• Larry Burgess 5
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I'm working /through the Smart Data Discovey Basics in Trailhead.  In the Import Data exercise, the step below is causing IE to crash.  Any suggestions

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I'm working /through the Smart Data Discovey Basics in Trailhead.  In the Import Data exercise, the step below is causing IE to crash.  Any suggestions

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I am getting the above error on the challenge.  Here's what my query looks like.

q = load "0Fb46000000CamaCAC/0Fc46000000CeOsCAK";
q = filter q by 'Closed' == "false";
q = group q by ('Close_Date_Year', 'Close_Date_Month', 'Forecast_Category');
q = foreach q generate 'Close_Date_Year' + "~~~" + 'Close_Date_Month' as 'Close_Date_Year~~~Close_Date_Month', 'Forecast_Category' as 'Forecast_Category', sum('Column1') as 'sum_Column1';
q = order q by ('Close_Date_Year~~~Close_Date_Month' asc, 'Forecast_Category' asc);
q = limit q 2000;

Here's how it is saved.
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What's the issue?

Hello everyone, I'm getting confused on this module for the mobile section... the directions state to build the lens as follows:
  • Dataset: DTC Opportunity
  • Add Group: Opportunity Owner
  • Change Measure: Count of Rows to Sum of Amount
  • Sort by: Dsc (Descending)
  • Filter by: Industry Equals Engineering
  • Filter by: Won Equals True
  • Chart Type: Horizontal Bar
  • Lens Name: Top Engineering Sales
  • App: My Exploration
I have my criteria setup as follows:

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I am just not sure where I am going wrong!  I've tried deleting it and reconstructing it, but every time I get the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Top Engineering Sales' lens does not appear to have the correct query. Please check the requirements and ensure everything is setup correctly."

Any help would be appreciated!