• SaahilLakhani
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Hi All,

I have two datasets: Quota and Opportunities. I want to show my sales team how far they still have to go to reach their quota. I have created a static step with Quota Levels to filter out Quotas from the Quota dataset. I want my widget to respond by filtering out the relevant quota when I select a quota level, but I cant seem to get this working.
This is my static step:
"Quota_Level_1": {
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "CFO",
                        "value": "CFO"
                        "display": "Sales Director",
                        "value": "Sales Director"
                        "display": "Account Executive",
                        "value": "Account Executive"
This is the step to create the gauge widget:
"all_1": {
                "datasets": [
                        "id": "0Fb0P00000005nuSAA",
                        "label": "User Allocation",
                        "name": "quota1",
                        "url": "/services/data/v39.0/wave/datasets/0Fb0P00000005nuSAA"
                        "id": "0Fb0P00000005nsSAA",
                        "label": "Opportunities",
                        "name": "opportunity1",
                        "url": "/services/data/v39.0/wave/datasets/0Fb0P00000005nsSAA"
                "isFacet": true,
                "isGlobal": false,
                "query": {
                    "pigql": "q = load \"quota1\";\nq = filter q by {{cell(timeperiod_list.selection, 0, \"current\").asDateRange(\"date('StartDate_Year', 'StartDate_Month', 'StartDate_Day')\")}};\nr = load \"opportunity1\";\nr = filter r by {{cell(timeperiod_list.selection, 0, \"current\").asDateRange(\"date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day')\")}};\nr = filter r by 'IsWon' == \"true\";\nr = filter r by 'IsClosed' == \"true\";\nq = group q by all, r by all;\nq = foreach q generate sum(r.Total_Annual_Amount__c)/sum(q.QuotaAmount)*100 as 'sum_QuotaAttainment';\nq = limit q 2000;",
                    "measures": [
                    "measuresMap": {
                        "sum_QuotaAttainment": [
                    "groups": []
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "aggregateflex",
                "useGlobal": true,
                "visualizationParameters": {
                    "options": {}
User-added image

Any ideas on how to get this working?
Is anyone having an issue whereby number widgets on the Salesforce Wave mobile app do not display their titles at all? I believe this is a bug with the app but just raising the issue here to see if others are having the same experience. 


I'm looking to results bind a value to be the start value of a different step - does anybody know the correct binding syntax for this. This is what I have so far and this throws an error in the step:

"start": "{{column(gCRM_Default_GCJ_Acc_1.result, [\"gCRM_Default_GCJ_Account__c\"]).asString()}}"

gCRM_Default_GCJ_Acc_1 is the step I want to get the result from and gCRM_Default_GCJ_Account__c is the field name in that initial step.



Does anybody know how to display a number as a percentage when calculating a number using SAQL in a Wave step? I have use the results of a couple of steps to caculate a perfentage and am getting a display result as a decimal (0.76037622347 for example) but I would like to format this to a percentage.


Can anyone help me with a bit of SAQL - basically I need to know the number of days since the start of the fiscal year and I want this to be dynamic (i.e I dont want to hardcode the year in). I have this hardcoded for now which works:

"formula": "daysBetween(toDate(\"2016-06-01\", \"yyyy-MM-dd\"), now())",

I'm not sure how to use things like 'current fiscal year' in this sort of context so any help would be great.


Does anybody know how to display a number as a percentage when calculating a number using SAQL in a Wave step? I have use the results of a couple of steps to caculate a perfentage and am getting a display result as a decimal (0.76037622347 for example) but I would like to format this to a percentage.


Does anybody know how to display a number as a percentage when calculating a number using SAQL in a Wave step? I have use the results of a couple of steps to caculate a perfentage and am getting a display result as a decimal (0.76037622347 for example) but I would like to format this to a percentage.

Can some one please help me in creating a toggle in WAVE to my dashboard. I could not find any proper link for " How to add toggle to the dashboard in WAVE analytics?". Please help me in this regard.Thank you in advance.
Hi All,

I have two datasets: Quota and Opportunities. I want to show my sales team how far they still have to go to reach their quota. I have created a static step with Quota Levels to filter out Quotas from the Quota dataset. I want my widget to respond by filtering out the relevant quota when I select a quota level, but I cant seem to get this working.
This is my static step:
"Quota_Level_1": {
                "type": "staticflex",
                "values": [
                        "display": "CFO",
                        "value": "CFO"
                        "display": "Sales Director",
                        "value": "Sales Director"
                        "display": "Account Executive",
                        "value": "Account Executive"
This is the step to create the gauge widget:
"all_1": {
                "datasets": [
                        "id": "0Fb0P00000005nuSAA",
                        "label": "User Allocation",
                        "name": "quota1",
                        "url": "/services/data/v39.0/wave/datasets/0Fb0P00000005nuSAA"
                        "id": "0Fb0P00000005nsSAA",
                        "label": "Opportunities",
                        "name": "opportunity1",
                        "url": "/services/data/v39.0/wave/datasets/0Fb0P00000005nsSAA"
                "isFacet": true,
                "isGlobal": false,
                "query": {
                    "pigql": "q = load \"quota1\";\nq = filter q by {{cell(timeperiod_list.selection, 0, \"current\").asDateRange(\"date('StartDate_Year', 'StartDate_Month', 'StartDate_Day')\")}};\nr = load \"opportunity1\";\nr = filter r by {{cell(timeperiod_list.selection, 0, \"current\").asDateRange(\"date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', 'CloseDate_Day')\")}};\nr = filter r by 'IsWon' == \"true\";\nr = filter r by 'IsClosed' == \"true\";\nq = group q by all, r by all;\nq = foreach q generate sum(r.Total_Annual_Amount__c)/sum(q.QuotaAmount)*100 as 'sum_QuotaAttainment';\nq = limit q 2000;",
                    "measures": [
                    "measuresMap": {
                        "sum_QuotaAttainment": [
                    "groups": []
                "selectMode": "single",
                "type": "aggregateflex",
                "useGlobal": true,
                "visualizationParameters": {
                    "options": {}
User-added image

Any ideas on how to get this working?
Hi Guys,
    This question is related to Wave Analytics. My source is a CSV file and in the file there is a number field which may have null value also.
      is there any way I can insert null value to a number field in a dataset ?  I am trying the below format in the metadata json but getting "Numeric field [Value] in object [File_Testing_csv] must have a default value.: Metadata JSON " error.
                    "fullyQualifiedName": "Value",
                    "name": "Value",
                    "type": "Numeric",
                    "label": "Value",
                    "precision": 18,
                    "scale": 5

Sitansu Pradhan