• Gowri Rao
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I am getting an error despite doing everything given in the challenge. I have deleted and created new lense. I have tried different combinations and among other things i tried to pass this challenge. Can anyone please help.. here are the screenshots of the challenge and of what i have done.User-added image
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Hi there, can anyone help with the trail head challenge I am stuck with? I have tried all the solutions given in the forum. 

My problem is, even when there is a notification, I am getting this error. I have double checked the name i am giving the notification, the amount and other checks that have been given in the challenge. I have tried creating and deleting this notification several times with different time for notifying. I received an email only twice and the notification sign on the DE showed a notification twice only. I am getting the an error even when there is a notification. Any help from you is highly appreciated. Thanks for your time and patience. User-added image
I am getting an error despite doing everything given in the challenge. I have deleted and created new lense. I have tried different combinations and among other things i tried to pass this challenge. Can anyone please help.. here are the screenshots of the challenge and of what i have done.User-added image
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Hi there, can anyone help with the trail head challenge I am stuck with? I have tried all the solutions given in the forum. 

My problem is, even when there is a notification, I am getting this error. I have double checked the name i am giving the notification, the amount and other checks that have been given in the challenge. I have tried creating and deleting this notification several times with different time for notifying. I received an email only twice and the notification sign on the DE showed a notification twice only. I am getting the an error even when there is a notification. Any help from you is highly appreciated. Thanks for your time and patience. User-added image
I have created the notification but still getting the challenge not completed error.

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