page reference in test class
I can't have trouble covering my page reference in test class
test class
I can't have trouble covering my page reference in test class
public class AccountInvoiceTabExtension { public ListPaginationBase ConstructionPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase DeltaPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase MiningPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase SamsungPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase OtherPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> ConstructionInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> DeltaInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> MiningInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> ProductSupportInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> SamsungInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> OtherInvoiceList {get; set;} public String constructionInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean constructionInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String DeltaInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean DeltaInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String MiningInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean MiningInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String ProductSupportInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String SamsungInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean SamsungInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String OtherInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean OtherInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public AccountInvoiceTabExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { currentAccount = (Account) controller.getRecord(); constructionInvoiceSort = 'Name'; constructionInvoiceSortDesc = false; DeltaInvoiceSort = 'Name'; DeltaInvoiceSortDesc = false; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort = 'Name'; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc = false; MiningInvoiceSort = 'Name'; MiningInvoiceSortDesc = false; ProductSupportInvoiceSort = 'Name'; ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc = false; SamsungInvoiceSort = 'Name'; SamsungInvoiceSortDesc = false; OtherInvoiceSort = 'Name'; OtherInvoiceSortDesc = false; refreshConstructionInvoiceList(); refreshDeltaInvoiceList (); refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); refreshMiningPaginationList(); refreshProductSupportInvoiceList(); refreshSamsungInvoiceList(); refreshOtherInvoiceList(); } public PageReference sortConstructionPaginationList() { refreshConstructionInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortDeltaPaginationList() { refreshDeltaInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortEnginePowerGenerationPaginationList() { refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortMiningPaginationList() { refreshMiningPaginationList(); return null; } public PageReference sortProductSupportPaginationList() { refreshProductSupportInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortSamsungPaginationList() { refreshSamsungInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortOtherPaginationList() { refreshOtherInvoiceList(); return null; } private void refreshConstructionInvoiceList() { getConstructionInvoiceList(); constructionPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); constructionPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(ConstructionInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshDeltaInvoiceList() { getDeltaInvoiceList(); DeltaPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); DeltaPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(DeltaInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList() { getEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshMiningPaginationList() { getMiningInvoiceList(); MiningPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); MiningPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(MiningInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshProductSupportInvoiceList() { getProductSupportInvoiceList (); ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(ProductSupportInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshSamsungInvoiceList() { getSamsungInvoiceList(); SamsungPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); SamsungPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(SamsungInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshOtherInvoiceList() { getOtherInvoiceList(); OtherPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); OtherPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(OtherInvoiceList, 20); } public class InvoiceWrapper { public Id InvoiceId {get; set;} public String orderNumber {get; set;} public Date InvoiceDate {get; set;} public String OrderType {get; set;} public String ModelDescription {get; set;} public String InvoiceType {get; set;} public String OrderTaking {get; set;} public double TotalSellVAT {get; set;} public String CostCenter {get; set;} public String CostCenterDivision {get; set;} public Id ordertakingid {get; set;} } private void getConstructionInvoiceList() { ConstructionInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Order_Taking__r.id, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'CONSTRUCTION ALL\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + constructionInvoiceSort; if (constructionInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c constInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = constInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = constInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = constInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = constInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = constInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = constInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = constInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = constInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = constInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = constInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = constInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; ConstructionInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getDeltaInvoiceList() { DeltaInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'DELTA\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + DeltaInvoiceSort; if (DeltaInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c DeltaInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = DeltaInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = DeltaInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = DeltaInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = DeltaInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = DeltaInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = DeltaInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = DeltaInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = DeltaInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = DeltaInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = DeltaInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = DeltaInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; DeltaInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList() { EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'ENGINE POWER GENERATION\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort; if (EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c EnginePowerGenerationInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getMiningInvoiceList() { MiningInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'MINING\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + MiningInvoiceSort; if (MiningInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c MiningInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = MiningInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = MiningInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = MiningInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = MiningInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = MiningInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = MiningInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = MiningInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = MiningInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = MiningInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = MiningInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = MiningInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; MiningInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getProductSupportInvoiceList() { ProductSupportInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'PRODUCT SUPPORT\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + ProductSupportInvoiceSort; if (ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c ProductSupportInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = ProductSupportInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = ProductSupportInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = ProductSupportInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = ProductSupportInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = ProductSupportInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = ProductSupportInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = ProductSupportInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = ProductSupportInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; ProductSupportInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getSamsungInvoiceList() { SamsungInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'SAMSUNG\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + SamsungInvoiceSort; if (SamsungInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c SamsungInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = SamsungInvoice .Id; wrapper.orderNumber = SamsungInvoice .Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = SamsungInvoice .Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = SamsungInvoice .Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = SamsungInvoice .Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = SamsungInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = SamsungInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = SamsungInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = SamsungInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = SamsungInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = SamsungInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; SamsungInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getOtherInvoiceList() { OtherInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + OtherInvoiceSort; if (OtherInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c OtherInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = OtherInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = OtherInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = OtherInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = OtherInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = OtherInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = OtherInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = OtherInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = OtherInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = OtherInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = OtherInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = OtherInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; OtherInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } public pageReference NewInvoice() { PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/a0J/e?CF00Nb0000005YEDS_lkid=' + currentAccount.Id + '&CF00Nb0000005YEDS=' + currentAccount.Name); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } }
test class
@isTest (SeeAllData=true) private class TESTAccountInvoiceTabExtension { static testmethod void AccountInvoiceTabExtension_Test (){ test.StartTest(); Account acc = new Account(Name ='icrm testing acc'); insert acc; Order_ManPro__c constInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c ( Name='1234', Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='CONSTRUCTION ALL', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuM', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'CONSTRUCTION ALL',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Machine Rental (Const)',Cost_Center__c = 'CMM', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '9876000'); insert constInvoice; Order_ManPro__c DeltaInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c ( Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='DELTA', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuM', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'AGRICULTURE',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'John Deer',Cost_Center__c = 'NMB', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '98760900'); insert DeltaInvoice; Order_ManPro__c EnginePowerGenerationInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='ENGINE POWER GENERATION', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZvj', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'MARINE',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Marine Engines',Cost_Center__c = 'CEC', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '1'); insert EnginePowerGenerationInvoice; Order_ManPro__c MiningInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='MINING', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZw8', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'MINING',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Rental machines Mining',Cost_Center__c = 'CMI', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '9'); insert MiningInvoice; Order_ManPro__c ProductSupportInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='PRODUCT SUPPORT', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZvV', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'PRODUCT SUPPORT',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Service Admin Mining',Cost_Center__c = 'CS2', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '2'); insert ProductSupportInvoice; Order_ManPro__c SamsungInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='SAMSUNG', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZxo', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'SAMSUNG',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Audio and Video Products',Cost_Center__c = 'TEC', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '4'); insert SamsungInvoice; Order_ManPro__c OtherInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuZ', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Internal Sales Reps',Cost_Center__c = 'ZSR', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '6'); insert OtherInvoice; PageReference pref = Page.Invoice_Tabs; pref.getParameters().put('id', acc.id); Test.setCurrentPage(pref); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountInvoiceTabExtension mc = new AccountInvoiceTabExtension(sc); PageReference result = AccountInvoiceTabExtension.autoRun(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); test.stopTest(); } }
- reem sharawy
- November 14, 2016
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- 0
Updating team member object on delete method
Hi All
I am trying to update my Team_Member__c object on delete method for account share to change account access for 'read/writte' to 'read' but it's not doing any action on my page
I am trying to update my Team_Member__c object on delete method for account share to change account access for 'read/writte' to 'read' but it's not doing any action on my page
//The Logic for the Delete the Account Team Member if(teamMemberDeleteMap.size() > 0) { List<AccountTeamMember> accountTeamMemberDeleteList = new List<AccountTeamMember>(); //Query to the List... List<AccountTeamMember> accountTeamMemberList = new List<AccountTeamMember>([Select UserId, TeamMemberRole, Id, AccountId, AccountAccessLevel From AccountTeamMember where AccountId IN : accountIdsSet]); List<AccountShare> AccountShareList = new List<AccountShare>([Select UserOrGroupId, AccountId, AccountAccessLevel From AccountShare where AccountId IN : accountIdsSet]); List<Team_Member__c> remainteammemberList = new List<Team_Member__c>([Select Team_Member__c , Account_Access__c, Account__c From Team_Member__c where Account__c IN : accountIdsSet]); for(AccountTeamMember teamMember : accountTeamMemberList) { //System.debug('The Account Team : '+ teamMember.AccountId+''+teamMember.UserId ); //For Update.... if(teamMemberDeleteMap.get(teamMember.AccountId+''+teamMember.UserId) != null) { accountTeamMemberDeleteList.add(teamMember); } } for(Team_Member__c teammemberObject : remainteammemberList ) { teammemberObject.Account_Access__c = 'Read'; } //Deleting the Records... if(accountTeamMemberDeleteList.size() > 0) upsert remainteammemberList ; delete accountTeamMemberDeleteList; }
- reem sharawy
- October 18, 2016
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- 0
command button open new tab
I added a new button on my page to be able to create new opportunity from a visualforce page which replace the opportunity related leist on the account detailed page, the problem is that button doesn't open a new tab and opens in the exisiting Vf page
I added a new button on my page to be able to create new opportunity from a visualforce page which replace the opportunity related leist on the account detailed page, the problem is that button doesn't open a new tab and opens in the exisiting Vf page
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountOpportunityTabExtension"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <apex:form style="height: 800px;"> <apex:tabPanel > <!-- Add Different Tabs Like the one below --> <apex:tab label="{!$Label.Construction_All_Opportunity}" style="overflow: auto; height: auto;"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:commandButton value="New" action="/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!Account.id}"/> <!--<Apex:commandButton value="New" onclick="window.open=(/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!Account.id}','_blank')" /> --> <apex:pageBlockSection id="contructionSection" collapsible="false" columns="1"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.objectPageList}" var="opportunity"> <!--<apex:commandButton> <apex:commandLink value="New" action="/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!opportunity['opportunityId']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:commandButton> --> <apex:column > <apex:outputLink title="" value="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}/e?retURL=/apex/{!$CurrentPage.Name}" style="font-weight:bold" target="_blank">Edit</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name"> <apex:commandLink action="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}" value="{!opportunity['OpportunityName']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:column> <!--<apex:column headerValue="Purchase Type" value="{!opportunity['PurchaseType']}" />--> <apex:column headerValue="Stage" value="{!opportunity['StageName']}" /> <apex:column headerValue="Amount" value="{!opportunity['Amount']}" /> <apex:column headerValue="Order Date" > <apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd/MM/yyyy}"> <apex:param value="{!opportunity['CloseDate']}" /> </apex:outputText> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Owner Full Name"> <apex:commandLink action="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}" value="{!opportunity['Owner']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:outputPanel > <apex:commandButton value="|< First" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.firstAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasPrevious)}" /> <apex:commandButton value="< Previous" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.previousAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasPrevious)}" /> <apex:outputText value="Page {0} of {1}"> <apex:param value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.currentPageIndex + 1}"/> <!-- Adding 1 because this is zero indexed --> <apex:param value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.pageCount}"/> </apex:outputText> <apex:commandButton value="Next >" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.nextAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasNext)}" /> <apex:commandButton value="Last >|" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.lastAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasNext)}" /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:tab> </apex:tabPanel> </apex:form> </html> </apex:page>
- reem sharawy
- October 18, 2016
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- 0
related opportunities with pagination
I am trying to create a vf page to fetch related opportunities for specific account and to add pagination.
Whenever I try to save my code I get the below error:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [ListPaginationBase].initializePagination(List<NewStockTransferExtension.materialWrapperList>, Integer)
I am trying to create a vf page to fetch related opportunities for specific account and to add pagination.
Whenever I try to save my code I get the below error:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [ListPaginationBase].initializePagination(List<NewStockTransferExtension.materialWrapperList>, Integer)
public class NewStockTransferExtension{ public ListPaginationBase ConstructionOpportunityList {get; set;} public list<materialWrapperList> materialWrapperList{get;set;} public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public NewStockTransferExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { ConstructionOpportunityList = new ListPaginationBase(); currentAccount = (Account) controller.getRecord(); ConstructionOpportunityList.initializePagination(materialWrapperList, 20); } public class materialWrapperList { public boolean checked{get;set;} Public Opportunity ConstructionOpportunityList {get;set;} public materialWrapperList(Opportunity ConstructionOpportunityList ){ this.ConstructionOpportunityList = ConstructionOpportunityList ; } } }
- reem sharawy
- October 11, 2016
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- 0
How can I increase my code coverage
I wrote the below test class and it only covered 45% of my code, it doesn;t cover the next and previouse page reference
Test Class
public class ListPaginationBase { public Integer listSize {get; set;} public Integer pageSize {get; set;} public Integer currentPageIndex {get; set;} public List<Object> fullList {get; set;} public void initializePagination(Integer listTotalSize, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = new List<Object>(); listSize = listTotalSize; pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public void initializePagination(List<Object> objectList, Integer singlePageSize) { fullList = ObjectList; listSize = fullList.size(); pageSize = singlePageSize; currentPageIndex = 0; } public Integer getPageCount() { //Returns the number of pages required to show all data given a page limit //if page limit is not set or is equal to zero, then return 1; dont divide by zero //is empty list then return 1 if (pageSize <= 0 || listSize <= 0) return 1; else return (Integer) Math.ceil((Decimal)listSize / (Decimal)pageSize); } public Boolean getHasNext() { //Returns true if the list has next pages return currentPageIndex < (getPageCount() - 1); } public Boolean getHasPrevious() { //Returns true if the list has previous pages return currentPageIndex > 0; } public Integer getfirstRowIndex() { //Returns the index of the first row to show in the PageBlockTable using the first attribute return currentPageIndex * pageSize; } public List<Object> getObjectPageList() { List<Object> returnList = new List<Object>(); for(Integer index = getFirstRowIndex(); index < getFirstRowIndex() + pageSize; index++) { if (index < fullList.size()) { returnList.add(fullList.get(index)); } } return returnList; } public PageReference firstAction() { //Action fired when the user click the First Button //Set the Page Index to Zero if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex = 0; return null; } public PageReference lastAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //Set the Page Index to pages count - 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex = getPageCount() - 1; return null; } public PageReference nextAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Next Button //increment the current page index by 1 if(getHasNext()) currentPageIndex++; return null; } public PageReference previousAction() { //Action fired when the user click the Last Button //decrement the current page index by 1 if(getHasPrevious()) currentPageIndex--; return null; } }
Test Class
@isTest (SeeAllData=true) private class TESTAccountOpportunityTabExtension { static testmethod void AccountOpportunityTabExtension_Test (){ test.StartTest(); Account acc = new Account(Name ='icrm testing acc'); insert acc; opportunity opp = new opportunity ( Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'parts', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); insert opp; opportunity opps = new opportunity ( id = '0068E0000060EhbQAE', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'PRODUCT SUPPORT', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update opps; opportunity Deltaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BCivQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'POWER SYSTEM-DELTA(PERKINS)', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Deltaopp; opportunity EnginePowerGenerationaopp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000008Myy4QAC', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'ENGINE POWER GENERATION', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update EnginePowerGenerationaopp ; opportunity Otheropp = new opportunity ( id = '0068E000009BDvgQAG', Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'Sales', Opportunity_Division__c = 'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); update Otheropp ; PageReference pref = Page.Opp_Tabs; pref.getParameters().put('id', acc.id); Test.setCurrentPage(pref); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountOpportunityTabExtension mc = new AccountOpportunityTabExtension(sc); PageReference result = mc.NewOpp(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result2 = mc.sortConstructionPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result3 = mc.sortProductSupportPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result4 = mc.sortPowerSystemPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result5 = mc.sortDeltaPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result6 = mc.sortOtherPaginationList(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); //ListPaginationBase code Coverage Integer currentPageIndex; ListPaginationBase p =new ListPaginationBase(); p.listSize = 7; currentPageIndex = 2; Boolean test1 = p.getHasNext(); Boolean test2 = p.getHasprevious(); Integer test3 = p.getPageCount(); Integer test4 = p.getfirstRowIndex(); PageReference result10 = p.previousAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result7 = p.firstAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result8 = p.lastAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result9 = p.nextAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); p.getObjectPageList(); p.getPageCount(); p.PreviousAction(); p.NextAction(); p.firstAction(); p.LastAction(); p.getHasPrevious(); p.getHasNext(); p.getfirstRowIndex(); test.stopTest(); } public static testMethod void initializePagination() { Account acc = new Account(id = '0018E00000By5vZ', Name ='icrm testing acc'); update acc; opportunity opp = new opportunity ( Name='testing DIE 4/6/2015' , AccountId= acc.Id,StageName = 'Prospecting', type= 'parts', Description= 'describe', Inconterms__c = 'FCA', CloseDate = System.today().addDays(30)); insert opp; PageReference pageRef = Page.Opp_Tabs; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountOpportunityTabExtension mc = new AccountOpportunityTabExtension(sc); ListPaginationBase p=new ListPaginationBase(); PageReference result = mc.NewOpp(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result7 = p.firstAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result8 = p.lastAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result9 = p.nextAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); PageReference result10 = p.previousAction(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); p.NextAction(); p.firstAction(); p.LastAction(); p.PreviousAction(); p.getHasPrevious(); p.getHasNext(); p.getfirstRowIndex(); p.getObjectPageList(); p.listSize = 7; } }
- reem sharawy
- November 20, 2016
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- 0
page reference in test class
I can't have trouble covering my page reference in test class
test class
I can't have trouble covering my page reference in test class
public class AccountInvoiceTabExtension { public ListPaginationBase ConstructionPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase DeltaPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase MiningPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase SamsungPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public ListPaginationBase OtherPaginationBaseObject {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> ConstructionInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> DeltaInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> MiningInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> ProductSupportInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> SamsungInvoiceList {get; set;} public List<InvoiceWrapper> OtherInvoiceList {get; set;} public String constructionInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean constructionInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String DeltaInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean DeltaInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String MiningInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean MiningInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String ProductSupportInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String SamsungInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean SamsungInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public String OtherInvoiceSort {get; set;} public boolean OtherInvoiceSortDesc {get; set;} public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public AccountInvoiceTabExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { currentAccount = (Account) controller.getRecord(); constructionInvoiceSort = 'Name'; constructionInvoiceSortDesc = false; DeltaInvoiceSort = 'Name'; DeltaInvoiceSortDesc = false; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort = 'Name'; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc = false; MiningInvoiceSort = 'Name'; MiningInvoiceSortDesc = false; ProductSupportInvoiceSort = 'Name'; ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc = false; SamsungInvoiceSort = 'Name'; SamsungInvoiceSortDesc = false; OtherInvoiceSort = 'Name'; OtherInvoiceSortDesc = false; refreshConstructionInvoiceList(); refreshDeltaInvoiceList (); refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); refreshMiningPaginationList(); refreshProductSupportInvoiceList(); refreshSamsungInvoiceList(); refreshOtherInvoiceList(); } public PageReference sortConstructionPaginationList() { refreshConstructionInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortDeltaPaginationList() { refreshDeltaInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortEnginePowerGenerationPaginationList() { refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortMiningPaginationList() { refreshMiningPaginationList(); return null; } public PageReference sortProductSupportPaginationList() { refreshProductSupportInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortSamsungPaginationList() { refreshSamsungInvoiceList(); return null; } public PageReference sortOtherPaginationList() { refreshOtherInvoiceList(); return null; } private void refreshConstructionInvoiceList() { getConstructionInvoiceList(); constructionPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); constructionPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(ConstructionInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshDeltaInvoiceList() { getDeltaInvoiceList(); DeltaPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); DeltaPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(DeltaInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList() { getEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList(); EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); EnginePowerGenerationPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshMiningPaginationList() { getMiningInvoiceList(); MiningPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); MiningPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(MiningInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshProductSupportInvoiceList() { getProductSupportInvoiceList (); ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); ProductSupportPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(ProductSupportInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshSamsungInvoiceList() { getSamsungInvoiceList(); SamsungPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); SamsungPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(SamsungInvoiceList, 20); } private void refreshOtherInvoiceList() { getOtherInvoiceList(); OtherPaginationBaseObject = new ListPaginationBase(); OtherPaginationBaseObject.initializePagination(OtherInvoiceList, 20); } public class InvoiceWrapper { public Id InvoiceId {get; set;} public String orderNumber {get; set;} public Date InvoiceDate {get; set;} public String OrderType {get; set;} public String ModelDescription {get; set;} public String InvoiceType {get; set;} public String OrderTaking {get; set;} public double TotalSellVAT {get; set;} public String CostCenter {get; set;} public String CostCenterDivision {get; set;} public Id ordertakingid {get; set;} } private void getConstructionInvoiceList() { ConstructionInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Order_Taking__r.id, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'CONSTRUCTION ALL\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + constructionInvoiceSort; if (constructionInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c constInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = constInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = constInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = constInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = constInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = constInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = constInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = constInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = constInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = constInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = constInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = constInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; ConstructionInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getDeltaInvoiceList() { DeltaInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'DELTA\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + DeltaInvoiceSort; if (DeltaInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c DeltaInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = DeltaInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = DeltaInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = DeltaInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = DeltaInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = DeltaInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = DeltaInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = DeltaInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = DeltaInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = DeltaInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = DeltaInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = DeltaInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; DeltaInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getEnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList() { EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'ENGINE POWER GENERATION\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSort; if (EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c EnginePowerGenerationInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = EnginePowerGenerationInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; EnginePowerGenerationInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getMiningInvoiceList() { MiningInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'MINING\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + MiningInvoiceSort; if (MiningInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c MiningInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = MiningInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = MiningInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = MiningInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = MiningInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = MiningInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = MiningInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = MiningInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = MiningInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = MiningInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = MiningInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = MiningInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; MiningInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getProductSupportInvoiceList() { ProductSupportInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'PRODUCT SUPPORT\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + ProductSupportInvoiceSort; if (ProductSupportInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c ProductSupportInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = ProductSupportInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = ProductSupportInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = ProductSupportInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = ProductSupportInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = ProductSupportInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = ProductSupportInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = ProductSupportInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = ProductSupportInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = ProductSupportInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; ProductSupportInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getSamsungInvoiceList() { SamsungInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'SAMSUNG\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + SamsungInvoiceSort; if (SamsungInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c SamsungInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = SamsungInvoice .Id; wrapper.orderNumber = SamsungInvoice .Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = SamsungInvoice .Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = SamsungInvoice .Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = SamsungInvoice .Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = SamsungInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = SamsungInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = SamsungInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = SamsungInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = SamsungInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = SamsungInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; SamsungInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } private void getOtherInvoiceList() { OtherInvoiceList = new List<InvoiceWrapper>(); String soqlQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c, Account_order__c, Cost_Center_Division__c, Invoice_Date__c, Order_Type__c, Model_Description__c, Invoice_Type__c, Order_Taking__r.name, Total_Price_Net__c, Cost_Center__c'; soqlQuery += ' FROM Order_ManPro__c '; soqlQuery += ' WHERE Account_order__c = \'' + currentAccount.Id + '\''; soqlQuery += ' AND Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c = \'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL\''; soqlQuery += ' ORDER BY ' + OtherInvoiceSort; if (OtherInvoiceSortDesc) soqlQuery += ' DESC'; for (Order_ManPro__c OtherInvoice : Database.query(soqlQuery)) { InvoiceWrapper wrapper = new InvoiceWrapper(); wrapper.InvoiceId = OtherInvoice.Id; wrapper.orderNumber = OtherInvoice.Name; wrapper.InvoiceDate = OtherInvoice.Invoice_Date__c; wrapper.OrderType = OtherInvoice.Order_Type__c; wrapper.ModelDescription = OtherInvoice.Model_Description__c; wrapper.InvoiceType = OtherInvoice.Invoice_Type__c; wrapper.OrderTaking = OtherInvoice.Order_Taking__r.name; wrapper.ordertakingid = OtherInvoice.Order_Taking__r.id; wrapper.TotalSellVAT = OtherInvoice.Total_Price_Net__c; wrapper.CostCenter = OtherInvoice.Cost_Center__c; wrapper.CostCenterDivision = OtherInvoice.Cost_Center_Division__c; OtherInvoiceList.add(wrapper); } } public pageReference NewInvoice() { PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/a0J/e?CF00Nb0000005YEDS_lkid=' + currentAccount.Id + '&CF00Nb0000005YEDS=' + currentAccount.Name); pageRef.setRedirect(true); return pageRef; } }
test class
@isTest (SeeAllData=true) private class TESTAccountInvoiceTabExtension { static testmethod void AccountInvoiceTabExtension_Test (){ test.StartTest(); Account acc = new Account(Name ='icrm testing acc'); insert acc; Order_ManPro__c constInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c ( Name='1234', Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='CONSTRUCTION ALL', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuM', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'CONSTRUCTION ALL',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Machine Rental (Const)',Cost_Center__c = 'CMM', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '9876000'); insert constInvoice; Order_ManPro__c DeltaInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c ( Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='DELTA', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuM', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'AGRICULTURE',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'John Deer',Cost_Center__c = 'NMB', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '98760900'); insert DeltaInvoice; Order_ManPro__c EnginePowerGenerationInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='ENGINE POWER GENERATION', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZvj', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'MARINE',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Marine Engines',Cost_Center__c = 'CEC', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '1'); insert EnginePowerGenerationInvoice; Order_ManPro__c MiningInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='MINING', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZw8', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'MINING',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Rental machines Mining',Cost_Center__c = 'CMI', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '9'); insert MiningInvoice; Order_ManPro__c ProductSupportInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='PRODUCT SUPPORT', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZvV', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'PRODUCT SUPPORT',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Service Admin Mining',Cost_Center__c = 'CS2', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '2'); insert ProductSupportInvoice; Order_ManPro__c SamsungInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='SAMSUNG', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZxo', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'SAMSUNG',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Audio and Video Products',Cost_Center__c = 'TEC', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '4'); insert SamsungInvoice; Order_ManPro__c OtherInvoice = new Order_ManPro__c (Name='234' , Account_order__c= acc.Id, Cost_Centre_Main_Division__c ='OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL', Cost_Center_ManPRO__c = 'a0e8E000001OZuZ', Cost_Center_Division__c = 'OTHERS MISC - INTERNAL',Cost_Centre_Description__c = 'Internal Sales Reps',Cost_Center__c = 'ZSR', CurrencyIsoCode = 'USD', Invoice_Date__c = System.today().addDays(30),Order_Type__c = 'rergg', Model_Description__c = 'desc', Order_Taking__c = '005b00000010h3o', External_Order_ID__c = '6'); insert OtherInvoice; PageReference pref = Page.Invoice_Tabs; pref.getParameters().put('id', acc.id); Test.setCurrentPage(pref); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc); AccountInvoiceTabExtension mc = new AccountInvoiceTabExtension(sc); PageReference result = AccountInvoiceTabExtension.autoRun(); System.assertNotEquals(null, result); test.stopTest(); } }
- reem sharawy
- November 14, 2016
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command button open new tab
I added a new button on my page to be able to create new opportunity from a visualforce page which replace the opportunity related leist on the account detailed page, the problem is that button doesn't open a new tab and opens in the exisiting Vf page
I added a new button on my page to be able to create new opportunity from a visualforce page which replace the opportunity related leist on the account detailed page, the problem is that button doesn't open a new tab and opens in the exisiting Vf page
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountOpportunityTabExtension"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <apex:form style="height: 800px;"> <apex:tabPanel > <!-- Add Different Tabs Like the one below --> <apex:tab label="{!$Label.Construction_All_Opportunity}" style="overflow: auto; height: auto;"> <apex:pageBlock > <apex:commandButton value="New" action="/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!Account.id}"/> <!--<Apex:commandButton value="New" onclick="window.open=(/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!Account.id}','_blank')" /> --> <apex:pageBlockSection id="contructionSection" collapsible="false" columns="1"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.objectPageList}" var="opportunity"> <!--<apex:commandButton> <apex:commandLink value="New" action="/apex/Opp_layout_new_edit?oppId={!opportunity['opportunityId']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:commandButton> --> <apex:column > <apex:outputLink title="" value="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}/e?retURL=/apex/{!$CurrentPage.Name}" style="font-weight:bold" target="_blank">Edit</apex:outputLink> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Opportunity Name"> <apex:commandLink action="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}" value="{!opportunity['OpportunityName']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:column> <!--<apex:column headerValue="Purchase Type" value="{!opportunity['PurchaseType']}" />--> <apex:column headerValue="Stage" value="{!opportunity['StageName']}" /> <apex:column headerValue="Amount" value="{!opportunity['Amount']}" /> <apex:column headerValue="Order Date" > <apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd/MM/yyyy}"> <apex:param value="{!opportunity['CloseDate']}" /> </apex:outputText> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Owner Full Name"> <apex:commandLink action="/{!opportunity['opportunityId']}" value="{!opportunity['Owner']}" target="_blank"/> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> <apex:outputPanel > <apex:commandButton value="|< First" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.firstAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasPrevious)}" /> <apex:commandButton value="< Previous" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.previousAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasPrevious)}" /> <apex:outputText value="Page {0} of {1}"> <apex:param value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.currentPageIndex + 1}"/> <!-- Adding 1 because this is zero indexed --> <apex:param value="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.pageCount}"/> </apex:outputText> <apex:commandButton value="Next >" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.nextAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasNext)}" /> <apex:commandButton value="Last >|" action="{!constructionPaginationBaseObject.lastAction}" reRender="contructionSection" disabled="{!NOT(constructionPaginationBaseObject.hasNext)}" /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:tab> </apex:tabPanel> </apex:form> </html> </apex:page>
- reem sharawy
- October 18, 2016
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- 0
related opportunities with pagination
I am trying to create a vf page to fetch related opportunities for specific account and to add pagination.
Whenever I try to save my code I get the below error:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [ListPaginationBase].initializePagination(List<NewStockTransferExtension.materialWrapperList>, Integer)
I am trying to create a vf page to fetch related opportunities for specific account and to add pagination.
Whenever I try to save my code I get the below error:
Error: Compile Error: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [ListPaginationBase].initializePagination(List<NewStockTransferExtension.materialWrapperList>, Integer)
public class NewStockTransferExtension{ public ListPaginationBase ConstructionOpportunityList {get; set;} public list<materialWrapperList> materialWrapperList{get;set;} public Account currentAccount {get; set;} public NewStockTransferExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { ConstructionOpportunityList = new ListPaginationBase(); currentAccount = (Account) controller.getRecord(); ConstructionOpportunityList.initializePagination(materialWrapperList, 20); } public class materialWrapperList { public boolean checked{get;set;} Public Opportunity ConstructionOpportunityList {get;set;} public materialWrapperList(Opportunity ConstructionOpportunityList ){ this.ConstructionOpportunityList = ConstructionOpportunityList ; } } }
- reem sharawy
- October 11, 2016
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- 0
Test Class for pagination
Hi folks,
Can anyone tell me how to write the test class for pagination?
Below is my test class which covers 85% but it didnt covers the hasnext,previous and pagenumber method.
Thanks in advance
Can anyone tell me how to write the test class for pagination?
Below is my test class which covers 85% but it didnt covers the hasnext,previous and pagenumber method.
@isTest(SeeAllData=true) public class PaginationControllerTest { public static testMethod void testSearchAccount() { PageReference pageRef = Page.TestPagination; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); // Instantiate a new controller with all parameters in the page PaginationController p=new PaginationController (); p.getAccountList(); p.Next(); p.First(); p.Last(); p.Previous(); p.Cancel(); p.con.getHasPrevious(); p.con.getHasNext(); p.con.getPageNumber(); } }
public class PaginationController { public ApexPages.StandardSetController con { get { if(con == null) { con = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(Database.getQueryLocator([Select Id, Name,Type FROM Account])); con.setPageSize(5); } return con; } set; } public List<Account> getAccountList(){ return (List<Account>)con.getRecords(); } public Boolean hasNext { get { return con.getHasNext(); } set; } public Boolean hasPrevious { get { return con.getHasPrevious(); } set; } public Integer pageNumber { get { return con.getPageNumber(); } set; } public void first() { con.first(); } public void last() { con.last(); } public void previous() { con.previous(); } public void next() { con.next(); } public void cancel() { con.cancel(); } }
Thanks in advance
- SS Karthick
- December 09, 2014
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