• Patricia Woods
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  • Member since 2017

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Hi all,
The question is
Install an AppExchange dashboard package and make updates to one of the dashboards.
You’ve been asked to create a new Lead trending dashboard. Rather than creating the dashboard from scratch, install a CRM adoption dashboard package from the AppExchange into your Developer Edition environment and update one of the dashboard components as specified below. (Note: While it's a best practice to always clone a dashboard before you modify it, for this example, you can go ahead and modify the dashboard directly).
Install Salesforce Adoption Dashboards from the AppExchange into your Developer Edition.
Refresh the '3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption' dashboard in the 'Salesforce Adoption Dashboards' folder at least once.
In '3 - Sales & Marketing Adoption' dashboard, change the dashboard component for 'New LEAD Trend by Source' to a pie chart and set the wedges to Lead Source.

The thing that I did:
User-added image

The Error I am getting:
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'LEAD Trend by Source' dashboard component is not a pie chart.

With Regards,

Below is my challenge from navigating buttons and links module.

Add a custom button to a contact.
To pass this challenge, create a custom button which opens a link to 'http://google.com/#q=<CONTACT NAME>' - where <CONTACT NAME> is the current contact's name. Then add this button to the default 'Contact Layout'.The custom button must be named 'Google Info'.
The custom button must dynamically insert the contact's name using the appropriate merge field.
The custom button must be added to the 'Contact Layout' page layout.

I hvae done everything , and if I click the button also showing google page with the account holder name.But still getting the below error message.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Google Info' custom button was not found. Hint: Make sure that it is a Detail Page Button (not link) and that its added to the page layout.

Yesterday also for one challenge initially it gave error, later I refreshed and check challenge again it was fine.Not sure what is wrong in above case.

I'm working on the "Reports & Dashboards" > "Sharing and Notifications" module of the admin beginner trail.  I'm stuck at this step because the hover menu they reference isn't available:  "Hover over a component to display the Hover menu icon for dashboard components menu."

I did go to Reports and Dashboard Settings and select the "Enable Dashboard Component Snapshots" checkbox, and clicked Save.

Any ideas?
