• Gina Garcia
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I am having difficulty to log in to Cvent API. I am always getting "Access is denied." Could you please share your code in logging in to Cvent API? Many thanks.
Hello guys, 
Below are parts of my apex class and test class.
This method is part of apex class that  is not covered.

Apex method class :

public List<Opportunity> getAccountOppList()
        accountOppList = [SELECT id, Name, Donor_Name__c, Donor_Name_Id__c, CloseDate, Campaign_Fund__c, Amount, Type, Parent_Campaign__c, Gift_Method__c
            FROM Opportunity WHERE (ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed') AND (Account.id = :account.id OR Soft_Credit_Account__r.id = :account.id 
            OR Matched_Donor_Account__r.id = :account.id) ORDER BY Closedate DESC];
        return accountOppList;

Part of Test class :
 List<Opportunity> accountOppList = New List<Opportunity>();
       accountOppList = [SELECT id, Name, Donor_Name__c, Donor_Name_Id__c, CloseDate, Campaign_Fund__c, Amount, Type, Parent_Campaign__c, Gift_Method__c
            FROM Opportunity WHERE (ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed') AND (Account.id = :accid OR Soft_Credit_Account__r.id = :accid 
            OR Matched_Donor_Account__r.id = :accid) ORDER BY Closedate DESC];

Please let me know what do I need to add in the test class to increase the code coverage. 

Many thanks, 
Hello All,
       Have you tried updating Opportunity Split through trigger ?  How did you do that? Thanks.
Hello guys, 
Below are parts of my apex class and test class.
This method is part of apex class that  is not covered.

Apex method class :

public List<Opportunity> getAccountOppList()
        accountOppList = [SELECT id, Name, Donor_Name__c, Donor_Name_Id__c, CloseDate, Campaign_Fund__c, Amount, Type, Parent_Campaign__c, Gift_Method__c
            FROM Opportunity WHERE (ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed') AND (Account.id = :account.id OR Soft_Credit_Account__r.id = :account.id 
            OR Matched_Donor_Account__r.id = :account.id) ORDER BY Closedate DESC];
        return accountOppList;

Part of Test class :
 List<Opportunity> accountOppList = New List<Opportunity>();
       accountOppList = [SELECT id, Name, Donor_Name__c, Donor_Name_Id__c, CloseDate, Campaign_Fund__c, Amount, Type, Parent_Campaign__c, Gift_Method__c
            FROM Opportunity WHERE (ForecastCategoryName = 'Closed') AND (Account.id = :accid OR Soft_Credit_Account__r.id = :accid 
            OR Matched_Donor_Account__r.id = :accid) ORDER BY Closedate DESC];

Please let me know what do I need to add in the test class to increase the code coverage. 

Many thanks, 
Hello All,
       Have you tried updating Opportunity Split through trigger ?  How did you do that? Thanks.
Is there a way so that when certain opportunities are created, the opportunity team and splits are automatically added?
We are trying to update revenue splits using SOAP API from external system. We have a sync running between Opportunity to another record in external system. When the data gets updated in external system we need to update the opportunity revenue splits in salesforce but we are getting errors because Salesforce has a validation on the Revenue splits that the total of their contributions should be 100%. Consider a scenario that there are two Revenue splits on the opportunity where Opportunity Owner being 70% and other user being 30% and this data gets reflected to the external system. Lets say they remove the other user with 30% contribution and add another user for same contribution in the external system and we need to sync this data to Opportunity. We cant use upsert here since it would be 130% contribution on SF side and it would throw an error. So, basically how do update splits satisfying 100% contribution criteria. 

Has anyone experience troubled with the cvent integrations that would cause attendee number to calculate incorrectly or be overwritten with a wrong number?


Thanks in Advance


  • July 12, 2013
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I am getting an error when I try to do a webservice callout to cvent.  I am using the SOAP1.1 wsdl


11:31:10.147 (1147039000)|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[877]|System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://schemas.cvent.com/api/2006-11=LoginResult
11:31:10.147 (1147193000)|METHOD_EXIT|[18]|01pW00000008dg0|apiCventCom200611.V200611Soap.Login(String, String, String)
11:31:10.147 (1147211000)|CONSTRUCTOR_EXIT|[1]|01pW00000008di6|<init>()
11:31:10.147 (1147280000)|FATAL_ERROR|System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://schemas.cvent.com/api/2006-11=LoginResult


public apiCventCom200611.V200611Soap cv = new apiCventCom200611.V200611Soap();
    public ImportUserSurvey() {
         schemasCventComApi200611.LoginResult LoginResult = cv.Login(account, username, password);
         //assign login object to session
          cv.CventSessionHeaderValue = new cv.CventSessionHeader();
          cv.CventSessionHeaderValue.CventSessionValue = loginResult.CventSessionHeader;              



if anybody knows abt cvent integration...howz it and how it is useful for salesforce ..to sync contacts..


thank you