• Olanre Awolowo
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Trigger for tick "customer access" by defaulton Files

I am currently having an issue, we have a custom object in salesforce named Applications. I deally when that records gets created, it gets created with Files attached to the record. Then someone internally would manually change the owner of that record to a community plus user to have ownership of that record. the issue here is, once the record owner is changed the community plus user will have access to the record as the sharing model of the object is private. the issue is that even though the record owner is owned by a community plus user they do not have access to view the files attached to that record, because i am the owner of the file and the "customer access" is not checked automatically when the record owner is changed to that community user, there will be times when the Application record will be owned by an internal user and they will have access to view the files attached to the record,. but when the record is created  by an internal person and also when an internal perosn attach a file against the record , a community user wont have access to the files even if we make them the record owner. What i am trying to build is when the application record owner is changed to a community plus user or a community user, as they do have access to the record make them see the files attached to the record too. I logged this case with Salesforce and they said the only way is to build this Via a Trigger.
Would appreciate if someone could help me please build this.

please see screenshot below. at the moment we have to do this manually to make them see the  files attached to that record once

I am currently having an issue, we have a custom object in salesforce named Applications. I deally when that records gets created, it gets created with Files attached to the record. Then someone internally would manually change the owner of that record to a community plus user to have ownership of that record. the issue here is, once the record owner is changed the community plus user will have access to the record as the sharing model of the object is private. the issue is that even though the record owner is owned by a community plus user they do not have access to view the files attached to that record, because i am the owner of the file and the "customer access" is not checked automatically when the record owner is changed to that community user, there will be times when the Application record will be owned by an internal user and they will have access to view the files attached to the record,. but when the record is created  by an internal person and also when an internal perosn attach a file against the record , a community user wont have access to the files even if we make them the record owner. What i am trying to build is when the application record owner is changed to a community plus user or a community user, as they do have access to the record make them see the files attached to the record too. I logged this case with Salesforce and they said the only way is to build this Via a Trigger.
Would appreciate if someone could help me please build this.

please see screenshot below. at the moment we have to do this manually to make them see the  files attached to that record once the ower is changed to themUser-added image
Hi i have been given a task at work which requires me coding with apex trigger
Please see below:

The Request:
“We need a notification to be sent to the fraud department whenever an attachment gets edited on the Account record. Please can you set this up?”
 I would suggest keeping the following in mind when you approach this scenario;
The task looks straight forward. I have created a checkbox that will return true if an attachment have been uploaded on the account record, later on i will create a workflow that if the checkbox ticked = TRUE, send email to the users. 
I have start to code this but i keep top get error such as:

trigger Attachmentchangenotif on Account (before update, before insert) {

/**    for(Account c: trigger.new){
   If  (label.attachments ==  True)

That is just thebit i know. I have created a checkbox called attachment trigger. 

I need help please

The Requirement
As a Sales Rep I would like an email to be sent to my Manager (in this case the user in step 2) whenever
the Amount on Advertising Revenue goes OVER the predefined threshold. Advertising Revenue is made
up of one or more Advertising Slots. The Advertising Revenue Amount is obtained by aggregating the
amounts of all Advertising Slots linked to that Advertising Revenue. I should also be able to add multiple
Advertising Slots (in one transaction) to Salesforce using a simple repeatable process (see CSV provided).
● Use configuration ONLY for the entire exercise, no Triggers, Apex or Visualforce please
● Do NOT use any Salesforce standard objects
Conditions of Satisfaction
1. A new Developer Org is required
a. Your username for this Org should follow this pattern
i. <yourfirstname>.<yourlastname>.<HHDDMMYYYY>@ftadmintest.com
ii. Taking the example above “Gareth Joseph David Macintosh” would be
2. Create a new System Administrator user with the following credentials to be used to review the
test results and make this available to Franco
a. username : <yourfirstname>.<yourlastname>.franco.botti@ftadmintest.com
b. name : Franco Botti
c. email : franco.botti@ft.com
d. profile : System Administrator
3. Threshold = £50,000
4. The email should contain the aggregated amount of all slots and the first and last names of the
Sales Rep
5. Advertising Revenue = “Rolex 2016 Q4”
6. Use the CSV file provided to add Advertising Slots to the “Rolex 2016 Q4” Advertising Revenue
record - do this by using one of the out of the box Salesforce utilities
An email should be sent to the user created in step 2 (i.e. myself) when the threshold is surpassed
Create a new Solution record and add the following to it for review
1. Document the approach you took to implement your solution (in detail for all steps)
2. Describe at a high level a different way to implement this requirement
Trigger for tick "customer access" by defaulton Files

I am currently having an issue, we have a custom object in salesforce named Applications. I deally when that records gets created, it gets created with Files attached to the record. Then someone internally would manually change the owner of that record to a community plus user to have ownership of that record. the issue here is, once the record owner is changed the community plus user will have access to the record as the sharing model of the object is private. the issue is that even though the record owner is owned by a community plus user they do not have access to view the files attached to that record, because i am the owner of the file and the "customer access" is not checked automatically when the record owner is changed to that community user, there will be times when the Application record will be owned by an internal user and they will have access to view the files attached to the record,. but when the record is created  by an internal person and also when an internal perosn attach a file against the record , a community user wont have access to the files even if we make them the record owner. What i am trying to build is when the application record owner is changed to a community plus user or a community user, as they do have access to the record make them see the files attached to the record too. I logged this case with Salesforce and they said the only way is to build this Via a Trigger.
Would appreciate if someone could help me please build this.

please see screenshot below. at the moment we have to do this manually to make them see the  files attached to that record once
Hi i have been given a task at work which requires me coding with apex trigger
Please see below:

The Request:
“We need a notification to be sent to the fraud department whenever an attachment gets edited on the Account record. Please can you set this up?”
 I would suggest keeping the following in mind when you approach this scenario;
The task looks straight forward. I have created a checkbox that will return true if an attachment have been uploaded on the account record, later on i will create a workflow that if the checkbox ticked = TRUE, send email to the users. 
I have start to code this but i keep top get error such as:

trigger Attachmentchangenotif on Account (before update, before insert) {

/**    for(Account c: trigger.new){
   If  (label.attachments ==  True)

That is just thebit i know. I have created a checkbox called attachment trigger. 

I need help please

Hi All,

In a child object I want to have a forumla field that should display the selected mult-picklist values present in the parent object.


How can I do it? I am not able to use the merge field directly or using any of the available functions including text()



Thanks in advance
